Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Press Conference

The Press Conference.

Most out there, are in all even acquainted, and with said speak too, and of what a Press Conference, is simply said to be. That the Press Conference, does evoke in all, said even enthusiasm in itself, and in regards and to what is been addressed or accounted for too perhaps, and as with it all even believed, to go along in all, and with speak too of Treatment, and as simply said Fair Treatment too that is. In all, most do often assume, or truly believe that, the Press Conference, does too, speak even of said imminent change, and if not of the most interesting of revelations too that is.

However, what we are trying to get at here, is that, first off, the Press Conference, is in all even associated, and with Technology too, and that does speak too now, and of which Technology/Technologies in all, this Blog, does assume to be the most important of them all: they being 

(1). Filming/Animation Technologies. 
(2). Photography Technology.
(3). Scanning/Printing/Fascmile Technologies. 

In all, what is been pointed at here, is that, the very world of Technology, can too be said, best associated, and with they do term Parallel Developments, and in society too. That Technology, is sometimes perceived, and as said a mainstay of a kind, and if not a said even selling point too that is, and in now associating Technology in itself, and with speak only and of Functionability in itself too that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and from the said context, and which does say, Technology, does in all even bring a said impetus, and towards change, and in now saying that, it simply in all is believed said to inspire, said even Parallel Developments, and in speak now too perhaps, and of Technology, and as said even relegated in all, and in regards to perception too, and to a said even 'Corner of the Room' that is. In now simply attempting to make all this too clear, is to boldly attempt here and to claim that, the United States of America, and in Technology too, is believed even said truly defined and as it is, and by Technology, and that does speak too of Building/Industrial Systems, and such as speak of Refrigeration, Elevators, Compressors etc., and as compared in all again and to the very belief that, it is the Car, and that did truly help make the United States of America, and as it is today that is.

In having said the above though, is to now revert, and to speak now again, and of the Press Conference that is. That what we are briefly trying to say here, is that, all the said entries of this Blog, do in all even it can be said, lead, and to speak of the Press Conference, and in Event too that is. That Counter 'Nairo', is not ruled over, and by speak of Government, and in speak too of Event, but that in all again, and in attempting to make all this too clear, the United States of America too, and as said simply far ahead of the curve, and than most of the res of us are, is said not defined truly, and by the Press Conference, and as said Presidential too, but by speak truly, and of what they do term the Symposium that is. In saying that, Africa, and as said even not influenced by outside forces in all, and as said having its very own mind so to say, is to now associate Africa and in this regard, and with speak too of the Workshop that is. In now too saying that, the Press Conference, does speak of Counter 'Nairo' that is, is to now say too that, the Conference in itself, and in Event too, is something too, believed said even to speak, and of the Middle East, and as it is today that is.

A Press Conference: