Friday, July 10, 2015

West African Voodoo

West African Voodoo.

There is a said manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does not in all refer, and to speak of Event, Political, or Situation too, but that in all truly even, it all does refer, and to speak of the Passage/Passing of Time that is. A manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does in all even speak of Africa's said changing Landscapes for instance, and if not in speak of changing faces too, and as with it all even said now, and to speak of perceiving Africa in itself, and from speak too of Effort, Energy and Time too that is.

In saying that, most who do in all even perceive Africa as such, from the said even 'Passage of Time' that is, do in all even acquaint it all, and with speak too of South / Southern Africa, and in speak here too that is,  and of South Africa's said Social Issues/Problems in all, and as said creeping into Africa/Kenya, and as furtherly said here too, referring even, and to speak of Homosexuality in itself for instance. In all again, speak of Africa and as such, does speak too of Somalia now, and as said even Muslim, and as with it all even said to speak and of the negating, and of Somalia's Swahili past that is.

This entry though, or Blog too, would too in all even recommend that, the viewing of Africa, and from speak of Energy, Effort and Time expended, and on a said even daily basis too, does too best have to do, or go along in all, and with speak of West African society that is, and as said too, to speak of West African Voodoo for instance, and in regards now, and to speak of Measures/Gauges and as having to do and with society, African, and as said changing that is, and in comparison now and to speak of South / Southern Africa that is, and whose societies in all, are often perceived truly, and from speak of Agency/Task that is, and in regards, and to speak of the Passage of Time that is.