Tuesday, May 12, 2015


of Expectations.

Those in Counter 'Nairo', might in all even, know that, Expectations, do in all even truly or deeply, define the very lives, and of most in Kenya/Africa today too that is, and in speak too of life, and as made out in all, and in speak of Direction taken in life, and not in speak truly and of Promise in all that is [or speak too, and of the very reason most do believe, to be the very reasons why African Governments, do in all even exist that is]. 

In having said all the above though, speak now, and of simply why, many do find life in Nairobi/Kenya today, a difficulty in all, and as with it all even defined in all, and in speak now too and of Energy, Effort and Time (and as said Displaced too), and such that, the difficulty to it all, now does too, lie, and in speak of the very manner in all, we do define Apexes (Peaks, Tops, Climaxes etc.), and in our very lives too that is.

There are others though, and in Kenya/Nairobi too, and who do in all even define Expectations, and in speak and of making out in all, just what or which, road, path, route etc., taken, or speak truly too and of distance traveled, now does bring all sorts or varieties too, and of Expectations that is.

For others, life now believed said to speak now truly in all, and of Family in itself, and in asking one and in Expectations, to simply in all define oneself, and in speak of Tasks that is.

This entry though, now does have one pondering, simply what Time is said to be, for most in all, have heard too, and of African Time, but in saying that African Time is believed by some, not something believed said distinctive in its ways, and in speak too of Measures or Units, but something said Foreseeable in its ways, is to now speak too, and of what one could term Victorian Time for instance, and as said African too, and as simply asking of one, to define themselves, and in speak of the following for instance: the Relational, the Sacrificial, the Transactional, the Proverbial, the Communicational, the Adaptational, the Congenial etc.