Tuesday, July 7, 2015



The said Music genres. and of Benga/Genge that is, are often said too, and to refer, and to speak of the said attempt, to in all even consolidate, or solidify too, Luo, Abaluhyia and Kisii Identity, and in Kenya too, and as said not only truly Political that is, but as said too, One that is. In all, Benga/Genge, does now speak and of Luo, Abaluhyia and Kisii Identity, and as said too, and to refer, and to speak too of African/Kenyan Communications, African/Kenyan Law and African/Kenyan Practises, and as said too Traditional, and in further speak of it all too, said to speak and of the Luo/Abaluhyia/Kisii Staple Diet, and as said consisting of 'Fis' (Fish), or speak too, and of it all said to speak of sport, and in the name of Kenyan Soccer too, or if not in speak now, and of the said relevance in all, and of Luo Custom, and as said referring, and to speak too of Tero Buru for instance.

In saying too that, the peoples of Nyanza Province in all, do in all even refer to themselves, and as said too the 'people of the Lake', it too being Lake Victoria that is, is to now too, speak of the very said manner in all, Water, and in Ritual too, can be used to forment Identity in Kenya that is [and in speak now too and of Kenya's numerous Lakes too that is]. That Water, and in regards and to speak of Practises, African/Kenyan too, is now said to speak of Cleansings, Cleanings, Washings, Bathing etc. That Water too, and in regards and to speak of  Law, African/Kenyan, does in all even speak of Distribution/Distributivity in itself that is. That Water too, and in regards and to speak of Communications, African/Kenyan, does in all even refer, and to the said Waterborne Diseases in all, and of Dysentery, Typhoid and Bilharzia too that is.

In all, it too can best be said, the above that is, and to speak or refer in all, and to African Religion/Spirituality that is, and of African Water Rituals too, and as said to speak and of what they do term Smooth Jazz, and as said Kenyan too that is.

Smooth Jazz International: