Sunday, May 31, 2015

Catholic Identity

Catholic Identity.

What is there to wish for? What is there to wait for, and in speak of tonight too? This in all, is the very question put out, and to those in Counter 'Nairo', and not in regards to speak of the Future that is, but in all truly, why they do in all, Repeatedly, do anything that is. This is asked, and in speak too now, and of our said even, seeking to define life in all, and in speak of Repetition, and not in speak either truly, and of the Recurrent, the Cyclical, the Periodic, the Regular, the Frequent etc.

In attempting to make all this too clear, is to now speak too, and of the above said, the Recurrent, the Cyclical etc., and as said in all even to define society today, and in speak too of Economic life in itself that is. That for many a society today, and if not Country too, the very use of the said Per Capita Analysis (and in speak too now, of GDP / GNP that is), is said used, to describe the above, the Periodic etc., and in speak too now, and of society in all, and as said described that is, and in speak now truly, and of the Masses that is. In different times, earlier times, before they did in all even invent the Car that is, society in all, did too, actually speak and of what they do term the Demographic that is. That the Demographic, and from an Asian perspective too, is said to speak now of Caste, but in speak now of the United States of America, speak now too, and of the Black Power, Black Liberation, and even Black Separatist Movements that is.

There is another manner though, and of in all viewing society that is, and that is in all even said Egyptian too. For it does in all even speak and of what they do term Class Systems that is (and in speak too now, and of Minority Rights in the United States of America too for instance), and that is in all even said believed truly defined, and by the very word/term of Discrimination too that is. In saying though, that the History of Catholicism in all, is in all even somewhat said African too, and in speak too that is, and of Feudalism, is to in all even say that, society, and as said in all even defined, and in speak of Stratification that is, is believed said even, African in its ways truly, and in further speak too of the Civil Rights Movement, and in the United States of America too that is.

In saying that, Kenya today, is more or less defined truly, and by speak of the Demographic, is to now, introduce to one, what they do term Catholic Identity, and as said an Identity too, and in speak of History that is, and that has always attempted, to in all even escape, the above said that is. In all, it all said to speak now, and of truly attempting to define oneself, and in speak of Motivators ('Nairo'), Indicators (Counter 'Nairo'), and if not of Factors in themselves, unique too that is [Anatolia]. In all, for those who have in all even truly attempted, to escape, Repetitive patterns in their lives, and those too, which they don't care to know too much of, speak now perhaps, and of Catholic Identity that is, and of our seeking to do many a thing too, differently, and which does in all even lead, to many said even open opportunity too that is.