Tuesday, May 19, 2015



When most do think of making it in life today, or truly pondering what it is in all, they are truly searching for or seeking out, and in life too, the answer in all, is often believed to lie, and in speak of the term/word, and of Regulation that is. That it in all, and in its lowest levels too, Regulation, is believed said to speak of Parental Regulation that is, but at its highest levels in all again, speak now too, and of Bees, and of the Beehive too that is.

Many do in all acknowledge that, Kenya/Africa, does in all even have lots of Regulation problems to it all that is. As a result, many an Independent minded person in all, has sought to in all even, Succeed in their very own right, and in speak now and of ways of thinking in all, and that don't truly accommodate Regulation, and as it is even widely known/accepted that is. That in making it in Kenya today, one does in all even have to sense out, what can be said to in all even pass for Regulation/Order in all, and in speak too now, of desired Outcomes, Outlooks, and in speak too of Outreach in itself that is.

In having said that, is to now tell one that, making it in Kenya/Africa today, is not something too difficult to contemplate or explain in all, and in now associating it all, and with speak of Disease too that is. For what is Disease? It can in all even be said best explained perhaps, and in speak too, and of the very Postures, Poses and Stances, that we do in all even tend to hold in life, and in speak now, and of what is believed to speak of Disaster or Calamity too, and in our very lives too that is. That Disease, that said terminal too, does in all even teach us, and of the very best of Poses, Stances and Postures too, to in all even hold, and in making it through, and in now saying that, most do in all even remember, Kenya, and in the 80's too, and as said a cheerful, bright (in mood/atmosphere), and if not sunny (and in disposition too), place that is, and something, one could in all even explain, and in speak of the Governments efforts back then, and in simply raising awareness, and of Disease in Kenya too (aids/ukimwi), and awareness too in all, and that did in all even speak of Poses, Stances and Postures held too that is.
