Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Africanisation (1) : Couture

Africanisation (1) : Couture.

This entry on Africanisation, will in all even, simply attempt to define the African, and in speak of the said term/word of Vestibule. For it is a term, known Historically too, to possess or have, or carry to it, many a said Religious connotation in all, and in speak too now, and of referring to the Human, and as he/she is said to be, and in speak too of the very term/word of Container, Depository/Repository, and of the Vessel too, and of said Knowledge too that is. That it in all, does truly ground said African Identity, and in speak truly of Character in itself, and if not in speak too, and of African life, and as simply said defined, and in speak of the Tentative/Probable that is.

In having said the above, and in now attempting to associate, Africanisation, and with said African Identity too, and in speak too of the Setting that is, is to now too, refer, and to said Identity, African, and as said speaking of Africanisation in itself, and as said to refer, and to speak of Contest, and if not of the taking of things, and at their said Face Value too that is. That in regards to speak of Contest and Couture, speak too now perhaps, and of History, and in speak of Vestibules too, and that does in all even reference, Egypt's famed Cosmetics/Body cultures in all (Link), and as with it all even said referring, and to the said birth of the Egyptian Court/Courtly System that is. That in saying, this is the very best manner in all, and of associating Contest, and with Couture, and in speak too of the term Vestibules that is, is to now attempt to add it all up, and in associating the said, taking too, at Face Value of many a thing, and with speak too of Africa's Food/Diet culture that is.

In however, attempting to ground, Couture in itself, and in speak of Africanisation in itself too, and in speak of it all said truly, African Identity, Couture, and at the said too 'Face Value' levels that is, now does in all even associate it all, Africanisation, and with speak of Disease, and of the said term/word too of Susceptible/Susceptibility, and as said referring to Couture, and as it truly is, and Disease too, and that does in all even say, that those said Black in Identity, and in Africa too, are in all even said truly susceptible, and to the said Disease of Diarrhoea, those said 'Black African' / Nubian, are in all even said susceptible, and to Kashiakor, and those said African, are in all even said susceptible, and to Cholera in itself that is.

In saying that, and in regards to speak of Couture too, that most do in all even interpret, speak of Africanisation, and with speak of African Ceremony, Self/Personal-Development in all, and if not in speak too of African Political Imagery, is to now too, associate African Identity, and as said to speak of Africanisation too, and as simply in all said grounded in all, and in speak of what they do term, the Ritualistic, and as said truly defining of Character, and if not of the Tentative/Probable too that is, and not in speak of Ritual, or of Ritualism either that is. That it all, now does too, speak of a said problematic in all, aspect, or said facet too, and of African Identity, and that does in all ask of the very manner in all, the African, does in all even relate to his said World, or environs/environments too, or does truly choose to fit in, or communicate, and with his/her said World, or environs/environments too, and in now saying that, and in speak of Couture, and if not of the History of the Moor in Europe too, it does all even refer, and to speak of Fashion/Fashioning in itself that is.

In regards perhaps, and to now associating speak too, and of the Egyptian Memory, and with Africanisation, and as said to speak of the Great Sphinx at Gaza, is to now too speak, and of African perceptions in all, and of their Physical Bodies that is, and as said in all even, tied down, and to not only speak of the African Memory in itself, but in speak too of Couture, and of the Design of Objects, African, and as said too, to speak of Adaptation in itself that is.

In now referring, and to those who do associate, speak of Africanisation, and with speak of Organization, Leadership, and if not of African Humour in itself too, and as believed said too merging with that said Modern or Western that is, is to now too though, equate speak of Africanisation as such, and with speak of the Equitable in itself, and as now said referring, and to Couture, and as truly said a Vehicle/Carrier in all, and via or by which, Africans, do in all even perceive, History in itself, African too, and as simply said to speak, and of the said building of Community, Communal, and Commune Lifestyles that is.

In now associating speak of Africanisation, and with speak and of what does pass for the African Experience, said too genuine/authentic in all, and if not in speak of it all said grounded too, and in speak of a said Mutual/Common understanding of things, and if not in further speak of Discussion in itself, and as said too paramount, and in the creating of African Identity that is, is to now speak too of Couture, and of Africanisation, and as said just mentioned above, and as said to speak too of African Identity, and as simply said grounded in all, and in speak of Reservation in itself that is, and not in speak of Regard either, or of Discipline/Respect too. In all, speak too of the African Experience in itself, and in speak of Couture, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Celebration in itself too, and as said not driven in all, and by speak of Physiognomies/Physiologies, or in speak too of Inclination/Response, but in all truly even, and in speak now truly, and of Remembrance in itself that is.

In now associating Africanisation, and with speak of Materiality/Materialism, and not of Objects truly either, is to not speak truly of what does pass for Design/Style that is, Africanized/African, but in all truly even, speak now and of what does pass for an African Taste, and as said too, to speak, and of said too, African origins, descent and roots too that is. In saying too that, the African, and as said Intelligent, can too, be primarily/fundamentally in all, be associated, and with speak of Acute Intelligence, and as said to speak of the ability in all, to Re-Align oneself, and with just about anything said too, is to now too speak of what does pass for Political Identity in Africa, and as said too, and to speak too of the Misaligned, the Maligned, and if not of the Malignant too that is.

In now associating Africanisation, and with the said phrase of 'the Power of African Cultures', and as said too Currency, and in speak too of Liability in itself, and not of Opinion/Belief truly either, and as said too, referring and to speak of what does pass for Exposure in itself, and in African Culture, and if not of Empowerment too, and of African culture, and of said the failure of Africans, to in all even basically Appreciate themselves too, is to now associate it all, and with speak of Couture, and as said defining the African, in Privacy, and if not in speak too, and of Character, African, and as said referring, and to speak too of the Parade in itself that is.

In all, Couture, and of life in Africa, and if not of African living too, and as said defined and in speak of what does truly pass for Routine in Africa, and if not of the Escaping, and of the Monotonous in itself too, is to now associate speak of Culture, and of Africanisation too, and with speak of what does pass for Habit, African, and if not of Cleanliness in itself too that is.

In all, and in finalizing all this, Africanisation, and in speak of Couture, and as in all even perceived truly, and in speak too of the Platform in itself that is.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Africanisation (0) : Ethnicism

Africanisation (0) : Ethnicism.

This entry, can be said to be a preheader/prerunner in all, and to three other said entries, and that will speak on Africanisation, and as said too, very much in all, headlining, speak, and of what does pass for being African today, and if not in speak of African Identity too, and as simply said grounded in all, and in speak too of Ethnicism that is. That Ethnicism, does in all even speak, and of Africans today, and as said holding up to a Mirror Image of themselves in all, and in speak of the rest of the World in itself, and if not in speak and of those, said too, very much betrothed to one that is.

In however, attempting to make all this too clear, and in speak of Ethnicism, African, and that is said far-reaching, or spanning the Globe too, and in said speak too here, and of the often termed African Diaspora that is, and as best said here too, grounded in all, and in speak of African peoples, and in Europe too, is to attempt to now ground speak of Africanisation, and in speak too of Ethnicism, and as said to refer, and to speak of one, and in Identity, and as said defined, and in speak of the Ordeal, the Saga, and if not of Torment too that is.

In saying that, African Ethnicism, is believed said something difficult in all, to expound on, is to now too perhaps, associate it all, and with speak of African religion, and as often said everyday too, and as said too in all, and to speak of or deal with, and with the said, ' spirit world' that is. That the African belief and in spirits, is believed said even redundant in its ways in all, and if not in Memory too, and in speak now, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even define, the Public, Private, Hidden, Secret, and the Personal too that is. That the very world of African spirits in all, is said too, to define the African, and at a said (Night) Dream level that is [and in speak too and of African Psychology, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of spirits, Dreams, and of Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology too that is].

In now too saying that, the African spirit world, is believed said even, and to in all encompass, speak too of Nature (Water) spirits, Ancestral/Dead spirits, Evil spirits, Pagan/Heathen/Primitive spirits, is to now speak too of a said, belief, African, and that does in all say that, nothing does truly exist, but speak of spirit only, and in speak too of Cogitation in itself, and of the pre-meditated too, and if not in speak of Reflection in itself too that is. That the African, is often said believed, to live a World, and where said External forces, spirit, cannot be in all truly regulated, but those said Internal, simply said even, acting, and as said Guidance too that is.

In now too saying that, African Ethnicism, and as said to speak of Africa truly, can in all even be said to speak and of what is believed said to constitute, and for African society, is to now too, speak of African Ethnicism, and as said too, and to speak too of symbols, linguistics, blood/energy, and with it all even and complicatedly enough, said referring, and to said African Identity, and as simply said Psychic too that is [and in a said Egyptian tradition, manner in all]. In saying that African Ethnicism, does have a said African parallel  to it all, and in regards to the fore/above mentioned in all, is to now ground it all, and in speak and of what some do term Egbe, and as said a Yoruba/Nigerian term too, and in speak and of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even define a said Healthy Body/Mind too that is.

In however attempting to complete on all this, is to now say too that, Africanisation, and as said too grounded in all, and in speak of Ethnicism that is, is to now say that, Africanisation, and in regards to speak of African Religion, does in all even truly perhaps, speak of the African attempt, and to in all even ground, all said even Human Experiences that is, and in said comparison here, and to the delineating of History in itself that is, and as said Global, Family, Evolutionary, Scientific, African etc., and in speak too now, and of a said even, simple or single, Experience that is (and as said too a Dream for instance), and by which, life in itself, History too, is simply said adjudged by that is. Hopefully, all this, is very much too simply understood, and by the said search too, and for a said African Soul, and in its very depths too that is [or speak too perhaps, and of what does pass too for echoing, and in a said too, Religious context that is].

Friday, July 24, 2015




When we do speak of Africanisation, we are in all even referring, and to speak too, and of that said part, or Identity too, African, and that does in all even refer, and to speak of Africans, and as said too, taking just about anything that is, and at a said Face Value too that is. That this in all, does simply ask, and of just whom/who in all, Africans, are said to be, and when they do in all, do such said things that is, and in speak too now perhaps, and of African life, and as simply said truly defined, and not by speak of Competition in all (Competitive Advantage, Edge & Strategy), and as see in in many another part of the World, but in speak truly and of Contest in itself, and not of Tournament/Conflict either, and in speak too now and of the History of the Moor, and in Europe too that is.

In having said that, that Africanisation, does in all even speak, and of that said part, or Identity too, African, and that does ask of Africans that is, and of just whom/who in all, they are, and when they do take/judge, or accept too, just about anything, and at a said Face Value too that is, and which in all again, has traditionally associated African ways of living in all, and with speak too and of the said Kangaroo Court for instance.

In now saying that, Africanisation, and as said a Political term, does in all even speak too and of African Identity, and as said defined too, and by speak of Ceremony in itself, and if not of Ceremonials too that is, and as with it all even said associating, Africanisation, and with speak too of African Political Imagery, and if not of African Political Symbolism too that is. That African Ceremony, is too, now viewed in all, and as said too a launching pad of a kind, and from which, Africans in all, can simply introduce themselves, and to the World-at-large for instance, and in speak too now, and of associating every said facet of African life, and with African Ceremony, and that does speak too, and of what some do term Self/Personal-Development that is, and as believed said even tantamount, and in regards and to speak and of what is believed said to hinder, speak of Advancement, Progress etc., and in Africa today too that is. That African Ceremony, is simply said even viewed and as said a Forum too, and via which Africans do in all even make contact, and with the rest of the World that is [and as with it all even said to speak of the precipitating, and of a change in Behaviour, and from that simply said too African, and to that which does in all even simply refer, and to the term Africanisation in itself that is].

In now saying that, Africanisation, does have a said even long-standing History to it all, is to in all even, associate it all, and with speak too of Imagery, and if not of Authority, Egyptian, and that does in all even speak of Sphinxes, and if not of the Great Sphinx at Gaza too that is. That Egyptian Civilization, is in all actually truly said Egyptian, but does in all even, present itself it can be said, and to it said constituents, or said even 'fellow members' in all, African speak, and in further speak too of the said even 'forces of Nature'/'forces of Change', and in a said African manner in all, the Sphinx that is, and as versus speak now and of the Serpent too for instance. That this in all, does differ and from speak of Egypt that is, and as said presenting itself to the World, and in speak too of the Pyramids in Egypt that is. In all, the Sphinx it is been said here, does too speak of said Egyptian Identity, and as said defined and by speak of the Face Value of things that is.

In now associating speak of Africanisation, and with speak of Organization in itself for instance, is to now too, speak, and of what is believed said to represent or stand for, and for African Leadership in itself that is. For it does in all even now, ask of the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even Identify with each other that is. For it does too, speak of African Media in all, and if not of African Humour tpp, and as said too, encompassing, talk of the Equitable in itself that is. That Africanisation, and as said spelt out as such, does in all even claim that, African Organization in all, does not have to it all, speak of Unity for instance, or Cooperation too, but speak in all, and of the very manner in all again, Africans, do Identify with each other, and in speak too now, and of their said holding truly differing views/beliefs from each other, but still very much holding it can be said, each other, and at a said equal weight that is.

In now too saying that, Africanisation, does in all even play, a said even everyday role, and in helping truly redefine in all, African Identity that is, is to not ground speak of African Identity, and in speak too of Debate for instance, but in speak truly now, and of what does in all even stand for in all, and for a said Discussion too that is. That speak of the Discussion, now too is said, often associated, and with speak of Africans, and as said opening themselves up, and to others in all, each other, and in a said everyday basis too, but that in all again, it does in all even refer, and to a said Common/Mutual understanding in all, and of what does pass for the/a said African Experience that is.

In saying that, there are those who would acquaint talk of Africanisation, and with speak of Materiality in itself, and of what is said African Materiality, and what is not, is to now simply too, associate talk of Africanisation, and with speak of Design/Style in itself too that is. However, such talk, does in all even lead, to a said deeper Theory in all, and of what Africanisation is said to be, and in speak now and of Africans and as said possessing, an Acute Intelligence in all, and that does in all even speak, and of whom/who in all, Africans are said to be, and when they do, Re-Align themselves in all, and with just about anything that is. That Africanisation, now does too, speak of Africans, and as said even, rather sympathetic, and to said even alien beliefs, and in speak now, and of the Social/Political Cause that is, and of African Identity, and as now said too, and to speak too of World History in itself that is.

In saying that, African Culture, does in all even possess, or hold, or carry to it all too, a said Power/Currency that is, is to now too, speak of Power and in the World today, and as said not to speak truly, and of one and in Opinion/Belief that is, but speak truly now, and of Liability in itself, of Disclosure, of Innocence, of Nakedness, of Hazard/Risk, of Vulnerability, and if not in speak and of the very manner in all, many a said Culture out there, does in all even define itself truly, and in speak of Exposure in itself that is. That it is in talk now and of Exposure in all, and whereby one does in all even find, talk of Empowerment in itself, but in now saying that, Africans, do in all even have interesting definitions in all, and of Exposure in itself too, and in further speak too of what does pass for an African Political Authority in all, is to now simply talk, and of Africans, and as simply said not Appreciating of themselves that is. 

In all, Africanisation, and as said too, very much existing, and at the said Family level too, is to not speak too and of African definitions and of Roles, Responsibilities and Duty, Family, but to in all even, associate it all, and with African perceptions, and of Africa in itself, and with it all even said now, and to speak of an African Health / Psychology in all, and that does in all even ask of Africans, and not of their definitions of Intimacy in itself, but speak probably now, and of what does pass for Routine in all, and in Africa too, and if not in speak too, and of the Monotonous that is.

In all, this very post and on Africanisation, is believed too, and of said importance in all, and if not of significance in itself too, for it does in all even speak and of the very manner in all, African Identity, is said today, perceived, constructed that is, for it is in all even said a post too, and that does in all even warrant more of it can be said, and in speak too now and of the attempt, to detail, Africanisation in all, and in speak too and of the said term of Couture for instance, and if not that of Decor too.

Thursday, July 23, 2015



To both BiK (and over at 'Nairo'), and Vic. too, and as said out here in Counter 'Nairo' too, and to many another person and who does in all even hang out in Counter 'Nairo' in itself, Hosea for instance, the very question now, put out to one, and on what Tuberculosis, is simply said to be. For it in all, is believed a Disease too, and that does in all even redefine one in Sexuality, and if not in speak too of Identity in itself, and as said Eastern Africa too that is.



The above Initials, do in all even spell out the following: the African High Commission in Kenya. That they do in all even too, primarily refer, and to the said High Commissions in all, and of Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi, and who do in all even alongside speak too of Kenya, makeup and for the EAC (East African Community), and if not in speak too now, and of said termed Great Lakes Region of Africa too that is. Mr's. Ambassadors, I would in all like to welcome you, and to Kenya and as it is today, and in now saying that, the very problems Kenya does face, are not believed said truly alien to any of you, and in now attempting to simply ask of you, and in viewing Kenya, and as said too now a second home.

Mr's. Ambassadors, with many a said African Intellectual, having helped, build up a said Image, and of Kenya, and as simply said more developed in its ways in all, and than many another African Country are said to be, one does in all even truly wonder, what role many a said African Country, would play, and in helping Develop Kenya that is. That most do in all even associate speak of Africa, and Kenya, and with speak of Import-Export that is, and that most African Countries, are simply said to be of no value at all, and to Kenya too perhaps, and in speak too of Development, African too, and that is too often believed said, and to speak of a said Value-Added Process that is.

In saying that, Africa, does posses or hold more Value, and than most Africans, would in all even believe it would, is to now ask, and what is said believed to be defining, and of the African that is: Event, Character or Experience too. That the very belief that, Africa, is still said defining of itself, and if not of the World too, and in speak of Experience truly, and not of Event or Character either that is. That Mr's. Ambassadors, it is of my noticing, and if not observation too, that Africans in all, do in all even truly attempt, to simply define themselves, and in speak of what Experience, is simply said African, and which is not, and not in speak either that is, and of associating it all, and with speak of the Humane for instance, and in speak truly, and of a World today too said ruled over by a said World Media, and of what is believed said too worthy, and of knowing, and of what is believed said too unworthy, rubbish, nonsensical etc. That the World today, does appear defined in all, and by speak of the Meaningless in itself, and that Mr's. Ambassadors, many do/could in all even find Meaning/Purpose, and in their lives, and via speak not of Africa in itself that is, but via speak and of what does pass for the African Experience, and as said too opening one up, and to what is simply said now, meaningful, or purposeful too, and in said minimal or minuscule way too that is.

That Mr's. Ambassadors, it too can be said that, the whole lot of you, and if not all of you that is, do in all even probably view Kenya, and from speak too and of the said Independence Day Celebrations that is. That this too, does speak, and of the said world of prominent Kenyan Politicians in all, and in speak too of the late Ronald Ngala for instance, and if not of the late Honourable George Kinuthia Saitoti too, and as with it all too though, said too, and to speak and of the very name of Mama Ngina Kenyatta that is. That this manner in all, and of viewing Kenya, does in all even ask, and of if Kenya, is simply said African, Western, Black, Indigenous etc., and as with it all even said defined now, and in speak of Experience too that is. That in my said opinion here Mr's Ambassadors, Kenya today, and in regards and to speak of Africa, said offering the worst, and the best too, and of said Experiences, and in Africa today too that is. That in all Mrs. Ambassadors, and as one would probably not expect, and in speak of those who do associate, the United States of America, and with speak not only of Event, but with speak too, and of what said Experiences, are in all even said to Legitimize one, Validate one, and if not speak too, and of the Afforded that is [that Experience in all, now does tell of us, what we do believe, is rightfully ours, or what is said too, rightfully coming our way that is]. What though is being said Mrs. Ambassadors, and in speak too of what does pass for Human Potential, is that, it is believed that, the said African Experience, is in all even more portent, and than that said American too, and in regards, and to simply opening one up, and to what is believed said too, and to speak of the Legitimate, Validation, and if not of the Afforded/Affordable too that is. In helping one though, simply understand all this and in the most simplest of manners in all, is to now too simply talk, and of what is believed said to constitute, and for African (Cultural/Political/Religious/Social) Set practices/practises that is, and with they too, now said defining one, and in a manner in all, most Africans, don't often associate, and with speak of African Culture that is, or of the said 'Power of African Culture' too, and which does ask of Africans, and of the very manner in all, they do perceive Psychological Projection, and if not in speak too now of Mirroring/Embodiment too that is.

In now attempting to fully put some humour into all this, and in the very name and of what some do term Ujaribio, is to now ask of you Mr's. Ambassadors, and of the very manner in all, you do in all even perceive, African Religion in itself that is. That Mr's. Ambassadors, the very question now, and of what does in all even pass for African Religion, and as said too now, and to speak too of (African) Sky Gods that is. That Mr's. Ambassadors, this too, does simply ask of one, and of the very manner in all, one does in all even define, what they do call a Knock that is. That in attempting say that, that speak of a Knock, is simply said all there is to/in life, is to not only attempt here, and to differentiate, and between a said Solution, and a said Answer, Solution/Answer, but that in all again, and in the very name of the Knock too, is to simply ask of one, and of the said belief and that does say, African lives in all, are in all even truly determined, and by speak too of Trajectories, Continuum/Continuity, and if not of Trackings in themselves too that is [and in speak too now, and of a said World outside Africa too, said too defined and in Regional Success for instance, and via speak of Forecasting, and if not of Predictions too that is].

Thank you Mr's Ambassadors,


CC: forwarded copy

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Highest End

The Highest End.

When we do speak of the Highest End, we are in all even referring, and to what is believed said, and to constitute, and for a said too, Ideal, and if not said too, a true, African life lived out. That this in all, does ask of us, what we do believe, to constitute in all, and for Distraction, and in our very lives too, and as said too, to speak of said African lives, and as believed even said truly grounded in all, and in speak too of Coordination in itself, and as versus speak of the Egyptian way of life in all, and that is said believed grounded in all, and in speak of Moderation in itself that is.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

African Relations

African Relations.

When we do speak of African Relations, we are in all too, referring, and to the very fact that, African History, is often simply said Documented, and not Recorded truly either. That speak of what in all, is said to be Documented, and in regards and to speak of Africa, and of African History too, or what does pass for Documentation in itself, is simply said not known, for it too, does in all even speak, and of what does pass for Continuity in all, and in our said lives too that is [or speak too of Continuity in itself, and in speak too of life in itself that is]. In all, the very belief that, what does pass for African Emotion, African Decision-making, African Drive, African Support, the African Memory, African Politics etc., now too, does in all even speak and of what is said Documented, and of the very manner too in all, and of just how best to Document anything that is.

African Policy

African Policy.

This entry, does in all even associate, African Policy, and with the said word/term of Lateralism, and if not in speak truly of Unilateralism, Bi-lateralism, and if not of Multi-lateralism too. That this all, now too, does ground Development in Africa, and in speak of Cooperation in itself, and as versus speak now too, and of (National) Agendas that is. In all, speak now too, and of a said National/Political Doctrine, and that is said too, grounded in all, and in speak too of Cultural Exchange for instance, African, and if not in speak too now, and of the very said Title too, and of the Cultural Ambassador that is.


African Ancestors.

This entry, does have to do, and with the said too, role in all, and that Africa, has in all even played, and in History too that is. That in speak of the World outside Africa, speak now and of it said defined truly, and by speak of the Historian that is, for in speak now and of Africa, and in regards and to speak of History, is to now best say it all, defined truly, and by speak of Ancestors, and if not of the Ancestral too that is.

In helping one understand the said even, pivotal difference, and of the said World of the Historian, and as versus that which does speak too of the Ancestors/Ancestral, is to now associate the former, and with a Media, and that does speak of the Sufi too for instance. In speak of the latter, and of the World and in History, and as said made out and in speak too of Ancestors/Ancestral, is to now too, attempt to say it all, Egyptian, Nigerian, South African, and if not Kenyan too perhaps.

That in speak of Egypt, and of the Ancestors/Ancestral, and of the said impact too, that Egypt has in all even, had, and said directly too, and on World History, is to now associate it all, and with speak too of Creationist-Destructionist Theories, and of life too that is. That this all, now does speak too, and of the said even Rise and Fall, and of many a Civilization that is.

Nigeria, can today be said Africa's most important Country in all, and in regards and to speak of Influence that is. That this all, now too, does speak of the Ancestors/Ancestral, and of life in itself too, and as said perceived in all, and from speak Birth-Death-Rebirth Cycles that is. That this too, does in all even speak and of the very manner in all, we do very much see it can be said, our very said selves, and in the Mirror too perhaps, and in further speak too of Personal/Self-Reflection that is, but with it all too, said now to speak, and of just whom/who in all, we do choose to Communicate with, and as we very much in all, go along and with our said lives too that is. In all, it too can be said, that said Ancestor/Ancestral worship in all, does too speak and of the very manner in all, we do perceive change in in our very lives, or World too, and in regards and to speak of Birth-Death-Rebirth Cycles in all, and as versus speak too now, and of Event in itself that is [and of the Sufi, and the Historian too that is].

In speak of South Africa though, and in regards and to speak of the Ancestors/Ancestral, is to now too, associate it all, and with speak of Constructivism in itself, but in speak and of Kenya, and as said as such, speak too now perhaps, and of Monetarism too that is.

In all, what we are trying to fully hint at here, or get to, does in all even refer, and to speak and of the very manner in all, we do define Redundancy, and in our very lives too, and as said Theory too that is. Theory too, and that does speak, and of what is said defining truly, or permeating in all, our very said existences, and as they truly are, and in now too saying that, it is Nigeria, that is truly, Africa's connect, and to the rest of the World, and in regards to all this, and not Egypt, South Africa, or Kenya either that is.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Zee TV

Zee TV.



The above said Initials, do to, actually speak of the Embassy of the United States in Kenya, but with it all too said here, and to refer, and in a said here direct reference too, and to speak too of USIU (United States International University), and in Kenya too. To the Charge d'Affaires, at the Embassy of the United Sates in Kenya, or in speak too of the Ambassador in himself, I would in all like to say, Mr. Ambassador, and as many others have probably said to you, and in your said stay in Kenya too, Mr. Ambassador, 'Welcome to Kenya'. Mr. Ambassador, it could very well be known to one, and in the said light of the present visit, and by United States President Barack Obama, that the very name of the United States, or that of the United States of America too, is believed said known far and wide, and if it not said ubiquitous in its ways too, and in many a place, and as said too perhaps and in example, said referring and to speak of the UAE, Israel, Japan, Burma, Thailand, Australia, Peru etcetc., and in now saying too that, when those in Kenya in all, do in all even continue, to gush on, the very name of America, in Prestige, or Esteem too, in Culture, or Name too, the most interesting of occurrences does occur, and such that, it does in all even refer, and to most, not simply aware, that the said United States Ambassador to Kenya, does in all even actually live in Kenya, and with he said too, engaged, in said Kenyan National Affairs that is.

In the light of the above said, and in speak too here in particular, and of Kenyan National Affairs, is to now too, speak of God in himself, and of the United States of America too, for no other place on Earth today, does in all even have one, questioning, whom/who in all, God in himself, is actually said to be. For the United States Mr. Ambassador, is acknowledged by some, and as said too God's own Country, and in speak now and of those who do associate speak of Success, Dominance or Development too, and with speak too of Pharaohs in Egypt, of Samurais in Japan, and if not of Buddhist Monks, and in Tibet/China too that is. That in all Mr. Ambassador, when most do think Development, interestingly enough, but not truly so, lots of talk, and on what does pass for Institution, Education/Economy, and if not in speak too of Capital in itself that is. That in all, all this mentioned, is believed too, and to speak of National Affairs and in Kenya, but without much speak in all perhaps, and of what is said to pass for Thrift, Agency, Acumen, Refernce etc., and with it all even said to speak of the United States, and as often said accused, and of meddling, and into the Affairs of many a said Independent Nation/Country out there that is. That Mr. Ambassador, it should be known or said that, when one does in all even refer, and to speak of the United States of America, or the United States, and as said termed God's own Country, we are in all even referring to most, and as said even perceiving the said Citizens/Residents of the United States, and as said possessing a certain Mystique to them, and one too, very much said fascinating in its ways, and as it does in all even speak of Fascination in itself too that is. That Fascination it can be said too Mr. Ambassador, does speak too of Infatuation in itself, and of those said truly, madly, deeply in love with another, but forever, unable, or unwilling, to take or make, that said very first step in all, and in attempting to make this said love, very much real that is.

It too can be said, that the United States of America, is in all even said a place, and that is simply, not understood in its ways/manners in all, and by most too that is. That in speak too now, and of what is said even, to pass for an American Ethic, one does in all even find/see, not too much talk truly, and of Management, Administration or Bureaucracy in itself, and as perceived said to speak of Stability in itself too by many, but in all even, a said here too, grander philosophy in all, and that could be said to speak and of our very definitions, and of Endurance, Performance, and if not Mitigation in itself too that is. That Mr. Ambassador, these said too, Qualities, and of a Human being, are believed in all even paramount, and in succeeding in life, and in the United States of America, and in referring here now, and to many a said famed American Thinker, and of the Dale Carnegie mold too perhaps, and such that, most do in all even acknowledge, Americans, to in all even be, simply said tougher, and than the rest of us are, and in a said too romantic fashion, and that could too be said, to and refer or speak of, and of a said champion Street Fighter too for instance. 

It too can be said Mr. Ambassador, that the United States of America, can too be perceived, the grandest place on Earth, and as it is today. That we are in all even referring here Mr. Ambassador, and to speak of Event, and of the very said belief that, everyday life in the United States of America, is believed said even, rather interesting in its ways, and in speak too now, and of those who don't truly imagine, that Americans, do in all very much go to Bed/Sleep that is. That all this is said, because, it can too be assumed that, the Embassy of the United States to Kenya, does in all even view Kenya, and from its said tumultuous History, and that does too, speak of Religious Cults in Kenya, the very names of Pio Gama Pinto, J.M Kariuki, and if not that of Tom Mboya too, and if not in speak too now, and of the Mau Mau, Mungiki, Legio Maria, Mumboism etc., and if not in further speak too, and of Majimboism, and of the very rise too, and of Slums, all over Kenya that is. That Mr. Ambassador, your task, is said not deemed something, enviable, and in myth too, for it all too, and in my said opinion here, does speak, and of Kenya too, and as said perceived, and from speak of Kenyan Religious Houses/Households, and as unknown to most, Kenyans in all, and in the most minimal of ways, and in referring here, and to speak of Mitigation too, are in all even said believed, practioners, and of many a differing Religious practise, and if not in speak too, and of what some do term the Black Arts that is. In all, Kenyan History, and as most don't truly know it, but as said too, leading, and to the said history of Devil Worship in Kenya that is.

It can too be mentioned here that, when the Blogger here, does very much think of the United States, and in a said show of dominance too, and if not in power, is to speak now too, and of the said (Jack) Dempsey vs. Firpo fight, 1924, and in speak of a said Knock-out punch, delivered by Dempsey, and in speak too of a Show of Might, and as said too rather legit in its ways that is. That in all, it is said too, a Fight, and that did capture the Imagination, of many a person, in the United States of America, and in speak now truly, and of associating, the History of the United States of America, and with speak too of Freudian styled Dream Interpretation /Dream Psychology that is. That in all, most often do fail to simply realize, the very manner in all, they did build, the United States of America, and as said too, to speak of Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology, and if not in speak here too, and in particular, and of Great American Speeches for instance. That in all, this is believed said, a facet of American life, that most don't often truly register and as said real, and other than in speak of the Movies, and of the said True Story too, but that in all again, a way of thinking of the United States, and that does too capture the very Imagination of the Blogger here, and in speak too of Symbol, and in now too saying that, Mr. Ambassador, and incredulously enough perhaps, that what they do call a Kenyan Fire, is actually truly believed, a Fire in itself, for most other places in the World, all of them, do simply possess, Fire, and in a said elemental manner too in all. That Mr. Ambassador, and with no said proof forthcoming in all, not only is a Kenyan Fire, said even primordial, but that in all again, the Kenyan Crocodile, is believed too said truly a Crocodile, and in said comparison, and to the Egyptian Crocodile for instance, or that said Congo too (Croc.,), and in my now saying that, this too, does in all even refer, and to said Jungian styled Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology that is. In a said further note here too, Kenyan Honey, and as said too, truly Honey in itself that is.

Mr. Ambassador, it might be your intention, and considering your said coming/arriving, and from the said most prosperous, developed place in the World today, that being the United States of America, that in all, you might very well have the answer, and to all of Kenya's problems that is. In having said that, is to now attempt to introduce one in all, and in speak too here of the Blogger in himself, and of those simply said proud, and of said African ways of living /livelihood that is. That Mr. Ambassador, your intentions might be said right on the mark/spot, and in now saying that, speak of Development, and in regards to the United States of America, does in all even ask of us, to in all even ponder Time in itself, and in speak too of Decades, Generations, Epochs, Eras, Ages, Centuries, Millenniums etc., and if not in speak of perceiving Development in itself, and from speak too of Science, Commerce, Technology, Industry, Invention, Trade, Venture, Enterprise etc. 

In saying that, the above in all, is the very manner in all again, most do view Development, American too, is to now too, associate speak of Africa, and as said a place differing from the rest out there, for Africa, even moreso than Asia, does ask for one, to truly ponder out life, and in speak of Myth in itself that is, and not in speak of Ritualism truly either. That Mr. Ambassador, what they do term African Time, does very much exist, and in a said form, and that does too, speak of Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology, and in speak here truly, and of the said Tracker Archetype that is [and as said even Archetype, truly African]. That Mr. Ambassador, it too can be said, that Development in Africa, now too, does ask of one, and in speak too of Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology, and of what does truly constitute for African Identity, and as said believed by some, grounded in all, and in speak of Trickster Figures (and not of the Trickster Archetype truly either). 

In saying that, the above manner in all, and of thinking of life, is not said alien to the United States of America, is to now too, associate it all, and with speak of African Religion too, and that does speak of the Orisa, and not of the Orisha either. That said Orisa worship, is not alien and to speak too of the United States of America, for it all too, does speak of the said famed tales, and of Uncle Remus / Bre'er Rabbit too that is. That in all, it too can be said that, that this all, does speak of American life, and as said grounded in Dream (Dream Interpretation / Dream Psychology), and that it does in all even ask of us, whom/who in all we are, and as said Escapist (in Thought/Mind), and if not said engaged in Incessant Daydreaming (and that does too speak of the Movies that is). That Mr. Ambassador, Dream in all, it is said, does serve a said function, and if not a said role too, and in regards to speak of American lives, and in now truly associating whom/who in all, Americans, are said in Success, or Economic prowess too, and with speak truly, and of whom/who in all, they are, and with Dream/Pensiveness in itself that is. Something too, not alien to Africa, for the said function or role of Dream in Africa, can too be said, to speak of a said Memory revamp, the erasing of Memory in itself too, and in a said here now, new start/beginning that is, and in speak here too of the said Successes of the Lord of the Rings (LOTR), and of the Hobbit, both Films too, and by Peter Jackson, and as said filmed too, and in speak of Dream in itself, but that in all again, the very belief here that, the African Memory, is believed said by some, to truly triumph over the rest, even that said Egyptian too, for it is only the African Memory, that is believed said truly acquainted, and with speak of Magic in itself that is.

Thank you Mr. Ambassador,


Friday, July 17, 2015



The initials T.C.I.K, do in all even refer, and to the said Confucius Institute in Kenya. This said Cultural Body, or Vehicle too, is in all even said been used here, and in attempting to address the Chinese Embassy in Kenya, and in speak here truly, and of the Chinese Ambassador to Kenya in himself that is. Mr. Ambassador, may I hopefully proceed, to greet you, and in the very words, you have heard emanate from your fellow Chinese Countrymen's mouths many a time, and if not in speak too of your said here fellow Human beings too, and who might in all even take a huge or big interest in all, and in Chinese Culture in itself too; Mr. Ambassador, Nin Hao / Nin Hao Ma?

Mr. Ambassador, it too can be said, you are amongst, the many other Dignitaries/Diplomats, and that have in all taken an interest, and in attempting to not only help Africa, upraise itself in all, and if not Develop itself too, and from a said perspective, and that can best be said here, and to refer, and to speak too of the Tandem, word/term that is. That Africa, is not only and in all even said lagging in its ways, but does too, appear to have no said prospects to it, and in regards too perhaps, and to speak of a World today, and that does in all even acquaint life in itself, and in comfort and pleasure, and with speak too, and of Luxury, and if not of the Luxurious in itself too that is. That it is believed by many, that these are the very things any Human out there, would want, and that Africans, are in all even not said Primitive truly, but Heathens truly in all, and in regards and to these said things that is. The very question here, and of why anyone would take an interest in Africa, and other than associate it all, and with speak of Shareholding Companies that is, and if not in speak too of the Estate that is.

Mr. Ambassador, hopefully, you are enjoying your stay in Kenya, and as it is often said too, that it is the African Sun, and that does truly symbolize the Sun in itself, and not the Japanese Sun either, Rising, or speak too of the American Sun that is. That in speak of the British too, and of Empire, and to which it is often agreed upon, that the Sun never does rise or set on the British Empire, it too can be said here that, it is believed that, the Kenyan Sun, is actually said truly the Sun in itself, and not that said Egyptian either, and which many do associate, the Egyptian Sun Mr. Ambassador, and with the Dawn of Civilization in itself that is. In all, Mr. Ambassador, what I am trying to get at here, is that, do not be too assuming, and in referring now to China, and in Longetivity too perhaps, to know too much of Kenya, for Kenya in all, is in all even said a complicated place of a kind, and in regards and to speak of Consciousness in itself too that is. That Mr. Ambassador, it can be said that, the Chinese Embassy in Kenya, and if not in speak too of the Confuciius Institute in Kenya too, does in all even view Kenya, or Kenyan History, and from speak too, and of the said History of Kikuyu/Black Nationalism in Kenya, and of names and such as those said to speak of Harry Thuku, James Gichuru, Eliud Mathu, Francis Khamsi, and others too, and of their said ilk that is.

That this very manner in all, and of viewing Kenyan History, is believed too, to often accompany, speak too of Kenyan/African Inferiority, for it all is said too, a tale, and that does not truly have Independence in mind truly, but speak truly perhaps, and of Resentment in itself that is. That unknown to most, Kikuyu/Black Nationalism, is said borne now, and in speak of Colonial Settlements/Expansion, and into Kenya, but that in all again, Kikuyu/Black Nationalism, does now arise, and in the attempt, to define Black/Kikuyu Wealth/Property that is, and as said too here, and to speak too of, and of resentful feelings, and towards the said Colonial Order in place that is. But what most do in all even miss on / reject, and in their said understanding of the rise of Kikuyu/Black Nationalism, is that, Colonial Wealth/Property in Kenya, is not said European, Western, English etc., but is in all even actually said Victorian, but truly Colonial, and if not said African, and in speak now and of equating it all, and to the Kenyan Savanna that is. That this Wealth/Property, does arise, and with an Imagination, said Kenya/Victorian too, and if not African too, but that the Kikuyu in all, do claim that, White Settlers into Kenya, do in all even kick them out, the Kikuyu, and from the often termed White Highlands that is, and before they do engage in Colonial Expansionism, and as said originating too, and with the White Highlands in themselves that is. This is not actually true, or false either, but what is been said here is that, a said growing resentement, and by the Kikuyu, and in regards and to their said Status, Worker, and not Servitude either, does in all even speak of a Colonial Kenyan society, and as said defined and by speak of the Menace in itself that is, and as with it all too, said even, an Evil, and that does in all even grow, and to speak too of Machete wielding, Oath-taking Kikuyu fanatics, simply even said resentful, and in regards and to speak not only of Colonial Expansionism, but in speak too of Colonial/Wealth/Property in itself that is [that what too is been said here is that, it is only the Kikuyu, who do truly identify, and with the said 'Struggle for Independence' that is]. Some might say 'fare shake and deal', and as with it all even said too, and to speak too of perilous Times in America, but unknown to most, Kikuyu culture, and others like it, does in all even hold/posses, Expansionist ambitions/ideals, and Expansionist ambitions/ideals too, and that have been at the very heart of many an ethnic cleansing episode, and in Post-Independence/Colonial Kenya too that is.

Mr. Ambassador, it can truly be asked of, and of what role China, does have, and in said too, Kenyan Affairs today, and if not in speak of Developing Kenya in itself too. For there are those, who would associate such Development, and with speak primarily of the Engineer for instance, but in now truly saying that, Kenya's problems, do not in all even appear, to speak of Educational attainments truly, is to now speak too, and of what does pass for, and for Kenyan Affairs that is. That Mr. Ambassador, and in the name of corruption too perhaps, the said best Minds in Kenya, are often believed said relegated or pushed to the back, and in speak too here, and of what is believed said to speak of the said Murder/Killing, and of the late Honorable Robert Ouko too for instance, a former Foreign Minister of Kenya, and with those now said Thieving in their ways, pushed to the fore, and in speak too and of what does pass for Ineptitude in itself, and in Kenya today too that is [that we are in all even referring to here, is said to speak and of those who do build said great looking Houses in Kenya, and before have some dimwit it can be said here, said allowed too, and in building a Shack of a kind, right next to it].

Mr. Ambassador, what though can be said, and in asking of your ear/hearing here and so to say, what can be said, to pass for Kenyan Affairs? A said most difficult thing to answer for sure, for unknown to most, Kenyan Culture, and as said too Indigenous, does not truly match or mirror that, to be seen in many another part of Africa, and in speak now and of those who do ascribe Kenyan Identity in all, and to speak of the Bantu that is. That Kenya Mr. Ambassador, is not actually Bantu, and something one would be aware of, and if they did truly know, and of Kenyan Affairs that is. That in attempting not to engage in petty gossip, or incriminate myself, others, or you too Mr. Ambassador, and on what does pass for, Foolishness it can best be said here, and in Kenya too, is to now say that, China's role and in helping Kenya Develop, can too be best said tied down, and to speak of Affairs, and if not in speak of Civil Authority too. That first off Mr. Ambassador, China's role in helping Develop Kenya, does in all even lie, and in speak of Matriculation/Grading Systems it can be said here. That in speak of Kenya as such, is to speak of Kenya and as said having fallen, and in Status too, and over the Times and so to say, and ever since Independence too, was said declared that is. It too can be said Mr. Ambassador, and in referring here now, and to many a said even Chinese Contractual/Expat Worker in Kenya, and as said too engage in Kenya's Realtor / Real Estate Industry that is, that Kenya does face many, said here too, Time/Communications problems, and which do in all even speak and of the very manner in all, China, does in all even too, define Delays, 'Waitings', Warnings, Setbacks etc. That this all, does actually speak, and of the very manner in all, Kenyans do define Community/Communal Spaces, and with they too said to speak of (Social/Political) Gatherings, and in speak here too and of the name of Othaya Town, and of the said termed too Mt. Kenya Mafia for instance, and by some, and which does speak too now, and of the very manners/ways in all, Kenyans, do in all even define or perceive, Time in itself that is. Finally Mr. Ambassador, speak too now, and of what can be said, to be a peculiar feature, of Kenyan life, and that is associated too, and with those who do in all even it can be said, possess Power in Kenya, and if not in further speak of Maasai/Ndorobo culture too, and which does in all even speak and of the said Observance of Ritual, and not the participation of it either, for the Observance of Ritual, is too, said even associated, and with speak of Freemason, and if not Devil-worshiping Cults, and to be found in many a place out there that is. That in all Mr. Ambassador, the very belief that, herein, is simply where and in all again, Kenya's Authority/Power does in all even lie, and in speak too of Kenya, and as said even truly, a highly volatile/violent Country, and which does in all even now culminate too, and to speak of Al-Shabaab for instance.

In now saying Mr. Ambassador, that there is more to the above, is to now too, associate Resentment, and with speak of Africa in itself too, and in speak now and of a History, and that does refer, and to the 'putting down' of Africans it can be said, and in the name of Animosity too, and as said too not truly understood by most that is. That this Resentment, is not actually real, but does speak too, and of African attempts to in all even create Identity, and in this World we do live in, and that is in all even said to speak of Isolationism, and from others too that is [that this too, does speak of the very world of African Language, Lingua Franca, Verbiage, Vernacular etc.]. However, what can be said and in regards to all this, as I don't in all, feel it proper, to be the one to talk on such issues/matters in all, is that, Kikuyu/Black Nationalism, did in all even spearhead, a said movement, and in helping now turn Kenya, and as once said even, one of the more Beautiful places out there, but with it all even now, said too a place, best described, and as said too, a Sore to the Eye that is. That Kenya, is no longer said too, defined by speak of Colonial Wealth/Property, and that the future of Kenya, and alongside speak too, and of the name of Robert Ouko for instance, might in all even speak, and of Development, and that does speak too of Englishness for instance (Link), and as versus speak of Western Development, and in speak now and of the very world of Kenyan Political Parties, and as said too, engaged, in lots of arguing, and in regards and to what does speak of, or pass for too, and for the Kenyan Future that is.

Africa on the otherhand Mr. Ambassador, outside South Africa too, but in speak of Egypt here too, is said, to be undergoing a kind of revival, and not in speak and of what does pass for African Religion in itself, but in all again, in speak and of what does pass for African Wealth/Property that is. That this in all, now does speak of those, who do in all even say or claim that, African Culture, does in all even encompass, that said Egyptian too, that said Indian, that said Brazilian, and if not in speak too of Moors, and into Europe too that is. That in all Mr. Ambassador, there are those, who do attempt to define an African Wealth/Property, and via the taking of the above stated View in all, into account, and in now associating them all, and with speak of those who do love Africa for what it is, and despite any talk of Colonialism or Slavery too that is. There is another group though, and who do in all even ponder, what does pass for an African Wealth/Property, and as with it all too and unknown to most, know to speak too, and of African Religion in all, and as said to speak of the following: Ifa, Candomble, Santeria, Lukumi, Orisa, and if not of Obi too. That to some Mr. Ambassador, and in referring here now and to speak of the only Oracle most do appear to be responsive to in many a way, it too probably said the I-Ching, Africa's future, now too, is said to lie and with the above often falsely said Afro-American Religions in all, for they are truly African, and in speak now of the African, and as said in search of a Soul of his own, and in his not caring to know too much, and of what ails the rest of the World that is, and as with it all too, the rest of the World that is, said too, having a problematic History to it all, and that does in all even refer, and to speak too of Annihilation in itself, and if not in speak now of Africa's problems today, Social, Political too, and as said having an imprint to it, and that does speak of the World outside Africa too that is.

Thank you Mr. Ambassador,


Friday, July 10, 2015

West African Voodoo

West African Voodoo.

There is a said manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does not in all refer, and to speak of Event, Political, or Situation too, but that in all truly even, it all does refer, and to speak of the Passage/Passing of Time that is. A manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does in all even speak of Africa's said changing Landscapes for instance, and if not in speak of changing faces too, and as with it all even said now, and to speak of perceiving Africa in itself, and from speak too of Effort, Energy and Time too that is.

In saying that, most who do in all even perceive Africa as such, from the said even 'Passage of Time' that is, do in all even acquaint it all, and with speak too of South / Southern Africa, and in speak here too that is,  and of South Africa's said Social Issues/Problems in all, and as said creeping into Africa/Kenya, and as furtherly said here too, referring even, and to speak of Homosexuality in itself for instance. In all again, speak of Africa and as such, does speak too of Somalia now, and as said even Muslim, and as with it all even said to speak and of the negating, and of Somalia's Swahili past that is.

This entry though, or Blog too, would too in all even recommend that, the viewing of Africa, and from speak of Energy, Effort and Time expended, and on a said even daily basis too, does too best have to do, or go along in all, and with speak of West African society that is, and as said too, to speak of West African Voodoo for instance, and in regards now, and to speak of Measures/Gauges and as having to do and with society, African, and as said changing that is, and in comparison now and to speak of South / Southern Africa that is, and whose societies in all, are often perceived truly, and from speak of Agency/Task that is, and in regards, and to speak of the Passage of Time that is.