Thursday, February 4, 2016



This entry, can too be said, a follow-through, and to that on Skins [Link]. It in all even will attempt, to in all even tackle, what too, does speak and of African Relations, and if not of the African State too. It in many a way too, does too attempt, to speak, and on what does in all even pass for, or serve for, and for Africanized Identity, and as said too Socialized, or Politicized, and if not Biological too that is.

Than in saying that, African Identity and as said too Socialized, and if not as said to speak of African Relations that is, can too be said perceived in all, and from speak of Name, Health, and if not History in itself too. That in speak of African Identity, and as said to speak of Name, and if not Human, and African, Relations that is, we are now too, speaking of that Identity, and that is said to equal, speak of Italy, Egypt and Africa too. That in speak of African Identity, and as said to speak of Health, and if not of African Relations too, speak now too, and of that said Identity, and that is said to match, speak and of Egypt, and Africa too. That in speak of African Identity, and that is too said to parallel, speak of Egypt, Greece, Italy and Africa, speak now and of African Relations, and as said too Socialized, and as said too now and to speak, and of Africa in History that is.

That in saying that, African Identity, and as said now Politicized, and in speak too of the African State, now does too speak and of the World, and as perceived, and from speak and of what does speak of the White World, the Western World, the European World, and if not of Egypt, and in World History too that is. That in speak of the White World, speak now and of African Identity, Politicized, and as simply said to speak and of Perception in itself, and if not of Interpretation too. That in speak of the Western World, African Identity, and as now too said perceived, scrutinized that is, and from the very said Lens, and of Language, Cultural Artefact, and if not Lifestyles too that is. That in speak of the European World and of African Identity, and as said too Politicized, speak now of it all and as said perceived, and from speak of Classification, Category, or of Place too in itself that is. In speak and of Egypt, and in World History too, speak now and of African Identity, Politicized too, and as said even recognized, or identified too, and from speak and of what Egyptocentrism, Eurocentrism, Afrocentrism, and if not of Mediacentrism too, are in all even said to be all about. 

In finality, the above, does truly speak and of Africa, and as said Continent (and of African Identity and as said too Biological), and in said comparison and to that African Identity, said Continental (Socialized), or Diasporic (Politicized) too that is.