Friday, July 3, 2015



The said initials above, T.H.C.I.K, do in all even refer, and to the High Commission of India, and to Kenya too. Allow Mr. Ambassador, if I could graciously ask of you, to in all even hear me out, for it all won't take too much of your time, or of mine either, for the message I do carry, could too be said of some passing and considerable Interest. That what I would in all like to say Mr. Ambassador, does in all bode well, and for both Kenya, and India too, and in the name of Fastidiousness, and not Conventionality truly either. That Mr. Ambassador, it too can be said, that as Kenya continues to Develop, and as many in the Diplomatic Service might very well say, India's said input to it all, could be said to correlate, and to speak too of said even migrant Indian Labour, and into Kenya, but that surprisingly enough, but not, and in now too knowing that, Indian people, India, are actually said a Big people, and in size too, and in said comparison to Kenyan Indians for instance, and who are in all even believed said inclined to cry, and when someone in all, does in all even step on their shoes that is. Hopefully Mr. Ambassador, the said mentioned joke, was taken in good taste or light, for what I am about to say, might not sound a bit too funny to all.

Kenya Mr. Ambassador, is simply said by many, a Developing Country. The reason though, it did come to be categorized as such, Developing, is not well known, and other than speak here too, and of the UN. Kenya though, Pre-Independence, can be said, to have an Illustrious History to it, and one too, and that does in all not carry out to well, and after Independence too is declared. For many do in all even imagine, that Kenya, is simply said headed off, and towards Prosperity for all, and by the said even Kenyan population at the time, and who do in all even it is often said, believe, and in Kenyans living peacefully and harmonious with each other, and with Wealth too, simply said coming by ones way that is, and in said time too. This does not in all, follow through it can be said, as most would expect it, for in its very nascent stages, and after Independence, Kenya, Assassination, or speak too of Political Killings, now too, do in all even very well become, a said even marker/identifier, and of Kenyan Political life, and if not that said Social too. In all and again Mr. Ambassador, Kenyan History, and as I here, the writer/blogger, does in all believe, you would know it, does too, speak now and of the said naming/phrase in all, and of the 'Kapenguria Six'.

In all Mr. Ambassador, and as said too again, is to now too say that, the future of Kenya, is not believed well known to most, or well-charted out either perhaps, for many it can be said, do believe, that Kenya, and as said even having a Life lease to it, now too, does face the very danger, and of having a limited Time Capacity it can be said, or a said even period of Time, and by which, one is in all expected to set or get, things right/moving, and in now saying that, Kenyan Political life, and from the said time Independence is declared, now too, does approach, what can easily be termed here, the Status Quo that is; that it can too be said Mr. Ambassador, Kenya today, is simply what it is, or what it has been for a said long Time now, and will in all even continue to be, as it is, and into the said foreseeable Future too that is.

However, there are those Mr. Ambassador, and who do in all believe, that Kenya's future, does now lie, and in speak too of Industry, but that in all again, and in now too saying that, these very things I do say, cannot for instance, be told to the Americans, and who have in all even cut many of their ties to Kenya, and as said too and to speak too of American Television Programming, likable too, for I do in all Mr. Ambassador it can too be said here, miss my American Programming, but, it too can be said that, as life does go on, or as Time too do continue to very much move along, I too, must follow, and in inorder, and to simply survive it can too be said. However, back to the issue/matter at hand Mr Ambassador, no slight intended and in the name of offhand humour too, and which does too say that, the issue/matter at hand, that Kenya's engagement in Industry, is not what it appears to be, for first off, this engagement, does arise too, and with Colonial Kenya in itself that is, and in helping put many a thing said about Kenya, and into its said proper perspective that is, but that in all again Mr. Ambassador, Kenya now, is simply said lagging in its ways, and in now too saying that, Kenyans, are not believed said an Industrial people, and as the Americans are, or one said too simply Productive, and as Indian people are believed said to be, but that in all again, they are in all even simply said Resourceful that is. In all Mr. Ambassador, one should not place such high hopes it can be said, on Kenya, but that in all again, and in making something believed difficult/complicated to explain, now said too classified Office Cabinet fodder that is, is to now too, first off say that, Indian people and so to speak, are believed in all even to value Independence, and Independence too, and that does speak too of the very term of Pursuit(s) that is. However, and in truly attempting to point it all out, what I am trying to say here, is that, when Kenya, is in all even declared Independent, it is said known but unknown to most, that many a deal is in all even signed, and between the new Kenyan Government, and the Colonials/Settlers into Kenya too, and not the British Government truly either, and which does in all even speak of the transfer, and of said even High End Military Equipment (Link), and that the Colonial Government in Kenya, and as said not British truly either, did once possess that is. In many a way though, the full details, and in regards to all this, is not well known, but on my part, I would like to say that, some of this Wealth transfer, did too, speak of it, and as said moving, and from Kenya, and to England too that is. That Mr. Ambassador, what I am going to say here, is not believed privy and to ones ears, and best too to say, but that in all again, what did get transferred, and from Kenya, and to England, is nothing more said, and than the said entire, Cambridge Library Collection of Books that is. That Mr. Ambassador, this Collection, is believed said significant and in size, and if not importance too, for it all too is often openly recognized and as said too Victorian, but is actually too, said even of Egyptian Scholarship, but if one was to put, two and two together, one would then realize, its true origins, are said even, to speak of Colonial Kenya that is [Link]. I would hereby Mr. Ambassador, accuse the English/British in England, and of actual theft in itself actually.

In finalizing it all Mr. Ambassador, and of what is said too above, and in the name of Pursuit too, is to in all even ask of you Mr. Ambassador, to in all even, find a manner it can be said, and to acquire this whole Collection, for it is too known that, both Kenya and India, do have to them, a Victorian past it best can be said here, and that does speak too of Pursuits, and in now too saying that, both Kenya and India, do too it can be said, struggle, and in providing an excellent Education, and to all its peoples/populations, but that in all again, and in the name of Pursuit too, the very belief that, these said Books, and of the Cambridge Library Collection, can in all even be used, and to help give rise, and to said Home-grown Industries and in India too, and which can in all even have its produce, imported/exported (Link), and to Kenya in itself too that is. I say this Mr. Ambassador, and not because, on this said Idea, simply now said truly showing fruit, and as believed said and to speak too of the Indian Mind/Intellect, is to now too say that, I do say these things, and not because I would dream, and of acquiring a Beautiful Indian Wife for instance, but that Mr. Ambassador, India, might very well too be said Kenya's last hope, and in regards, and to its simply defining itself, and in speak now, and of Excellence, Pursuit, and if not Constraint too that is.

Thank You Mr. Ambassador,


A.W. Gicheru.