Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Deathwish

The Deathwish.

This entry, will in all deal, and with what too is believed said, and to pass for a said base Intelligence, and as said Victorian too that is. That base Intelligence in all, can too, be said to speak of Cognition, Perception, the Persona,  and if not in speak now too, and of the Cannibal that is [and of the said Audio-Visual System too that is]. That in saying that, Africans, are often classified too, and in regards to the last said, Cannibalism in all, is to now too, simply say that, base Intelligence, and in Kenya/Africa too, is too believed said to speak, and just how in all, the Human, is in all even said shaped that is, and in regards to his or her been said, being in all, a Witness, and to a said Event too that is.

In saying though, that the Victorians, did in all even differ from many out there, is to now too, associate them in all, and with speak too of African Religion in all, and in regards to the very manner in all, they did in all view it can be said, Death in itself that is. That for the Victorians, Death in itself, cannot be said to speak truly for instance, and of Murder, the Killing, Slaying, Injury, or even Suicide too perhaps, but in all even now, speak now and of the Deathwish, and as said to speak too, and of base Intelligence that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, that for the Victorian, and in regards and to speak of Death in itself, and if not base Intelligence too, they did in all not associate life in itself, and with speak of the Opening up to life, the Embracing of life, or the Awakening up to life too for instance, or speak too perhaps, and of the Eventful (and of Multi-Culturalism too perhaps), but that in all even, they did in all associate it all, life that is, and with speak too of Facing (up to) life that is.