Saturday, July 18, 2015



The above said Initials, do to, actually speak of the Embassy of the United States in Kenya, but with it all too said here, and to refer, and in a said here direct reference too, and to speak too of USIU (United States International University), and in Kenya too. To the Charge d'Affaires, at the Embassy of the United Sates in Kenya, or in speak too of the Ambassador in himself, I would in all like to say, Mr. Ambassador, and as many others have probably said to you, and in your said stay in Kenya too, Mr. Ambassador, 'Welcome to Kenya'. Mr. Ambassador, it could very well be known to one, and in the said light of the present visit, and by United States President Barack Obama, that the very name of the United States, or that of the United States of America too, is believed said known far and wide, and if it not said ubiquitous in its ways too, and in many a place, and as said too perhaps and in example, said referring and to speak of the UAE, Israel, Japan, Burma, Thailand, Australia, Peru etcetc., and in now saying too that, when those in Kenya in all, do in all even continue, to gush on, the very name of America, in Prestige, or Esteem too, in Culture, or Name too, the most interesting of occurrences does occur, and such that, it does in all even refer, and to most, not simply aware, that the said United States Ambassador to Kenya, does in all even actually live in Kenya, and with he said too, engaged, in said Kenyan National Affairs that is.

In the light of the above said, and in speak too here in particular, and of Kenyan National Affairs, is to now too, speak of God in himself, and of the United States of America too, for no other place on Earth today, does in all even have one, questioning, whom/who in all, God in himself, is actually said to be. For the United States Mr. Ambassador, is acknowledged by some, and as said too God's own Country, and in speak now and of those who do associate speak of Success, Dominance or Development too, and with speak too of Pharaohs in Egypt, of Samurais in Japan, and if not of Buddhist Monks, and in Tibet/China too that is. That in all Mr. Ambassador, when most do think Development, interestingly enough, but not truly so, lots of talk, and on what does pass for Institution, Education/Economy, and if not in speak too of Capital in itself that is. That in all, all this mentioned, is believed too, and to speak of National Affairs and in Kenya, but without much speak in all perhaps, and of what is said to pass for Thrift, Agency, Acumen, Refernce etc., and with it all even said to speak of the United States, and as often said accused, and of meddling, and into the Affairs of many a said Independent Nation/Country out there that is. That Mr. Ambassador, it should be known or said that, when one does in all even refer, and to speak of the United States of America, or the United States, and as said termed God's own Country, we are in all even referring to most, and as said even perceiving the said Citizens/Residents of the United States, and as said possessing a certain Mystique to them, and one too, very much said fascinating in its ways, and as it does in all even speak of Fascination in itself too that is. That Fascination it can be said too Mr. Ambassador, does speak too of Infatuation in itself, and of those said truly, madly, deeply in love with another, but forever, unable, or unwilling, to take or make, that said very first step in all, and in attempting to make this said love, very much real that is.

It too can be said, that the United States of America, is in all even said a place, and that is simply, not understood in its ways/manners in all, and by most too that is. That in speak too now, and of what is said even, to pass for an American Ethic, one does in all even find/see, not too much talk truly, and of Management, Administration or Bureaucracy in itself, and as perceived said to speak of Stability in itself too by many, but in all even, a said here too, grander philosophy in all, and that could be said to speak and of our very definitions, and of Endurance, Performance, and if not Mitigation in itself too that is. That Mr. Ambassador, these said too, Qualities, and of a Human being, are believed in all even paramount, and in succeeding in life, and in the United States of America, and in referring here now, and to many a said famed American Thinker, and of the Dale Carnegie mold too perhaps, and such that, most do in all even acknowledge, Americans, to in all even be, simply said tougher, and than the rest of us are, and in a said too romantic fashion, and that could too be said, to and refer or speak of, and of a said champion Street Fighter too for instance. 

It too can be said Mr. Ambassador, that the United States of America, can too be perceived, the grandest place on Earth, and as it is today. That we are in all even referring here Mr. Ambassador, and to speak of Event, and of the very said belief that, everyday life in the United States of America, is believed said even, rather interesting in its ways, and in speak too now, and of those who don't truly imagine, that Americans, do in all very much go to Bed/Sleep that is. That all this is said, because, it can too be assumed that, the Embassy of the United States to Kenya, does in all even view Kenya, and from its said tumultuous History, and that does too, speak of Religious Cults in Kenya, the very names of Pio Gama Pinto, J.M Kariuki, and if not that of Tom Mboya too, and if not in speak too now, and of the Mau Mau, Mungiki, Legio Maria, Mumboism etc., and if not in further speak too, and of Majimboism, and of the very rise too, and of Slums, all over Kenya that is. That Mr. Ambassador, your task, is said not deemed something, enviable, and in myth too, for it all too, and in my said opinion here, does speak, and of Kenya too, and as said perceived, and from speak of Kenyan Religious Houses/Households, and as unknown to most, Kenyans in all, and in the most minimal of ways, and in referring here, and to speak of Mitigation too, are in all even said believed, practioners, and of many a differing Religious practise, and if not in speak too, and of what some do term the Black Arts that is. In all, Kenyan History, and as most don't truly know it, but as said too, leading, and to the said history of Devil Worship in Kenya that is.

It can too be mentioned here that, when the Blogger here, does very much think of the United States, and in a said show of dominance too, and if not in power, is to speak now too, and of the said (Jack) Dempsey vs. Firpo fight, 1924, and in speak of a said Knock-out punch, delivered by Dempsey, and in speak too of a Show of Might, and as said too rather legit in its ways that is. That in all, it is said too, a Fight, and that did capture the Imagination, of many a person, in the United States of America, and in speak now truly, and of associating, the History of the United States of America, and with speak too of Freudian styled Dream Interpretation /Dream Psychology that is. That in all, most often do fail to simply realize, the very manner in all, they did build, the United States of America, and as said too, to speak of Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology, and if not in speak here too, and in particular, and of Great American Speeches for instance. That in all, this is believed said, a facet of American life, that most don't often truly register and as said real, and other than in speak of the Movies, and of the said True Story too, but that in all again, a way of thinking of the United States, and that does too capture the very Imagination of the Blogger here, and in speak too of Symbol, and in now too saying that, Mr. Ambassador, and incredulously enough perhaps, that what they do call a Kenyan Fire, is actually truly believed, a Fire in itself, for most other places in the World, all of them, do simply possess, Fire, and in a said elemental manner too in all. That Mr. Ambassador, and with no said proof forthcoming in all, not only is a Kenyan Fire, said even primordial, but that in all again, the Kenyan Crocodile, is believed too said truly a Crocodile, and in said comparison, and to the Egyptian Crocodile for instance, or that said Congo too (Croc.,), and in my now saying that, this too, does in all even refer, and to said Jungian styled Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology that is. In a said further note here too, Kenyan Honey, and as said too, truly Honey in itself that is.

Mr. Ambassador, it might be your intention, and considering your said coming/arriving, and from the said most prosperous, developed place in the World today, that being the United States of America, that in all, you might very well have the answer, and to all of Kenya's problems that is. In having said that, is to now attempt to introduce one in all, and in speak too here of the Blogger in himself, and of those simply said proud, and of said African ways of living /livelihood that is. That Mr. Ambassador, your intentions might be said right on the mark/spot, and in now saying that, speak of Development, and in regards to the United States of America, does in all even ask of us, to in all even ponder Time in itself, and in speak too of Decades, Generations, Epochs, Eras, Ages, Centuries, Millenniums etc., and if not in speak of perceiving Development in itself, and from speak too of Science, Commerce, Technology, Industry, Invention, Trade, Venture, Enterprise etc. 

In saying that, the above in all, is the very manner in all again, most do view Development, American too, is to now too, associate speak of Africa, and as said a place differing from the rest out there, for Africa, even moreso than Asia, does ask for one, to truly ponder out life, and in speak of Myth in itself that is, and not in speak of Ritualism truly either. That Mr. Ambassador, what they do term African Time, does very much exist, and in a said form, and that does too, speak of Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology, and in speak here truly, and of the said Tracker Archetype that is [and as said even Archetype, truly African]. That Mr. Ambassador, it too can be said, that Development in Africa, now too, does ask of one, and in speak too of Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology, and of what does truly constitute for African Identity, and as said believed by some, grounded in all, and in speak of Trickster Figures (and not of the Trickster Archetype truly either). 

In saying that, the above manner in all, and of thinking of life, is not said alien to the United States of America, is to now too, associate it all, and with speak of African Religion too, and that does speak of the Orisa, and not of the Orisha either. That said Orisa worship, is not alien and to speak too of the United States of America, for it all too, does speak of the said famed tales, and of Uncle Remus / Bre'er Rabbit too that is. That in all, it too can be said that, that this all, does speak of American life, and as said grounded in Dream (Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology), and that it does in all even ask of us, whom/who in all we are, and as said Escapist (in Thought/Mind), and if not said engaged in Incessant Daydreaming (and that does too speak of the Movies that is). That Mr. Ambassador, Dream in all, it is said, does serve a said function, and if not a said role too, and in regards to speak of American lives, and in now truly associating whom/who in all, Americans, are said in Success, or Economic prowess too, and with speak truly, and of whom/who in all, they are, and with Dream/Pensiveness in itself that is. Something too, not alien to Africa, for the said function or role of Dream in Africa, can too be said, to speak of a said Memory revamp, the erasing of Memory in itself too, and in a said here now, new start/beginning that is, and in speak here too of the said Successes of the Lord of the Rings (LOTR), and of the Hobbit, both Films too, and by Peter Jackson, and as said filmed too, and in speak of Dream in itself, but that in all again, the very belief here that, the African Memory, is believed said by some, to truly triumph over the rest, even that said Egyptian too, for it is only the African Memory, that is believed said truly acquainted, and with speak of Magic in itself that is.

Thank you Mr. Ambassador,