Monday, February 29, 2016



When we so speak of the said term of 'Igbodu', we are in all even referring, and to the said Mapping, Charting, and even Tracing, and of the Earth, and from a said even Geographical perspective, and not that said Terrestrial truly either. That speak of 'Igbodu', does in all even lead, and to speak, and of what some do in all even label or call, a Sacred Site that is. That 'Igbodu', does speak and of the Earth, and as now too said, not Mapped, or Charted, or even Traced in all, and in speak of region, or locale too, but in all again, it said even, narrowing down in all, and to speak and of the Site in itself.

That in the attempt to in all, understand in all again, or clear up too, what 'Igbodu', is actually said to be, is to now associate it all, and with speak and of the said rise of European Civilization, and away from speak of Italy, and of the Celts too, and onwards truly, and to speak of Ancient Britain that is. That 'Igbodu', now too is said to speak, and of Ritual in itself, and of a said Sacred Site too, but in said speak too of Ancient Britain, it all too does lead, and to the said rise even, and of European Communications, and Communications too, that could too be said to speak of Shakespeare, and in said comparison and to those Communications, European, and that could too be said to speak of the very term of Development, and of Architecture in Europe too, and of Italy and the Celts, and if not of the very name of Middleton too that is.

In saying that, some do in all even claim, or state that, 'Igbodu', can truly be said a Sacred Grove, is to now too, say it all even, a Site, or Place, and that is often perceived, and in speak of Energies, or of Energy in Flux, and in said speak too now, and of what Awareness in itself, is actually said to be.

In furtherly saying that, there are those who do associate speak of 'Igbodu', and with speak too of finding Balance, is to not only speak fartherly, and of Initiation in itself too, but that in all again, such said Balance, is too said to speak, and of the said Male and Female principle that is. Something, probably best understood, and with associating, what one can term, the said Female Energies in all, and with the Earth in itself, and in speak too of Deity, but in speak of 'Igbodu', it all now said even, to speak and of the Male and Female Energies, and within ones said Bodies too. In understanding all this much better, and from a said even Political stance too, and if not in speak too of the Conceptual, is to now too say that, the Feminine, or said even Female Energies, do in all even speak, and of what Commonalism/Mutualism, are said to be, or of what Systems/Networks too, are too said to be, and if not of Hierarchies/Bodies too, and with the Male, or Male Energies, simply said Concept, or said too Idea that is, and in speak now and of associating, 'Igbodu', and with a said even Place truly, and if not in said speak too of Space, Context, or Setting that is.

That in questioning now, and if, or if not, 'Igbodu', is actually said to be real, or not, is to now, not only ponder, what is actually said real, and what is not, and in now associating the real in itself, and with speak too of Normalcy that is, and of 'Igbodu', speak now truly, and of Imagination in itself that is. That in all, 'Igbodu', is not said to speak, and of Practise, and as most would truly believe, but in all again, speak truly now, and of Practice that is.

In claiming that, 'Igbodu', might very well be perceived, and from speak of the Metaphysical, is to now associate speak of the Human, and with speak and of the often termed Human Condition, and as best said, a Spiritual Condition too, and of the Human now, simply said perceived, and in speak of Denial in itself, and as said even Constant, and if not said too referring, and to speak of Narcissism in itself too. That most out there, do in all even readily, associate the Human, and with speak and of the Will in itself, Human, and if not of Willpower too, but it can best be said that, the Human, is actually believed best said Pangs that is, and of life in itself now, said even best perceived, and from speak of Force, and as said too Physics, and if not of the Will now, said too best perceived, and from speak too of 'Igbodu', and if not as simply said, the Will that is, Drive, Appetite or Urge too [and in further speak now, and of what too, an Undercurrent, is simply said to be].