Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Listing

The Listing.

A said here List, and of the said too, Embassy's, High Commissions and Consulates, and as said even having a presence, and in Kenya too, and as fartherly said too, addressed too here, and by the Blogger here that is, and as said even now, to speak, and of the very belief that, said even Diplomatic activity or relations, Diplomacy, Foreign, Inter-National, and in Kenya or East Africa too, and as said even to speak and of nominal or daily political activity that is, could to be said even, very much envisioned, and in talk too and of, and of what a List in itself, is actually said even all about.

1. Australia  ----- (Link)
2. China  ----- (Link)
3. India   ----- (Link)
4. Lesotho**   ----- (Link)
5. Canada   ----- (Link)
6. The United States of America   ----- (Link)
7. The United Kingdom   ----- (Link)
8. Venezuela  ----- (Link)
9. Egypt  ----- (Link)
10. Germany  ----- (Link)
11. Qatar  ----- (Link)
12. Turkey  ----- (Link)
13. South Korea  ----- (Link)

** Non-Referential