Sunday, May 31, 2015



and Counter 'Nairo'.

Catholic Identity

Catholic Identity.

What is there to wish for? What is there to wait for, and in speak of tonight too? This in all, is the very question put out, and to those in Counter 'Nairo', and not in regards to speak of the Future that is, but in all truly, why they do in all, Repeatedly, do anything that is. This is asked, and in speak too now, and of our said even, seeking to define life in all, and in speak of Repetition, and not in speak either truly, and of the Recurrent, the Cyclical, the Periodic, the Regular, the Frequent etc.

In attempting to make all this too clear, is to now speak too, and of the above said, the Recurrent, the Cyclical etc., and as said in all even to define society today, and in speak too of Economic life in itself that is. That for many a society today, and if not Country too, the very use of the said Per Capita Analysis (and in speak too now, of GDP / GNP that is), is said used, to describe the above, the Periodic etc., and in speak too now, and of society in all, and as said described that is, and in speak now truly, and of the Masses that is. In different times, earlier times, before they did in all even invent the Car that is, society in all, did too, actually speak and of what they do term the Demographic that is. That the Demographic, and from an Asian perspective too, is said to speak now of Caste, but in speak now of the United States of America, speak now too, and of the Black Power, Black Liberation, and even Black Separatist Movements that is.

There is another manner though, and of in all viewing society that is, and that is in all even said Egyptian too. For it does in all even speak and of what they do term Class Systems that is (and in speak too now, and of Minority Rights in the United States of America too for instance), and that is in all even said believed truly defined, and by the very word/term of Discrimination too that is. In saying though, that the History of Catholicism in all, is in all even somewhat said African too, and in speak too that is, and of Feudalism, is to in all even say that, society, and as said in all even defined, and in speak of Stratification that is, is believed said even, African in its ways truly, and in further speak too of the Civil Rights Movement, and in the United States of America too that is.

In saying that, Kenya today, is more or less defined truly, and by speak of the Demographic, is to now, introduce to one, what they do term Catholic Identity, and as said an Identity too, and in speak of History that is, and that has always attempted, to in all even escape, the above said that is. In all, it all said to speak now, and of truly attempting to define oneself, and in speak of Motivators ('Nairo'), Indicators (Counter 'Nairo'), and if not of Factors in themselves, unique too that is [Anatolia]. In all, for those who have in all even truly attempted, to escape, Repetitive patterns in their lives, and those too, which they don't care to know too much of, speak now perhaps, and of Catholic Identity that is, and of our seeking to do many a thing too, differently, and which does in all even lead, to many said even open opportunity too that is.

The Bible

The Bible.

The Water Margin

The Water Margin.

This post, will have to do, and with speak, and of what does too, pass for a Sole Identity that is. That most are said not understanding and of the World and as it is today, and in further speak too, and of where it is all, simply said going that is. That in understanding what is been said here, is to know History, and as said Egyptian, and Greek too that is.

That in many a way truly, it can be said, that History in all, and in speak too of the Evolutionary, can in all even be said, to come down in all, and to speak too, and of the very term/word of Intricate that is. That hopefully, this is understood, and in now associating Evolution in itself, and with the Intricate too, and that does in all even now associate Human Achievement that is, and with speak of the Grueling for instance. In saying that, Evolution does in all even speak or point at the Intricate, is to in all even hint at the very possibility, that it does in all even come to an end that is. Something in all, and that does make for sense now, and in speak too and of our said defining, and of what the Grueling, is simply said to be that is.

In saying that, the World today, does not have any said Significant/Important trend to it all, is to now too perhaps, speak of it all even said defined, and in a manner in all, and that does speak too of Egyptian History, and in further speak too and of the very term/word of Supremacy that is. That Success in the very least today, is in all even defined, and in terms in all, and that do in all again, Hint truly at, speak of Supremacy in itself that is, and as with it all even said referring, and to the Intricate that is. In speak too though, and of Egyptian History, and as said influencing many another region of the World, is to now associate Egypt in itself, and with speak too of Sacred Mysteries (and something not recognized today in all, and as said valid in its ways that is), but sin peak too of Greece, speak now of Philosophy, Italy and Tradition, Europe and with speak of the Ethno (graphy), Africa and Belief/Opinion, and in speak of Asia in all, speak now too of Belief Systems that is. In all, the World today and as said Egyptian that is, now does in all even define Success, and in  manner in all, and that does speak of the Ethno that is, and if not of Supremacy too.

This post in all, does in all even truly support, the very notion that, Success that is, can best be simply said Greek in all. That Greek History, now does offer to one, the very best of manners in all, and of simply viewing where the World today, could be said headed too that is. A manner in all, and that does call for one, to very much in all even, define Success and in their very own right too, and in speak too now of the Intricate, and as said defined truly, and in speak only, and of only one term/word that is: Argument. That in speak of History and Evolution and as viewed as such, in speak of Argument, and as said Intricate too, speak now of it all said Greek too, and in speak now and of life, and as viewed from speak of the very term of Wrestle for instance (Egypt), or in speak too of Combat (Greece), speak now too of Battle (Italy), speak now again, and of the Fight (Africa), and if not in speak too now of France/Europe in itself, and of Moors too, and of the very word of Duel that is. That life now, and in continuity too, is in all even perceived, and in speak of the Argument in itself, in speak too of the Intricate, and of the said even struggle in all, and of proving oneself right that is. However, in saying that, Greek History, is known to very much in all, extend, and into Asia, is to say that, it is believed said or known, that the Greeks in Asia, did in all even help spur or give rise too, and to Asian Civilization in itself, but what is not actually known, is what in all again, they did in all even maintain so to speak, and as said Argument, and if not 'Contest' too that is.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Initiate

The Initiate.

the Techpreneur

the Techpreneur.

There are those, and in Counter 'Nairo' too, and who might have heard, and of the said designation in all, and of the Tech/Techno-preneur that is. For the said here world of the Techpreneur in all, is believed said far more influential in our lives today, and as compared that is, and to speak too of Government in all. In helping one better understand all this, is to first and foremost in all, speak now too, and of Seven Seas Technologies in Kenya/Nairobi, and as said a Business Outfit, and that does speak too of the Techpreneur, and as said even offering varying, Business Solutions in all, and that do call for, the said application in all, and of varying forms of technology that is, and in helping solve just about any problem that is. In all, and as said here too serving for a reminder of a kind, the said world of the Techpreneur, now too, often associated, and with speak of the Private Economy Sectors, and as versus those said Public and Government too that is.

The reason though, and of why the very idea of a Tech/Techno-preneur, is simply said even alluring to most, does in all even have to do, and with the very manner in all, such said folk, do view life that is. The very belief that Government in all, is now said increasingly, becoming irrelevant, and to the very world too of the Techpreneur, now too, does not only speak of said Identity, and as created and in speak too of 'Cool' for instance, but that in all again, Government today, does in all even attempt to define many a person, and in speak too of Objective, and as said too Economic, Communal, Historical, Regional etc., but away, and from that said Individual too that is.

The very world of the Tech/Techno-preneur though, is believed far more realistic, and to our said Needs that is (and in defining them too), for it does in all even simply claim that, most in the World today, can in all even, be simply said perceived in all, and if not defined too, and in speak only of one term/word that is: Endeavour. That all of us, and at any said Moment too, and with the Moment in itself, simply said to define us too, and as said Active, or Inactive that is, does in all even truly speak, and of us all, and as simply said defined, and in speak of the said here sole/solitary in all, term/word, and of Endeavour too that is. 

The very world though and so to say, and of Endeavor, is not what it appears to be, for it can in all even be said to speak, and of the very rise, and of the Military Machine that is. The very belief that, the very world of the Endeavour, and as said now truly merging or meshing, and with that, and of the Tech/Techno-preneur too, now too, does not only speak of a World, and interestingly enough, said decentralized in its ways, and if not in diversification too, for it does in all even speak and of the manufacturing in all, and of Military Equipment for instance, and as said subcontracted or contracted too in all, and to many a small Independent Firm that is. 

Many too though, have heard and of the said descriptor/definer in all, and of the Knowledge driven Economy that is. That the Knowledge driven Economy, does in all even differ, and from that of the Techpreneur, for the latter in all, does in all even find a home, and in Central Asia, and with the former, finding a home, and in Japan truly that is. For the Knowledge-driven Economy in all, now does in all even speak of Humans, and as said Knowledge driven beings in their ways/manners that is, and who are in all even simply said defined too, and by what some do term Content that is. That hopefully, this is understood, and in speak too and of what does pass for a Japanese Psychology that is, that Content, Media too, can in all even be simply said to act as a Stimulus, or Trigger too, and by which, one Act does in all even, it is said here follow another, and in speak too now, and of the Human, and as said even fundamentally, and if not primarily too, defined, and in speak now truly, and of Passivity in itself that is. In many a way, the said goal of the Knowledge driven Economy that is, and in speak too of the Individual, now does too, speak of one, and as said even, a Media Personality, Media Persona, or even and as said possessing a Media Profile that is, and in speak now, and of what Success, is believed said to embody that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and in speak now of one, and as defining themselves truly, and in speak only of Content that is. Content too, and that does in all even associate, the Intellect, and with Media Layouts/Formats that is, and if not in speak too of Intelligence, and as said defined, and in speak of Media Critics/Analysts/Pundits that is. In all, Japan, and as said holding the very aspiration, and of its said being, the World's first Knowledge driven Economy that is, and a way of living, believed said to be of interest to some and in speak too of Counter 'Nairo' that is, and as with it all even said to speak of the very work by Haruki Murakami that is, and of 1Q84, and a work too, that could be said found, and in the Books section, and of ones Local Nakumatt too that is.

the Japan Information & Cultural Center.
The Embassy of Japan in Kenya.

Friday, May 29, 2015



This post, does in all even have to do, and with speak now of Vic., and if not of Bik too and over and away and in 'Nairo' that is, and in now attempting to ask in all, and if and if not, life, does continue to matter, and not, if life, does actually matter. That life, is simply said here, an ongoing situation that is, and one too, and that does in all even speak, and of associating life in itself, and with speak too now, and of a Psychology, often said Black too, and that does speak now, and of the Grandiose, Aggrandization, and if not of Entitlement too that is. That this does in all even speak of the said ongoing Political situation in Kenya today, and in speak now, and of the said best manner in all, and of simply viewing life that is.

That America in all, and today too, is believed said to still to possess to it, a Psychology, and that does in all even speak of Instinct, Aim, Goals, Ambition, Motive etc., and which does in all make for all the excitement in life, and in Success or Failure too that is.

Romanesque on the otherhand though, can in the very least, be said a term too, Italian too perhaps, and that does associate life in itself, directly too, and with speak too of Doubt that is [and not of Narcissism truly either]. That Doubt in all, and to Vic. and Bik too that is, could be said a better manner in all, and of viewing life, and as compared in all again, and to that which does speak of Instinct in itself, or that too said Black, and in further speak of issues/matters in all, and as pertaining to speak of Entitlement, and in speak too of Fairness in itself that is. That what is been said here Vic., is that, you might in all even truly consider, moving to Saudia Arabia (and not the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia truly either), and in speak too now of Bik, and as said moving to Oman, and with I or Me on the otherhand, now said moving, and to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Probably in all, such moves, said to speak of Doubt in itself, but in saying that, the future does not bode well for most out there (a belief held by some), is to now say too, it actually does not bode well, and for all (a belief held by few), and if not for any of us that is (a belief held by many). However, who is to say what the future does hold, but in saying that, Doubt, does conquer all, is to not in the very least speak the truth, for in overcoming Doubt, is to now say it all too a moment, and one too, not to waste either that is. And thats it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015



The very said word/term of Adabu, is known to most, and who do in all even it is said here, speak Kiswahili that is. For Adabu though, is actually asid a Swahili word/term in all, and that does in all even, refer, and to speak of Behaviour in itself that is, but Behaviour too, simply said in all even, Contextual or Circumstantial in its ways that is, in that, it does in all even ask of one, and of what is simply said appropriate Behaviour in all, and at any said moment or place too that is.

In saying too that, the very rise of said now Stable society, and in Kenya, can truly be associated and with speak of Adabu, is to now too, speak and of the demise, and of said Civil society in all, and in said now Post-Colonial Kenya too that is. That in helping one truly trace or see it all, Adabu, and as said of significance in all, and in creating Stable society in Kenya that is, it all now does speak too, and of Victorian/Colonial Kenya, and where Adabu in all, was said truly implemented that is, and by speak of famed Kenyan Colonial Explorers that is, and such as Livingstone too for instance.

Kenya, and in speak now and of the night before Independence did in all come that is, now does see to it, Adabu in all, and as said going along and with speak too of Indian/Asian Culture in all, that said Sikh too, and in Kenya that is. In all, it can be said here that, Adabu, is simply whom/who in all one is, and when in all again, life has in all even failed in its ways that is (and for those who do believe in such things), and such that, the only thing that is left to ones name, is not the little Money one does possess it can be said, but in all again, speak now truly, and of Adabu, and the very belief that, Luck, might very well be said around the corner that is. In all, often termed Indians in Kenya, now and in all again, creating a said wonderful memory of Kenya in itself that is, and one too and that did speak too of the Safari Rally, and in further speak too, and of what is believed said to pass for Adabu, and in further speak too of the Entrepreneurial/Business Class in all, and in Kenya too that is.

By the late 80's though, Kenya's fate had changed in its ways truly, and such that, Kenya and in speak of Adabu, is now truly said associated in all, and with speak of Alcoholism in itself (a problem too, said in all even Colonial in its ways), and if not in speak too now, and of the Kikuyu and Luo peoples of Kenya that is, and as now said truly associated, and with speak of Adabu, and that did too, speak of Looters for instance, and if not of Adulterers too that is [with the latter though, still in all even said somewhat Colonial in its ways too that is]. However, while this does speak in all, and of the said Social Ills in all, and that do face Kenya, Adabu though, and as said a Swahili word/term in all, does not bode well for the Swahili though, for it is Swahili Culture in Kenya, and that is in all even said associated truly, and with speak too of Mindless partying in Kenya that is.

In now saying that, Kenya's interactions in all, and with the Middle East, do have to do, and with speak of Adabu in itself, is to now and in all even, promote Media and from the Middle East, and in Kenya too, and in saying that, such Media, can in all even be interpreted, and from speak of Adabu in itself that is, but that in all again, it does appear that, it is the very world of (World) Sports that is and so to say, that can in all even today be simply said best associated, and with speak of Adabu in Kenya too that is.

Third World Religion

Third World Religion.

What in all, is a Third World Religion, simply said to refer to, or speak of that is? It in all, is often summarized truly, and in speak and of only one said term/word: Outreach. In saying that Outlook, and Outcome are in many a way too, often believed said a part of a Third World Religion, is to now too, associate it all, and with said Historical Perspectives in all, and of the termed Third World that is, and which in all even have led, and to a said Multi-Media approach in all, and in attempting to solve often said Third World problems that is, and which in all even are often said associated, and with speak of a fall or a lack of Religion, Culture and if not of Economy too, and amongst those termed Third World in all [and in further speak now, and of the Industrial Revolution, and as said redefining Man in all, and in speak of Religion, Culture and Economy too that is].

In now saying that there are those who do in all even believe a Third World Religion, to in all even speak of an Information/Data/Knowledge Exchange Network in all, and in speak too of the Internet in itself, and in further speak too of the very word/term of Access that is (and as said too a Third World Consciousness in all), it does not in many a way, touch or reach, and at the said root cause in all, and of the problem so to speak (often said too, and to refer and to a Third World Conscience that is), for speak of a Third World Religion in all, now does speak too, and of one said term/word that is: Taboo. That speak of a Third World Religion in all it is believed, should in all even concentrate its efforts, and in speak in particular, and of Taboo, and as said referring and to speak too of Cleanliness (Physical), Sanitation (Mental) and of Filth (Emotional) too that is, and in speak now of the creating of Images in all, and that do in all even denote Success that is [in many a way too, it all too believed, to speak of the very manner in all, the Kenyan Government, has often approached its role, and in helping solve often termed Third World problems in all that is]. In all truly even, and in speak too of the Swahili term of Afya here too, perhaps in all again, the attempt to explain the very Language of English, and to those in the Third World, and as often said a Language now, Imperialist in its ways. but in said Evolutionary terms too, the very Language often used today, and in dealing in all, and with these very issues/matters in all again, and of Taboo, and as defined above that is [and in basic speak here now, and of Positive Thinking in itself too that is, and if not of Notions too, and of Superiority-Equality-Inferiority that is]. 



This entry, now does have to do, and with the difficulties in all, those in Counter 'Nairo', and if not of many another person in Kenya too, does face in all, and in creating Identities, that are simply said Esteemable, Reputable, and if not simply said Commendable too that is. In helping one understand all this better, the very view now that, most in Kenya/Africa in all, have truly failed, and in creating Identity, and that does have to it, any said relevant Meaning/Purpose in all, and if not in speak too of the defining of Significance/Importance, and in our very lives too that is [and such that, Identity in Kenya, is often simply said constructed in all, and in speak of (Social) Realms that is].

In having said the above, the troubling perspective now that, Identity creation in Kenya, is far more troubling in its ways, and in speak now too, and of what can simply be said, to pass for Emotionality, and that does speak too of Distress that is. That such said Emotionality, does describes Kenyans today, and in speak of any Identity created, and as simply said stemming too, and from speak of Independence in Kenya, and as with it all even simply said to speak of only one term/word that is: Promise.

In saying that, the Blogger here, and alongside those in Counter 'Nairo' too (and with the said held belief here that, Vic., in all, would be in agreement to all this), is to say that, Promise, and as said too now become truly, a part of the African Psyche/Identity in all, and in a Post-Independence Africa too that is, is in all even said a philosophy here, not ascribed too in all, and such that, the Blogger here and in speak of the Psyche, does simply believe that Christianity, and in speak of its History and roots too, is simply said African Religion that is [African Religion too, and as versus that said Swahili (Black), Nubian ('Black African'), or even that said Ashanti/Akan (African/Kemetian) too that is].

In all, what the Emotionality of Distress in all, does say, is that, Identity in all, is simply said created, and at a said Dysfunctional level too that is, and such that, those in Kenya/Africa in all, and in speak too of Kenyan History, and as perceived and from speak too of Historicism that is, now does see to it, Identity in all, created, and that does speak too of the following: Internalization, Integration, Configuration, Indoctrination, Instillation. That the said forementioned in all, now does speak truly, and of the believed view that, Kenya, and as it is today, does have Identity created at that level, and in speak of Survival too, and as versus that, Identity that is, and which simply does speak of Meaning/Purpose, or of Importance/Significance too that is.

In all, the above view does say that, Kenya, is simply in all, a Country, and in Distress too, if not in Peril too that is (HIV), and such that, for those in Counter 'Nairo', but in further speak too of Bik and in said here faraway 'Nairo' too that is, and if not of Hosea too and in some said ways/regards that is, the very troubling fact that, the above Psychology of Emotionality/Distress in all, has too, come to be in all associated and with speak of Kenyan Music traditions, and if not in speak too of Popular Music in all, and as said emanating  from the Western World, or that said American too that is.

In all, in attempting to simply explain something said not too easy to understand (just how in all, Kenya came to have to it, a complex Psychology in all, and that does associate everyday life, and with speak of Emotionality/Distress too that is), is to now best associate such a Psychology, and with speak of Poetry in itself too, and if not of Prayer in itself too that is, and in speak now too, and of viewing the World in itself (and in Meaning/Purpose or Significance/Importance), and as said to speak too of Central Asia, the Middle East and of Asia too that is.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Proto- Africa

Proto- Africa.

This very entry now does have to do, and with what is believed, to speak of the very nature in all, and as often said problems too, but situations or troubles truly, that do in all even face or plague, many an African that is, and in speak now and of the often said belief that, African problems in all, are not recurring in their ways, but are truly in all, said repetitive in their ways that is. Repetitive in all, and such that, there are those who would ponder in all, if there does exist, a said quintessential, archetypal, essential etc., Situation, and not Problem truly either, and that can in all even be simply said to help explain, many another said Situation truly, and not Problem truly either, and in Africa that is.

The answer to this, now does lie too, and in speak of the said prefix, and of Proto- too that is. That the Proto- in all, does very much go along in all again, and with the very view that, there is said and in the very least too, a form of methodology in all, and that can be used, to in all analyze/solve that is, most situations/'problems' said African that is. Something in all again, not provable to most, but in speak of it all, and from religious terms in all, speak too now, and of what some do too term in all again, the Proto-ancestor that is.

That the very world of the Proto-, and if not of the Proto-ancestor too, is believed in all even, to at the very least, have Man questioning himself, and in evolutionary terms too, and in speak now and of what, the Psyche/Self in all, and in speak too of the Primal that is, is simply said to be. For those in Africa though, it all now, is believed said to speak of an Ancient Spirituality in all, and that does in all even associate the Proto-, and with speak too of Improvisation/Versatility in itself that is. For most today though, the Proto-, simply asking of one, and of the very manner in all, they do define (Genetic, Communal, Individual, Gender, Cultural etcetc.) Make-up/Profiles that is.

In all, the very belief here that, Africa's problems in all, situations truly that is, are in all even said repetitive (and in speak too of Situational Analysis that is), and not recurring truly either (and in speak too of Standards/Ideals for instance), and such that, the very belief that Africans in all, are said always talking about their problems that is, now does have the Field in all it is said here, and of African Journalism/Criticism, African Review, and African Literary Journalism/Criticism too, and as perhaps said, simply paving the way, and in helping one truly make out, what the Proto-, is simply said to be that is, and as with it all even simply said, to have Communications to it, and that do in all even simply speak of one term/word: the Cipher.

Sunday, May 24, 2015



While most in all, do truly associate speak of Nairobi in itself, and with further speak of Mombasa in all again, and in speak too of said Cultural differences that is, this Blog in all, does hold the very view that, it is Nyeri, and that can in all even be said to serve as a Major reference in all, and for what does pass for Local Identity (Major/Minor) and in Nairobi too that is.



Friday, May 22, 2015

The Middle East

The Middle East.

the Method

the Method.

What in all, is the Method, said to be? Before we can truly to get to that, is to now and in all, take on, and on the very Idea, and of Research in itself, and as versus speak too and of what one could best term Knowledge Production that is. That Research in all, does in all even basically associate itself, and with speak too of Counting/Number Systems in all, Computation, Alphabets, and if not of Scripting in itself too that is. This is not true, and of Knowledge Production in all, and which does in all even speak of Epistemology in itself, or speak too, and of what is believed said to be Knowledge in itself, and of what is not that is.

For while Africa and in Research, does in all even associate itself, and in Concept, and with what is said Tangible, and Non-Tangible too, speak of Knowledge Production on the otherhand, and of the Knowledge Production Industries too in all, can in the very least be said to speak and of Abstraction and in itself too that is. That Abstraction, now is said the very Key, and to understanding what a Proof is, and as versus speak and of the Tangible/Non-Tangible, and in further speak too here and of Inter/Extra-polation too that is.

In having said that, is to now speak and of what is believed said truly, and to speak of the Knowledge Production Industries that is. That Knowledge Production in all, can simply in all be said Egyptian, African, and Indian too that is. That in speak of Knowledge Production, and as said Egyptian, speak now too, and of what is believed said to speak of Matter, Energy, Time and if not of the Void too. In speak of Knowledge Production, and as said Indian, speak now, and of what the Elements, Natural Substances and Soluble/Insoluble Mixtures too in all, are simply said to be that is. 

It is in speak though, and of Africa, and simply where in all again, the very term of Immateriality, and as versus speak of Spirituality that is, is in all even said associated, and with speak of Epistemology in all, and in speak now, and of what one could simply term the Method that is [or of the Immaterial, and as said Realized too that is]. That in all again, this does in all even speak of History, and as said going along in all, and with speak of African Blood that is, and in now saying that, the peoples of Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa too, are often in all, not said, of African Blood that is. That Nigeria, and in Africa, is simply said home, and to speak of Methodology that is (and not of the Method either), while South Africa in all, does concentrate its efforts in all again, and in speak now of the Theoretical that is. In now saying that, there are those in Egypt, and who have always understood, the Immaterial, is to now simply associate the Method, and with speak of the encompassing that is.



Those in Counter 'Nairo', might in all even have a difficulty understanding in all, what does actually go on in life today that is. That in the most minimal of senses, speak now and of why there is a said Apathy, Lethargy or even Meaningless view too, and to many a thing, and if not most of them, and in regards now, and to speak and of what does pass for Excitement in all, and as having to do and with Success for instance. That in speak now of a glum looking Vic., too for instance, or of a 'over-enthusiastic' Hosea too, perhaps now, speak truly, and of whether in all, Kenya, does have a Future to it in all, and that does in all even speak of Repute, and not of Reputation truly either.

Hopefully, this is all understood, and in speak too now of the Kenyan Psyche, and as most would recognize it, the search for Repute in all, and as said even truly a Motivator, and in regards and to speak too, of always receiving a great welcome in all, and on visiting your favourite Restaurant for instance.

That the above, is what drives Kenya, and in speak now and of a Kenya said falling apart, and in further speak and of most of peoples in all and so to speak, and in Kenya too, now said too, not caring to know each other too much either that is.

The World though, is not what it appears to be, and in speak and of what does pass for Success or Status, or in further speak too, and of it all viewed, and in regards to History in itself, and of what is believed to truly Matter, and what does not that is. That the World today, and in speak of Theory, now does too, very much in all work along in all again, and in speak too of Complexity/Chaos Theory that is. That most of the World, said Western too, and if not in speak of the United States of America in itself, and of Japan too and to many an extent, does in all even thrive, and in attempt to in all even design or define societies in all, and that do in all even incorporate Complexity/Chaos Theory, and into their ways that is, and in speak too now, and of Time in itself, and as said deciphered, and from speak truly of Time Sequencing/Series that is.

Africa though, does in all even have its own Theory, and in regards to all this. For while Chaos Theory in all, can too, be said Egyptian, Complexity Theory on the otherhand, does truly deal with the rest of the World, Africa, and in its perception of History, or in speak and of the re-defining of itself, and in speak of Success or Status too, can in all truly even, be said associated, and with speak and of Set/Graph Theory that is [or the ability in all, to bring many a differing idea/element, together and in harmony/spirit too that is].

For those in Counter 'Nairo' though, now is to tell them that, the very world in all, and of Repute, and as versus Reputation too (and in speak too of Western Identity, and as most do know it), does in all even continue, to exist, and in speak now, and of what they do term Combinatorics that is. The very belief here that, first off, those in Counter 'Nairo', should in all even concentrate, and in studying History in itself, but that in speak now and of the defining of Success or Status, and as said Unique in all, speak too perhaps, and of the very world of Combinatorics, and as perhaps said too now, and to not only speak of Repute in itself, but of the very fact that, as the World continues to change or redefine itself in all, and as said even by some, as averse and to History in itself, perhaps now, the very separating of oneself, and in Attitude too, and from viewing Europe, Italy, the Western World or the United States of America too, and as perhaps said places in all, and with many a great Idea to it, but that in all again, the very region of Japan, China and Korea (and as said grounded and in speak of the Koreas truly), now does present itself in all, and in a said manner that is, and that is said to speak of interesting manner in all, and of viewing our World that is, and in speak now of endless talk about Progress or Advancement in all, and in America or Europe too that is, and as said to refer and to what is believed said to matter, but that in now saying that, it is Combinatorics, and that is believed here, 'the Science of our Times' (and something those in Counter 'Nairo', would fully understand it is believed here), the very belief that, a study of Korean Culture, and as said meeting that said Chinese or Japanese too, now does present an offset, and in speak and of what is believed, or of what does go on around the World, and as versus speak too, and of what should be going on, and in Africa/Kenya too that is [and all this said too, and in regards and to what is believed said to Matter, and what does not, and in speak too and of History in itself too that is].

Heinemann/Longman Africa

Heinemann/Longman Africa.

A look into Africa, and from the very perspective of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow too, and in further speak too, and of (Gender, Community, Individual, Genetic etc.) Make-up/Profile(s) that is.

Thursday, May 21, 2015



This entry, does have to do, and with speak of Theonomy. For what in all, is Theonomy said to be, and what Significance/Importance in all again, does it play and in speak and of Africa and as it is that is? Theonomy in all, is based on the very belief that, God in all, and in Perception too, should in all even be allowed, and to rule over, just about every arena or facet and of our very lives too that is [or speak too, and of society, and as said Secular, and not Popular or Non-Secular too that is]. All this too, said now, and in regards to the very belief by many, that African lives in all, are truly defined and by the search for Autonomy or Independence too, and as versus speak of African Government and in itself too for instance.

That in attempting to explain all this clearly, is to now attempt to speak, and of Man, and in his said in all, relationship that is, and with God too. That the said here in all, Adventure of Man so to speak, and on this very Earth, and in speak too of Evolution that is, can be said accompanied and by beliefs in all, and of God, and as said Impartial too, and to Mans ways/manners that is. That God in all, is simply in all even believed an observer, and in regards to Man and as said surviving on his own, and that should Man fall/fail in his ways in all again, he does in all even have the option so to say, and in consulting God, and in regards and to speak, and of what to simply do. This in all, does speak too, and of the very roots of Theonomy, and if not speak too, and of what does underlie it all that is.

In having said that, that Theonomy in all, does speak too, and of the very rise of Civilization on Earth, and of Man too, and as simply asked to create, said even, highly Logical Frameworks in all, and in speak too of Constitution that is, and that do in all even refer or speak too and of his said relationship, and with God too that is [and something in all again, and that does in all even refer to God, and as said Heralding over our lives, and as versus speak and of his now said Leading our very lives, or of our said Abiding, and to his Decree too that is]. 

In saying that, Africans in all, do not abide in all again, and to lives lived too, and in speak of Theonomy that is, is to in all even now refer, and to speak and of what Autonomy or Independence is simply said to be that is. That it in all, now does speak and of the strangest of situations in all again, and in speak now and of the World we do live in today, and as probably not said as Logical, and as the old World was that is [for Constitution in itself, and as versus speak of Democracy too, does actually speak of the old World that is]. 

In helping one understand all this better, speak now too and of Democracy that is, and as said to refer, and to the very world in all and so to speak, and of Humans, and as said in all even simply Abhorrent/Detestful, and of just simply whom/who in all, they are said to be that is [or basic speak here, and of those said Beautiful/Attractive, and of those said Non-Attractive too that is]. That to be Human, is simply said to speak of being Weak, Feeble, Foolish, Stupid, Ungrateful, Unrepentant etc., and in speak now and of those who in all, do wish to be anything, and other than what they are that is. In all, speak and of those who would truly hate, being Human in all, and in speak too now of the Inhuman, and as said to speak too of the Human, and as truly said Irrational, and not Unreasonable truly either that is. That in all again, what we are referring to here, does speak in all too, and of the very rise and of the Worshiping in all, and of Angels for instance, and if not in speak too of Ghosts, or of Oracles too, and that do in all even speak and of the Sensational, the Libidinal, the Visceral/Ephemeral, and if not of the Subliminal too that is. That hopefully, what is been said here is understood, that Man, and as simply said hating whom/who in all, he is, and as said Human too, now does develop Religion in all, highly Communications oriented, and that does in all even speak of his primarily in all, communicating, and with Angels for instance, and in his bid, to very much be like an Angel in all [hopefully again, this is all understood, and in speak of a World/Religion, and that does associate Angels, and with speak too of Beasts that is]. There are those though, and in speak of the Visceral/Ephemeral too, and who do in all even associate Disaster/Catastrophe in all, and with speak too of Ghosts that is [and as versus speak too of Discipline in all]. Finally, speak now too, and of those Oracles in all, and that do in all even associate being Human in all, and with speak of Negation, and as versus speak now, and of the Rational that is. In all, and hopefully too, all that has been said here is understood, and in now saying that, most do in all even associate the World and as it is, and with speak of Theonomy, and of God and in Constitution too, while in all, it does very much appear, that most do live in a World, and that does have to it aspirations, and that do in all even speak of Communications, and that can be said even and to refer directly in all, and to speak too of Angels that is.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

the Geotype

the Geotype.

What in all, can a Geotype, be said to be? In now saying that, the very suffix/prefix of Geo-, can in all even be said to speak too of many a Subject in all, and such as Geography, Geology, Geomancy, Geomatics etc., is to now in all, approach it all, and from speak truly and of Communications that is. Communications too, and that could be best said associated in all, and with speak too of Ineptude that is.

In having said all that, is to now attempt to associate, the Geotype in all, and with Evolutionary talk, and that does in all even refer, and to speak of Resilience in itself too that is. That what in all, is Resilience said to be? In speak of Evolution in itself too, perhaps now, speak, and of what Character in all, is simply said to be that is.

In perhaps attempting to make all this clear, and in now saying that, the rise and origins in all, and of said Civilized existences on Earth, can be said to speak too of Ineptitude in all, is to now speak and of the World and as it is today, and as often said truly Developed in all, and in speak too of Technology that is, for it all now does in all even speak of Man, and in his said defined in all, and in speak of Resilience (and of History too), and of Ineptitude too that is (and of Discourse too).

In probably now truly saying that, the Geotype, does speak of History, and as said meeting Discourse in all, is to now simply too, associate it all, and with speak, and of what one could very well term Acclaim that is.

In saying that, the Geotype in all, and as said African too, does not actually speak of Acclaim, is to now perhaps, separate Conjecture in all, and from the Hypothesis too that is. That the latter, is in all even said actually African that is, while Conjecture, does in all even speak of Art and Science, and outside Africa too that is [that Africans in all, do not truly seek out Acclaim, but in all truly, seek out Appraisals that is].

For the Hypothesis in all, and as said to refer to Character in all too, can perhaps now, be in all even said Evolutionary in its ways that is, and in speak of the Geotype, and that does in all even associate it all, and with Evolutionary talk, and that does in all even speak of Extinction in itself too, or of Character too (and as said 'Iwa Pele' too that is), and that does in all even speak and of only one word/term that is: Incommunicado.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


of India.

Many today, and who do in all even come across the name of India, do in all even now, and in a stereotypical fashion too, it is said associate in all, and with many a belief, and that does say, Indians in all, are said good in Mathematics, Science, Medicine, Business, Industry etc., and as with it all even often said too, not to speak of the Indian Intellect in all, but in all truly, and of what does pass for Potential, and as said Indian too that is.

In having said that, is to now say too that, the Blogger here, does not ascribe in all, and to such thoughts of India, but from a mockingly stance, speak now and of African Identity, and as said grounded in all, and in speak too of Impotence that is, and of the very question in all, and of whom/who in all, the said here, Indian Beauty, truly is [for she is in all even, more alluring in her ways, and than that said Western too that is]. In saying that, African Identity, and as said to refer truly, and to speak of Impotence, does speak too of African Bodies, and as said Diseased too, is to also now associate, the History of Slavery and Colonialism in Africa, and Slavery too, and as said to speak of Brazil, Suriname, Colombia and Guyana too, and with speak truly, and of Diseased Bodies that is, African, and in now saying that, this is the very key in all, and to understanding said African Religion, and in South America too, and such as Quimbanda or Macumba that is, and as said to refer and to speak of Impotence truly, and not of Oppression truly either.

However, this entry, will attempt to teach those in Counter 'Nairo,' and in the very least too, and on what India, does truly stand for or represent for that is. That most in all, are not understanding and of India, and as said in all even, a place too perhaps [one must though, understand, the very use of words and such as place, region or even in speak of locales too in all, and as something said truly Egyptian in all, and with it all even perceived as such, and from a World Context too, but that in speak of Africa, speak truly only, and of the Situation that is], a place too that is, and whose Religions and ways in all, are often not well understood by many. That in all, one must place in all again, a distinction, and if not emphasis, and between India, and Southeast Asia, for Southeast Asia in all, does have Religion to it, and that does in all even speak of the Divine Goddess, and if not of Religion in Bangladesh too that is. India though, is different, for if in all, one was to be asked, what does in all even pass for Indian Religion or Custom too, it would all come down to speak and of one question in all, and which does say: "How do you feel today?'.

In helping one understand all this better, the importance/significance in all, and of associating life, and with feelings, and as versus speak of thoughts/beliefs that is, is to now attempt to put/place Indian Civilization in all, Historically too, and in a Context in all, and that does speak too of Egyptian Civilization that is. That Egypt in all, does actually differ and from India, in that, Egyptian Civilization, is believed said even, highly advanced in its ways, and in speak of thoughts/beliefs, and that do in all even speak of Charms and Amulets too, and if not of the very building, and of the Egyptian Pyramids too that is. That in saying that, Egypt is truly the home to Media in itself, is to now associate Egypt, and as versus speak of India too, and in beliefs/thoughts, and with the very name of Horus that is [and in speak too now, and of a said simple belief that, if one was at this moment, to simply say, 'I don't care to know much of Horus', one would in all even simply come to see the World and as it is, and if not on the otherhand, gain an understanding, and of Nubian 'Civilization' too that is].

However, in helping one understand, why India, or Indian Civilization too, is believed far more of interest in all, and to that said Egyptian, it now does speak too, and of the very attempt to truly understand ones feelings in all, and as with it all even said to speak of a high Intuition too that is. That Indian Religion in all, is not difficult to understand, for in speak of feelings, it is in all even associated, and with speak and of the very concept in all, and of the God-Head, and if not of Brahman too, and as said now in all associated, and with feelings in all, and that do speak too of terms/words, and such as the Atman, Dharma, Karma, Moksha, Samsara, Ishvara etc. In saying that, getting in touch with ones true or genuine, or most intimate of feelings (and if not said acting, and at a Genetic level too), is the very Key in all, and to understanding life, is to now say that, Indians in all, do differ from other peoples in the World (and as including speak of the Western World too), for India, and as a name too in all, does in all even, speak, and of the very attempt in all, to in all even truly transcend, speak of race/Creed, Religion, and if not of Divinity in itself too that is. That one, is now said to be in a highly developed so to speak, state in all, and of understanding the very nature of (ones) feelings that is, and such that, it all probably can best be explained, and in speak too now, and of the very/word term of Spark, and as said to refer, and to the most Ancient of Religions that is. In all, the end goal, and in speak too of an Indian life well lived that is, or so to speak, is to in all even truly, attempt, to enter, what they do call Shantaram for instance, and as said a place, or abode truly, and which can in all even be said ruled over, and not by speak of Kings and Queens, or of High Priests and of any other said Divine figure too in all, but in speak truly, and of those said truly Unperturbed in their ways/manners in all, or in speak too and of the total absence in all, and of Hysteria, and as said a Human Condition too that is.



When most do think of making it in life today, or truly pondering what it is in all, they are truly searching for or seeking out, and in life too, the answer in all, is often believed to lie, and in speak of the term/word, and of Regulation that is. That it in all, and in its lowest levels too, Regulation, is believed said to speak of Parental Regulation that is, but at its highest levels in all again, speak now too, and of Bees, and of the Beehive too that is.

Many do in all acknowledge that, Kenya/Africa, does in all even have lots of Regulation problems to it all that is. As a result, many an Independent minded person in all, has sought to in all even, Succeed in their very own right, and in speak now and of ways of thinking in all, and that don't truly accommodate Regulation, and as it is even widely known/accepted that is. That in making it in Kenya today, one does in all even have to sense out, what can be said to in all even pass for Regulation/Order in all, and in speak too now, of desired Outcomes, Outlooks, and in speak too of Outreach in itself that is.

In having said that, is to now tell one that, making it in Kenya/Africa today, is not something too difficult to contemplate or explain in all, and in now associating it all, and with speak of Disease too that is. For what is Disease? It can in all even be said best explained perhaps, and in speak too, and of the very Postures, Poses and Stances, that we do in all even tend to hold in life, and in speak now, and of what is believed to speak of Disaster or Calamity too, and in our very lives too that is. That Disease, that said terminal too, does in all even teach us, and of the very best of Poses, Stances and Postures too, to in all even hold, and in making it through, and in now saying that, most do in all even remember, Kenya, and in the 80's too, and as said a cheerful, bright (in mood/atmosphere), and if not sunny (and in disposition too), place that is, and something, one could in all even explain, and in speak of the Governments efforts back then, and in simply raising awareness, and of Disease in Kenya too (aids/ukimwi), and awareness too in all, and that did in all even speak of Poses, Stances and Postures held too that is.