Sunday, December 27, 2015

the African Setting

The African Setting.

When we do in all speak, and of the African Setting, we are in all too, referring, and to a said differing manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and if not African History too, and away too, and from that said manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does too speak, and of Custom, Ritual, and if not Ethnography in itself too [for the three in all, do now too speak of Africa today, and as said viewed too, and from speak and of the Nation-State Model of Development that is].

That the said posted image, or work above, 'Colonial Kenya Observed', and by Sydney Herbert Fazan too, now does too attempt to present, British History and in Kenya too, and from the said perspective, and of the African Setting that is. That it all too, now does associate Kenyan History, and as said British too, and with the very said act, and of Deliberation, and not Debate truly either, and as said even, to speak of Indigenous Identity in Kenya, and of the Indigenes too, and of their claim, and in their said owning too, all said Land that is, and in Kenya too that is. That the Deliberation in all, and as popularly known between the British, and the Maasai peoples of Kenya, now too does ask of the British, and if they would understand or truly know, what an African Setting, is said to be all about, and in said Legal terms too that is.

This Blog though, and the said others too, and that do speak of Anatolia (Arab East Africa) [Link], and as said to speak too of the Blogs 'Nairo' (Link), Counter 'Nairo', Anti 'Nairo' (Link), Dar (Link), and if not Kamp-o (Link) too, are in all too, based, and on the attempt to in all even define life and in Africa, and in speak and of the Setting in itself that is. That the Setting, is now too said to speak, and of Anatolia in itself, and if not of it all too, said to speak, and of the History and of the Church in Africa that is. That in speak of this Blog though, and the others too on 'Nairo' it can best be said, it said too associating the Setting, and with Place, while that Blog Anti 'Nairo', does associate the Setting, and with Context, and with the Blog 'Nairo', now associating the Setting, and with Space too that is.

All this is said, for it does too, best explain, why Kenya does have many a said even International Presence to it, and if not in speak of Nairobi too, and as believed said even truly possessing a Worldly Consciousness to it, for this best too said International Identity possessed by Kenya, and if not Nairobi too, does too now though, associate it and with speak of the African Setting, and as surprisingly having to do, and with speak and of the Blog Kamp-o that is. That Kamp-o (Link), does in all even define itself, and in the Setting, and in a manner too and that can too be best said Egyptian that is, for it does in all even speak of the Setting, and along the following lines: (Religious) Existences, (Social) Realms, (Political) Spheres of Influence, and of (Economic) Settings too [and Setting too, and that does in all even speak of African Dignitaries, African Consulates, African Royalty, and if not of Diplomatic Identity, International too, and in Kenya too that is].

In saying that, British History, is too associated and with speak of Kenyan History, and as said perceived and from speak of White Settlers, and if not of the name of Lord Delamere truly, is to now too, claim such Settlers into Kenya, and as eventually too, termed even Victorian or Colonial, and as said even truly, possessing said ambition, and that did turn Kenya, and into a said even Colonial Paradise of a kind, and not Colonial Outpost truly either, and of the British Monarchy that is. For it all too, does see life in Kenya, and as said defined in all, and along the lines, and of what Tourism, and if not Touristic lifestyles, are all said to be all about. That Tourism, can too be said a Media, and that is said based on the Setting, for it all too now, is believed said to lead, and to speak and of the Struggle for Independence, and of those too, often termed Indigenes in Kenya (and if not in speak of the Nation-State in Kenya too), and not Indigenous truly either, and as said in all even, the inheritors, and to what too can best be described as Post-Colonial lifestyles, and in Kenya, and as simply said too Touristic in their ways that is.

In having said the above though, is to now present a said differing view of British History in Kenya, and that does too speak, and of said Swahili Identity, and Swahili Presences, and in Kenya too that is. That said even recent History in Kenya, and that did in all even attempt to associate the Country, and with a said even Tribal Court System (Link) that is, does in all even speak and of Swahili History into Kenya, for it is believed said that Swahili Government, is actually in all, organized as such, in speak of Tribal Court Systems that is, and it is in all too believed that, it is Swahili History into Kenya, or speak of Swahili Identity, or of Swahili Presences too, and in Kenya, and that is believed said responsible, and for what they do term Colonial Violence and in Colonial Kenya too, and that does too speak of Post-Colonial Kenya, and of the said appropriating of Wealth, and if not of Land too that is [and if not of Ethnic-Cleansing too]. In all, Swahili History, can too be said best perceived, and from speak of the Setting too, though said too, and to speak of Tribal Court Systems that is, but that in all again, Swahili Identity, can too, and in speak of the Setting, said too grounded in all, and in speak too and of Eco-Tourism (it can surprisingly be said here), for Eco-Tourism, is too said in all grounded, and in speak of the Setting, and that does too speak and of the Blog 'Dar' that is [Hopefully, this is understood, and in the attempt to give Swahili Identity, or the Swahili lands too, a said International Image that is, and away from speak of Kenya, for speak of Kenya and in Development, is best too said associated, and with Settings, said too Victorian or African, and not those said Swahili either].