Tuesday, May 26, 2015



This entry, now does have to do, and with the difficulties in all, those in Counter 'Nairo', and if not of many another person in Kenya too, does face in all, and in creating Identities, that are simply said Esteemable, Reputable, and if not simply said Commendable too that is. In helping one understand all this better, the very view now that, most in Kenya/Africa in all, have truly failed, and in creating Identity, and that does have to it, any said relevant Meaning/Purpose in all, and if not in speak too of the defining of Significance/Importance, and in our very lives too that is [and such that, Identity in Kenya, is often simply said constructed in all, and in speak of (Social) Realms that is].

In having said the above, the troubling perspective now that, Identity creation in Kenya, is far more troubling in its ways, and in speak now too, and of what can simply be said, to pass for Emotionality, and that does speak too of Distress that is. That such said Emotionality, does describes Kenyans today, and in speak of any Identity created, and as simply said stemming too, and from speak of Independence in Kenya, and as with it all even simply said to speak of only one term/word that is: Promise.

In saying that, the Blogger here, and alongside those in Counter 'Nairo' too (and with the said held belief here that, Vic., in all, would be in agreement to all this), is to say that, Promise, and as said too now become truly, a part of the African Psyche/Identity in all, and in a Post-Independence Africa too that is, is in all even said a philosophy here, not ascribed too in all, and such that, the Blogger here and in speak of the Psyche, does simply believe that Christianity, and in speak of its History and roots too, is simply said African Religion that is [African Religion too, and as versus that said Swahili (Black), Nubian ('Black African'), or even that said Ashanti/Akan (African/Kemetian) too that is].

In all, what the Emotionality of Distress in all, does say, is that, Identity in all, is simply said created, and at a said Dysfunctional level too that is, and such that, those in Kenya/Africa in all, and in speak too of Kenyan History, and as perceived and from speak too of Historicism that is, now does see to it, Identity in all, created, and that does speak too of the following: Internalization, Integration, Configuration, Indoctrination, Instillation. That the said forementioned in all, now does speak truly, and of the believed view that, Kenya, and as it is today, does have Identity created at that level, and in speak of Survival too, and as versus that, Identity that is, and which simply does speak of Meaning/Purpose, or of Importance/Significance too that is.

In all, the above view does say that, Kenya, is simply in all, a Country, and in Distress too, if not in Peril too that is (HIV), and such that, for those in Counter 'Nairo', but in further speak too of Bik and in said here faraway 'Nairo' too that is, and if not of Hosea too and in some said ways/regards that is, the very troubling fact that, the above Psychology of Emotionality/Distress in all, has too, come to be in all associated and with speak of Kenyan Music traditions, and if not in speak too of Popular Music in all, and as said emanating  from the Western World, or that said American too that is.

In all, in attempting to simply explain something said not too easy to understand (just how in all, Kenya came to have to it, a complex Psychology in all, and that does associate everyday life, and with speak of Emotionality/Distress too that is), is to now best associate such a Psychology, and with speak of Poetry in itself too, and if not of Prayer in itself too that is, and in speak now too, and of viewing the World in itself (and in Meaning/Purpose or Significance/Importance), and as said to speak too of Central Asia, the Middle East and of Asia too that is.