Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Africanisation (1) : Couture

Africanisation (1) : Couture.

This entry on Africanisation, will in all even, simply attempt to define the African, and in speak of the said term/word of Vestibule. For it is a term, known Historically too, to possess or have, or carry to it, many a said Religious connotation in all, and in speak too now, and of referring to the Human, and as he/she is said to be, and in speak too of the very term/word of Container, Depository/Repository, and of the Vessel too, and of said Knowledge too that is. That it in all, does truly ground said African Identity, and in speak truly of Character in itself, and if not in speak too, and of African life, and as simply said defined, and in speak of the Tentative/Probable that is.

In having said the above, and in now attempting to associate, Africanisation, and with said African Identity too, and in speak too of the Setting that is, is to now too, refer, and to said Identity, African, and as said speaking of Africanisation in itself, and as said to refer, and to speak of Contest, and if not of the taking of things, and at their said Face Value too that is. That in regards to speak of Contest and Couture, speak too now perhaps, and of History, and in speak of Vestibules too, and that does in all even reference, Egypt's famed Cosmetics/Body cultures in all (Link), and as with it all even said referring, and to the said birth of the Egyptian Court/Courtly System that is. That in saying, this is the very best manner in all, and of associating Contest, and with Couture, and in speak too of the term Vestibules that is, is to now attempt to add it all up, and in associating the said, taking too, at Face Value of many a thing, and with speak too of Africa's Food/Diet culture that is.

In however, attempting to ground, Couture in itself, and in speak of Africanisation in itself too, and in speak of it all said truly, African Identity, Couture, and at the said too 'Face Value' levels that is, now does in all even associate it all, Africanisation, and with speak of Disease, and of the said term/word too of Susceptible/Susceptibility, and as said referring to Couture, and as it truly is, and Disease too, and that does in all even say, that those said Black in Identity, and in Africa too, are in all even said truly susceptible, and to the said Disease of Diarrhoea, those said 'Black African' / Nubian, are in all even said susceptible, and to Kashiakor, and those said African, are in all even said susceptible, and to Cholera in itself that is.

In saying that, and in regards to speak of Couture too, that most do in all even interpret, speak of Africanisation, and with speak of African Ceremony, Self/Personal-Development in all, and if not in speak too of African Political Imagery, is to now too, associate African Identity, and as said to speak of Africanisation too, and as simply in all said grounded in all, and in speak of what they do term, the Ritualistic, and as said truly defining of Character, and if not of the Tentative/Probable too that is, and not in speak of Ritual, or of Ritualism either that is. That it all, now does too, speak of a said problematic in all, aspect, or said facet too, and of African Identity, and that does in all ask of the very manner in all, the African, does in all even relate to his said World, or environs/environments too, or does truly choose to fit in, or communicate, and with his/her said World, or environs/environments too, and in now saying that, and in speak of Couture, and if not of the History of the Moor in Europe too, it does all even refer, and to speak of Fashion/Fashioning in itself that is.

In regards perhaps, and to now associating speak too, and of the Egyptian Memory, and with Africanisation, and as said to speak of the Great Sphinx at Gaza, is to now too speak, and of African perceptions in all, and of their Physical Bodies that is, and as said in all even, tied down, and to not only speak of the African Memory in itself, but in speak too of Couture, and of the Design of Objects, African, and as said too, to speak of Adaptation in itself that is.

In now referring, and to those who do associate, speak of Africanisation, and with speak of Organization, Leadership, and if not of African Humour in itself too, and as believed said too merging with that said Modern or Western that is, is to now too though, equate speak of Africanisation as such, and with speak of the Equitable in itself, and as now said referring, and to Couture, and as truly said a Vehicle/Carrier in all, and via or by which, Africans, do in all even perceive, History in itself, African too, and as simply said to speak, and of the said building of Community, Communal, and Commune Lifestyles that is.

In now associating speak of Africanisation, and with speak and of what does pass for the African Experience, said too genuine/authentic in all, and if not in speak of it all said grounded too, and in speak of a said Mutual/Common understanding of things, and if not in further speak of Discussion in itself, and as said too paramount, and in the creating of African Identity that is, is to now speak too of Couture, and of Africanisation, and as said just mentioned above, and as said to speak too of African Identity, and as simply said grounded in all, and in speak of Reservation in itself that is, and not in speak of Regard either, or of Discipline/Respect too. In all, speak too of the African Experience in itself, and in speak of Couture, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Celebration in itself too, and as said not driven in all, and by speak of Physiognomies/Physiologies, or in speak too of Inclination/Response, but in all truly even, and in speak now truly, and of Remembrance in itself that is.

In now associating Africanisation, and with speak of Materiality/Materialism, and not of Objects truly either, is to not speak truly of what does pass for Design/Style that is, Africanized/African, but in all truly even, speak now and of what does pass for an African Taste, and as said too, to speak, and of said too, African origins, descent and roots too that is. In saying too that, the African, and as said Intelligent, can too, be primarily/fundamentally in all, be associated, and with speak of Acute Intelligence, and as said to speak of the ability in all, to Re-Align oneself, and with just about anything said too, is to now too speak of what does pass for Political Identity in Africa, and as said too, and to speak too of the Misaligned, the Maligned, and if not of the Malignant too that is.

In now associating Africanisation, and with the said phrase of 'the Power of African Cultures', and as said too Currency, and in speak too of Liability in itself, and not of Opinion/Belief truly either, and as said too, referring and to speak of what does pass for Exposure in itself, and in African Culture, and if not of Empowerment too, and of African culture, and of said the failure of Africans, to in all even basically Appreciate themselves too, is to now associate it all, and with speak of Couture, and as said defining the African, in Privacy, and if not in speak too, and of Character, African, and as said referring, and to speak too of the Parade in itself that is.

In all, Couture, and of life in Africa, and if not of African living too, and as said defined and in speak of what does truly pass for Routine in Africa, and if not of the Escaping, and of the Monotonous in itself too, is to now associate speak of Culture, and of Africanisation too, and with speak of what does pass for Habit, African, and if not of Cleanliness in itself too that is.

In all, and in finalizing all this, Africanisation, and in speak of Couture, and as in all even perceived truly, and in speak too of the Platform in itself that is.