Friday, June 3, 2016


African Diplomacy.

This entry, does too now correspond, and to many another said entry, on this Blog, and that does in all even refer, and to a said formal address that is, and to many a said Ambassador, and in Kenya today too that is. That it will in all even attempt, to give here, what can be said, an African, or East African truly, definition, and of what Diplomacy, is believed said to be. That Diplomacy, can too be said even, defined in all, and by speak too, and of what Profiling, and if not of what too can be termed Make-up that is, are in all even said too all about that is. That in speak of Profiling, speak too now and of what one too could term Identifiers that is, and that could in all even be said to refer, or speak too of, Political, Social, Economic, Cultural etc. life that is. That in speak of Make-up, speak now too, and of that said even Identity, and that some have termed Judeo-Christian, and as said even to speak, and of what too is said to underlie, speak of Diplomacy in itself, and in said Ambition, Motive, Interest etc. that is.

That this very entry, will too attempt, to in all even define, Diplomacy, and in a said manner too, and that does in all even differ, and from what too are said, Diplomatic relations in themselves, and as often said to speak, and of Diplomacy, and as said even perceived, and from speak too and of said Existences, Realms, Political Spheres of Influence, and if not of Settings too. That this said manner and of defining Diplomacy, is said too now, to in all even border, and to speak too, and of what Geo-Politics are said to be, and if not of what too, they do in all even term Power Politics that is, and as said even to refer, or speak, and of what Interests, are too said even all about. 

That in saying that, Diplomacy, and as often too said American, can too be said to speak, and of what a Treatise is said to be, this entry, will in all even attempt to in all even state that, Diplomacy, and as said too East African, can too be said to speak, and of Italy, and if not of the very name too, and of Niccolo Machiavelli that is. That this said manner in all, said too Italian, and of defining Diplomacy, and that does too speak and of what too Correspondence in itself, is said to be, is to now and in all equate it all, this very entry that is, and with speak too, and of the very manner in all, the said Contents of this Blog, or of many another Blog and by the Blogger here too, and as having to do, and with speak of East Africa too that is, and if not of a said African Anatolia (Link) too that is, and as often termed here too, Arab East Africa that is, can in all even be said Interpreted that is. That this very Blog, and as said even a part, and of that Blog termed Anatolia (Link), does too speak and of it all even said too, a part, and of Media, and that is simply here too termed Arab that is. Arab, and as said even to refer, and to said famed Literary works, and such as the 1001 Arabian Nights, the Shanameh, and if not of Amir Hamza too, and in now too saying that, it all too does equate and to the very belief that, only the Arab World, or as said as such, could in all even be very well said, able to authenticate, the very belief that, that a said African Anatolia, can too be said in all, very much in existence that is. That in now too saying that, speak of Diplomacy, and in East Africa, and as said even equating that is, and to that said to speak and of Italy, and if not of the name of Niccolo Machiavelli too, can too be said even now, to speak, and of a said here, Contest, and if not attempt, to in all even truly find out that is, just whom or who in all, can too be said, simply termed 'the African' that is. That hopefully, this is all understood, and in speak too, and not only of what African Mythology is actually said to be, but in speak too now, and of what is believed said even to pass, and for speak of Activity, said too minimal, and if not Political too that is, and at its said very best too, it all then can too be said to speak, and of he or she, and who can too and in all even be termed 'the African' that is. That Diplomacy in East Africa, is simply said targeted towards the said search, and for such a said Figure, "the African" that is, and with he or she said even, to equate, and to speak and of History, and as said even perceived, and from speak too and of what is said to refer, and to speak and of a said Luminary Figure that is, and as best said here too, Egyptian, and in a said Historical perspective too that is.
