Friday, July 10, 2015


African Worldviews.

When we do in all talk, and of a Worldview, we are in all even not only referring, and to the very said manner in all, we do explain, just about anything said happening, or anything too, said in existence too perhaps. That a Worldview, can too be said here, and to simply in all be said, Integrationist/Intergrational in all, and as with it all too even said, accommodating many a said Idea for instance, and as simply said too, foreign, alien, new, reductionist, unrelated, complementary etc.

In saying that, the developing of a said Worldview, is said even paramount in all, and in simply having one, have a said even, linear approach, and to just about anything that is, is to now too say that, Africa in all, is said too a place/Continent in all again, and whose inhabitants that is, have in all even failed to develop many a proper said Worldview in all, and other than those and that do speak of the Sun, the Moon, and of basic everyday Routines too that is.

In saying that, what they do in all term, a Christian/Christianity Worldview, is in all even said grounded in all, and in speak too of Workmanship that is (and if not of the Apostolate, Discipleship, the Missionary etc.), but in further speak too of Craftmanship in itself, is to now associate it all, and with speak too, and of the very said History, and of Jerusalem/Israel, and if not in speak too of that of Spain that is. That unknown to most, Europe and in speak too of Italy, are not actually Christian in all, but can be said Christendom that is, and in Worldview too, and a Worldview too in all, said grounded in all, and in speak too of the Astronomical/Astrological that is.

In saying that, the said even Mathematical Worldview, does in all even arise in Egypt, is to in all even say that this Worldview, is said Greek too, but said too in all again, and to speak of Michelangelo's Italy that is, and not of Christendom either, and if not of it all said too, and to speak too of America, and if not of Scotland too that is. In saying too that, the Mathematical Worldview, is in all even said Artistic, and with that said even Astrological/Astronomical, said too Scientific, is to now associate the latter, and with speak too of Central Asia, the Middle East, and if not of Asia too that is. In however saying that, Scotland, is said even unique in its ways in all, is to now associate it all too, and with the said even Newtonian/Mechanistic Worldview, and that does speak too of names, and as such as those of Einstein, Bohr, Feynman, and if not of Schrodinger too that is.

In however saying that, Civilization in South America, does in all even arise, and with a Worldview, and that does speak too of the Monetary, and if not of Bartering/Barter trade, is to now too say this Worldview, and as said even somewhat prevalent truly, and in the World today, and if not in speak too of Africa today too that is, and as with it all even said best perceived, and in now associating the Mathematical Worldview, and with speak too of Computation that is, while speak of the Monetary Worldview, does in all even speak of Finance / Financial (Mathematical) tools that is.

The above is said in all, and in speak now too, and of why Africa, is simply said dismal in its ways that is, and in now telling one that, what can be termed a said even concrete African Worldview, and of Africans too, and as said even Independent in spirit, does in all even speak truly, and of a said even Genetic/Genetical Worldview that is. That such a Worldview, can best be perceived, and from speak too of Egypt, and of the Mathematical Worldview too, and as said to speak too, and of Mathematical Modeling that is, but that in speak of the Genetic/Genetical Worldview, it can all best be explained, and in speak now of Data Structures for instance, and if not in speak too of Software Code, and not of Computer Algorithms truly either [and of a said even Chemical Reaction that is] [that what is been said here is that, the studying of Code, Software, is in all even said the more beneficial of manners in all, and of actually truly thinking of life in Africa that is].