Saturday, May 30, 2015

the Techpreneur

the Techpreneur.

There are those, and in Counter 'Nairo' too, and who might have heard, and of the said designation in all, and of the Tech/Techno-preneur that is. For the said here world of the Techpreneur in all, is believed said far more influential in our lives today, and as compared that is, and to speak too of Government in all. In helping one better understand all this, is to first and foremost in all, speak now too, and of Seven Seas Technologies in Kenya/Nairobi, and as said a Business Outfit, and that does speak too of the Techpreneur, and as said even offering varying, Business Solutions in all, and that do call for, the said application in all, and of varying forms of technology that is, and in helping solve just about any problem that is. In all, and as said here too serving for a reminder of a kind, the said world of the Techpreneur, now too, often associated, and with speak of the Private Economy Sectors, and as versus those said Public and Government too that is.

The reason though, and of why the very idea of a Tech/Techno-preneur, is simply said even alluring to most, does in all even have to do, and with the very manner in all, such said folk, do view life that is. The very belief that Government in all, is now said increasingly, becoming irrelevant, and to the very world too of the Techpreneur, now too, does not only speak of said Identity, and as created and in speak too of 'Cool' for instance, but that in all again, Government today, does in all even attempt to define many a person, and in speak too of Objective, and as said too Economic, Communal, Historical, Regional etc., but away, and from that said Individual too that is.

The very world of the Tech/Techno-preneur though, is believed far more realistic, and to our said Needs that is (and in defining them too), for it does in all even simply claim that, most in the World today, can in all even, be simply said perceived in all, and if not defined too, and in speak only of one term/word that is: Endeavour. That all of us, and at any said Moment too, and with the Moment in itself, simply said to define us too, and as said Active, or Inactive that is, does in all even truly speak, and of us all, and as simply said defined, and in speak of the said here sole/solitary in all, term/word, and of Endeavour too that is. 

The very world though and so to say, and of Endeavor, is not what it appears to be, for it can in all even be said to speak, and of the very rise, and of the Military Machine that is. The very belief that, the very world of the Endeavour, and as said now truly merging or meshing, and with that, and of the Tech/Techno-preneur too, now too, does not only speak of a World, and interestingly enough, said decentralized in its ways, and if not in diversification too, for it does in all even speak and of the manufacturing in all, and of Military Equipment for instance, and as said subcontracted or contracted too in all, and to many a small Independent Firm that is. 

Many too though, have heard and of the said descriptor/definer in all, and of the Knowledge driven Economy that is. That the Knowledge driven Economy, does in all even differ, and from that of the Techpreneur, for the latter in all, does in all even find a home, and in Central Asia, and with the former, finding a home, and in Japan truly that is. For the Knowledge-driven Economy in all, now does in all even speak of Humans, and as said Knowledge driven beings in their ways/manners that is, and who are in all even simply said defined too, and by what some do term Content that is. That hopefully, this is understood, and in speak too and of what does pass for a Japanese Psychology that is, that Content, Media too, can in all even be simply said to act as a Stimulus, or Trigger too, and by which, one Act does in all even, it is said here follow another, and in speak too now, and of the Human, and as said even fundamentally, and if not primarily too, defined, and in speak now truly, and of Passivity in itself that is. In many a way, the said goal of the Knowledge driven Economy that is, and in speak too of the Individual, now does too, speak of one, and as said even, a Media Personality, Media Persona, or even and as said possessing a Media Profile that is, and in speak now, and of what Success, is believed said to embody that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and in speak now of one, and as defining themselves truly, and in speak only of Content that is. Content too, and that does in all even associate, the Intellect, and with Media Layouts/Formats that is, and if not in speak too of Intelligence, and as said defined, and in speak of Media Critics/Analysts/Pundits that is. In all, Japan, and as said holding the very aspiration, and of its said being, the World's first Knowledge driven Economy that is, and a way of living, believed said to be of interest to some and in speak too of Counter 'Nairo' that is, and as with it all even said to speak of the very work by Haruki Murakami that is, and of 1Q84, and a work too, that could be said found, and in the Books section, and of ones Local Nakumatt too that is.

the Japan Information & Cultural Center.
The Embassy of Japan in Kenya.