Saturday, July 4, 2015



Many out there, and when confronted and with the very said perspective, or view too, and if not question, and if, or if not, they do know of, or believe in Consciousness, they in all even, can simply be labelled, Skeptical that is. That for many, Consciousness, is not believed said to be real, for it all too, is often simply said Conjecture, and if not Hypothesis too, and in the attempt to explain, the World and as it is, and not from speak of the Rational, or of the Logical too, but in all again, from speak now too perhaps, and of what some do term a Worldview that is.

Consciousness though, can be said to be real, and as said even a force, and that does in all even drive History in itself, and in now attempting, to explain why History, does matter, and in speak too and of the Inexplicable for instance, and as said too very much a part, and of our said Sentient being for instance, or simply in all again, speak now too, and of just whom/who in all, one is, and in speak too of Doubt that is.

However, this entry, will not attempt to present Consciousness, and from a said even Academic perspective in all, or that said Religious too, but from one, and that does speak too of the Political Stance that is. That in speak now, and of Consciousness, and as said referring to speak and of the World outside Africa that is, one does see that, History, and in speak too of Politics, is now defined, and by what one could call a God-Consciousness that is. That what is been said here is that, there are those, who do believe in all, that there are said forces out there, evil too, out to destroy, any said remnants, and that do speak too and of Mystical practises, Mysticism, and in speak now too, and of Authority in itself, and as said defined, and via speak too and of the very term/word of Mystique that is. That what is been said here is that, that in speak now of the World outside Africa, most of it that is, a said even Competitive Stance does arise, and in regards, and to what can actually be said to pass, and for Praise in itself, and in now attempting to make it all said even a Political issue/matter that is, and that does say, said even Western efforts by some, and in destroying certain said Religious practises, Mystical, and in favour of a said even Westernized Religion for instance, now too, does speak of the World outside Africa, and as said defined, and by an American Consciousness for instance, and as said even to Counter by some, the very rise, and of a said even God-Consciousness, and which does too, speak of the Middle East, and of the Sufi too that is. All this said though, and as said even simply perceived, and from speak too of Conspiracy that is.

In having said the above, the very belief that, the American Consciousness, is believed to Counter, what some do term a God Consciousness, is to now too, associate the very term/word of Mirroring, and with now saying that, what they do call, the Jesus Consciousness (and not that said to speak of Christ either), does in all even Mirror, what one could term/call, the Egyptian Consciousness, and as said too, and to speak of the Pharaonic that is. In all, the very said conspiratorial belief that, the said enemies, of the often term too, Cult of Jesus, and if not of the names truly of Yeshua, or of YHWH, are too, believed even said Egyptian that is. In now speaking though, and of what they do term/call, an African Consciousness, and as said too Evolutionary that is, is to now best associate it all, and with that said Indian too, for the Indian Consciousness in all, does truly Parallel, that said African that is.

In however saying that, there does exist another said Consciousness, and that most never do ever refer too directly, is to now say it all too, and to speak of the Three Pyramids at Gaza. For this Consciousness, and in speak and of the building of the Pyramids at Gaza, can be said too, to be Anti, a similar said here, Consciousness, and to be found in Africa in itself, and which in all even, does simply speak, and of the very term of Magic in itself that is.

The God-Consciousness: