Thursday, May 21, 2015



This entry, does have to do, and with speak of Theonomy. For what in all, is Theonomy said to be, and what Significance/Importance in all again, does it play and in speak and of Africa and as it is that is? Theonomy in all, is based on the very belief that, God in all, and in Perception too, should in all even be allowed, and to rule over, just about every arena or facet and of our very lives too that is [or speak too, and of society, and as said Secular, and not Popular or Non-Secular too that is]. All this too, said now, and in regards to the very belief by many, that African lives in all, are truly defined and by the search for Autonomy or Independence too, and as versus speak of African Government and in itself too for instance.

That in attempting to explain all this clearly, is to now attempt to speak, and of Man, and in his said in all, relationship that is, and with God too. That the said here in all, Adventure of Man so to speak, and on this very Earth, and in speak too of Evolution that is, can be said accompanied and by beliefs in all, and of God, and as said Impartial too, and to Mans ways/manners that is. That God in all, is simply in all even believed an observer, and in regards to Man and as said surviving on his own, and that should Man fall/fail in his ways in all again, he does in all even have the option so to say, and in consulting God, and in regards and to speak, and of what to simply do. This in all, does speak too, and of the very roots of Theonomy, and if not speak too, and of what does underlie it all that is.

In having said that, that Theonomy in all, does speak too, and of the very rise of Civilization on Earth, and of Man too, and as simply asked to create, said even, highly Logical Frameworks in all, and in speak too of Constitution that is, and that do in all even refer or speak too and of his said relationship, and with God too that is [and something in all again, and that does in all even refer to God, and as said Heralding over our lives, and as versus speak and of his now said Leading our very lives, or of our said Abiding, and to his Decree too that is]. 

In saying that, Africans in all, do not abide in all again, and to lives lived too, and in speak of Theonomy that is, is to in all even now refer, and to speak and of what Autonomy or Independence is simply said to be that is. That it in all, now does speak and of the strangest of situations in all again, and in speak now and of the World we do live in today, and as probably not said as Logical, and as the old World was that is [for Constitution in itself, and as versus speak of Democracy too, does actually speak of the old World that is]. 

In helping one understand all this better, speak now too and of Democracy that is, and as said to refer, and to the very world in all and so to speak, and of Humans, and as said in all even simply Abhorrent/Detestful, and of just simply whom/who in all, they are said to be that is [or basic speak here, and of those said Beautiful/Attractive, and of those said Non-Attractive too that is]. That to be Human, is simply said to speak of being Weak, Feeble, Foolish, Stupid, Ungrateful, Unrepentant etc., and in speak now and of those who in all, do wish to be anything, and other than what they are that is. In all, speak and of those who would truly hate, being Human in all, and in speak too now of the Inhuman, and as said to speak too of the Human, and as truly said Irrational, and not Unreasonable truly either that is. That in all again, what we are referring to here, does speak in all too, and of the very rise and of the Worshiping in all, and of Angels for instance, and if not in speak too of Ghosts, or of Oracles too, and that do in all even speak and of the Sensational, the Libidinal, the Visceral/Ephemeral, and if not of the Subliminal too that is. That hopefully, what is been said here is understood, that Man, and as simply said hating whom/who in all, he is, and as said Human too, now does develop Religion in all, highly Communications oriented, and that does in all even speak of his primarily in all, communicating, and with Angels for instance, and in his bid, to very much be like an Angel in all [hopefully again, this is all understood, and in speak of a World/Religion, and that does associate Angels, and with speak too of Beasts that is]. There are those though, and in speak of the Visceral/Ephemeral too, and who do in all even associate Disaster/Catastrophe in all, and with speak too of Ghosts that is [and as versus speak too of Discipline in all]. Finally, speak now too, and of those Oracles in all, and that do in all even associate being Human in all, and with speak of Negation, and as versus speak now, and of the Rational that is. In all, and hopefully too, all that has been said here is understood, and in now saying that, most do in all even associate the World and as it is, and with speak of Theonomy, and of God and in Constitution too, while in all, it does very much appear, that most do live in a World, and that does have to it aspirations, and that do in all even speak of Communications, and that can be said even and to refer directly in all, and to speak too of Angels that is.