Thursday, July 2, 2015

African Political Interests

African Political Interests.

This entry, does now proclaim, to in all say that, that Africa, and in Development, is often said hindered in all, and in regards, and to speak too of, and of the very manner in all it can be said, Africans, do in all even define, what is called a Domain that is [and as said too a Space that is]. Hopefully, this is understood from the very said perspective that, most outside Africa, do not in all even, not, respect Africans, and in regards and to speak of Domain (Spaces), and if not in speak too of Territorial boundaries so to say [that in all again, most out there, are not willing in all, to in all even, taste, an African Food Dish for instance].

In saying that, it all too does speak of Stereotype and Africa, is to now too say that, Africans, and as said even failing to create Identity, and that does too speak of Domains (and in now asking what the Internet in Africa, is simply said to be?), does in all even speak too, and of their failing in all, to in all even, conjure up it can be said, any said form of Development that is, and that does now too, speak of Africa, and as said even, an intrinsic part, and of the rest of the World too that is.

In attempting to claim, that Africans, are too believed Biologically different, and from others out there, is to perhaps now, and to the said discerning eye too, speak and of what does too, pass for African Worship that is. However, what we are trying to say here is that, for many, Africans, the very belief too that, Africa, must in all develop, its very own, said even intrinsic Ideology, and that does too, mirror that, and which does speak of a said African Civilization, and what it is simply said to be [that visions of this Civilization, are in all even said to speak too of a said Haven that is].

In all, what can best be said here is that, it is believed that, it is Christianity in all, and that can in all even help point out, where Africa, is simply said headed to that is. That in understanding all this better, many a question does still exist, and in regards, and to what role or impact, Christianity, does have and in regards, to having Africans in all, truly question themselves, and as they truly are that is. That Christianity, is believed said even, a Religion, simply said understood and to most Africans, and in regards, and to speak too and of what does pass for Ambition, Intent or Motive too for instance. However, in helping many Africans, truly understand, what Christianity, is said to be, and what it is said not to be, is to now understand Christianity, and from speak now and of Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, and Kenya too that is.

That in regards to speak of Egypt, Christianity, is said to have its roots, and in Africa, and in speak now too, and of the African Religious Experience that is. That this in all, now too does say that, Christianity, is African Religion, and as said too grounded in all, and in the African Religious Experience in itself, and that in all even, Christianity, has simply been more successful in its ways, and than most other said African Religions, have simply been said to be that is [that Egypt, will now and into the future, always view Africa, and as simply said Christianity that is]. It is in speak of Nigeria though, and where, many a said even, popular sentiment, and that does speak against, Christianity, does arise. That Christianity in all it is said, will bring you Success it can be acknowledge, but it all too, is not believed, said, a true African Success that is, and in Experience too [that those in Africa, and as said practising Christianity, are simply said engaged, and in speak now and of 'Monkey See, Monkey Do' that is]. In regards to South Africa, Christianity now, said too, to speak of Africans, and as said only capable of fulfilling their said Potential, and in speak too of Africans, and as simply said adept in their ways that is, but that in all again, Africans, can only truly have this Potential said unleashed, and via speak now truly, and of Christianity in itself that is [that Trust in all, and as defined by Christianity too, is too, said something simply African that is].

It is in speak though, and of Kenya, and where, Christianity, is now simply faced off, and against Christianity too, and as found/seen in Asia that is. That in speak of the Western World, they do in all even it can be said, not associate, Christianity, and with speak of Africa truly, but that in all again, and with speak of the Middle East, for Christianity, and in the Western World too, does in all even play the role, and of minimally defining, what does pass for Individualism, and as said Western too, and in further speak of what is said not Western too, but that in all again, all this is said now done, and vis-a-vis, and to speak of the Middle East for instance, but with Christianity in all again, and in the Western World too, now said too associated, and with the very term/word of Safety, and in speak now too, and of the Western World, and as said crumbling, for Western Christianity in all, does appear, to in all even place, a high regard, and to the very name of Nero, Emperor that is. However, Kenya, and in speak of Christianity too, now does see it find opposition in all, and to its said practise that is, and in speak now and of whom/who in all, the Elders, the Elderly, and if not Elderhood in itself, is simply said to be, and as versus speak now and of the Ancestors too that is. In all, now too is to say that, Christianity in Asia, does too, appear to be associated, and with speak and of what they do term Buildup that is, and in regards to anything, and if not in speak of Friendship too, but that in all again, this very form of Christianity, Asian, is believed said not truly suited for Africa, and by the Blogger here too, and in now simply saying that, there are many, who would probably disagree, or think otherwise that is.

the Buildup.