Tuesday, December 1, 2015


of Initiative

When we do in all speak, and of Initiative, we must in all even, differentiate it, and from speak and of what Strategy, is too said to be. That Initiative, can in the very least, be said too, and to speak and of what the Initial, the Start, or the Begin too perhaps, are said to be, and if not in further speak too now, and of Contrast and Compare, and if not in further speak, and of Strategic/Tactical Intelligence that is [and of Strategy too].

That Initiative, can too be said to speak and of Goals, and Goals too, and that do simply ask of one, and of what Metric, is too said to be. That Initiative too, can too be said to speak, and of Conjecture and Hypothesis, and in said speak too now, and of what Tabulation, is too said to be.

In saying that, Africa, is not believed said best defined, and by speak and of Goals, or of Conjecture and Hypothesis too, is to now too, simply claim or associate, Initiative in Africa, and with speak and of Simplicity in itself, and Simplicity too, and that does ask of one, and of what Humility & Honesty in themselves,  in all said to be.

In saying that, most do associate speak and of Initiative, and with the said possessing, and of an Education in itself, is to now too, associate such said definitions of Initiative, and in Africa, and with speak too, and of what are termed, the Spiritual Condition, the Human Condition, and if not of the Somatic Condition (and as said to refer, and to speak too of Living Conditions for instance, Prevailing Conditions, Health Conditions etc.).

In saying that, Initiative, and versus speak and of Strategy, is too said Psychological, is to now too, associate Strategy, and with speak too, and of what one could term Persuasion (and if not in speak and of Deceit, and Deception too), but that in all again, Initiative, is in all even said truly associated and with speak of Psychology, and if not of Perception in itself too that is.

In having said the above though, it too now should be mentioned that, Initiative, does in all even differ, and from speak and of Agenda in itself that is. That Initiative, and in a said or perceived, and from a said Mathematical fashion, can too be said associated, and with speak too of the e curve for instance, but with Agenda (and of Planning & Organization), now said to in all even have to it, dimensions, and of the Bell Curve for instance. That Initiative, does too speak, and of the Individual, but with Agenda, now said to refer, and to speak too of Nationality for instance (and of many a Police Station and in Kenya too that is). That Initiative, is too said Constitution, but with Agenda, now too said Institution. That German History, and as said too Judeo-Christian, and of Germany, and as said home to said differing peoples in all, Jews, Christians, Occultists, Arabs etc., and if not in speak of the Black-a-Moor too, is now too said Agenda (and if not Confession too), and Agenda too though, and that does too speak, and of German History, and of the Weimar Republic too for instance. That Spanish History, is now too said Initiative, and if not Christian, and Initiative too, and that does for instance, speak and of the Opus Dei too.

In having said the above though, is to now too mention that, Initiative, is something in all, truly said suited, and for Africa. That while most do know of Institution, Constitution on the otherhand, and of Initiative too, is believed said too problematic in its ways, and as it does in all even incorporate into it, talk of Commerce, Royalty or Empire too for instance.

In now saying that, Initiative, can too be said defined, and in said African terms in all, is to now too associate it all, and with speak and of what Language, Discipline, and Consciousness, are too said to be. That it all too, Initiative, and as said African that is, does call upon, the very asking, and of what for instance, a Politic (and if not of African Communications too), is said to be, and if not in speak and of society, and in said Chaos, or Flux (Energy), and of what too, Interaction, is too said to be. That Initiative, and as said African too, does in all even point out that, said Black skinned Africans, do in all even create Identity, and as said to speak, and of Being and being (and of the One, and of the Whole too), and with those said Brown skinned, Africans that is, said now creating Identity, and in speak and of the Body, and of the Bodily too (and of the One, and the Whole). In having said the above though, is to now too, not only call into question, what White African Identity is said to be, and in Africa that is, but that in all again, Initiative, is said something believed Bantu for instance, and with Agenda, often said to speak, and of those too, often said not Bantu that is. As a said result, Bantu culture, and as said grounded in all, and in speak and of Initiative, now does see to it, it said more complex in its ways, and than most would believe it to be, and in now simply claiming that, Bantu Civilization, is in all even believed said, to be in existence.

The very question though, and of Institution, is in all even often said believed addressed, and within African Languages. That it is though, said Bantu Languages that is, and that are believed of interest here, and in speak too and of the Language Development Agency for instance, for Bantu Languages, and alongside many other said African Languages, Egyptian too, are not often believed defined, and by speak and of Grammar in itself, and if not of Phrasing, and Paraphrasing too, but in all again, they are too believed said even, highly developed Languages in their own right, and that are too simply said defined, and by speak of the following:
  • Reference
  • Metaphor
  • Myth
  • Embodiment
  • Projection (Psychological)
That this in all, does very well mesh, and with speak too, and of what Technology driven societies, are in all even said to be all about, but that in all again, those who do erroneously, associate Bantu Languages, and as simply said Lingua Franca that is, do in all even compare Africa, and to the said English-speaking World that is, when in all again, Bantu Languages, and as said too divided, and in speak of the Southern African Bantu, the Eastern African Bantu, the Central African Bantu, and if not of the Bantu in Nigeria too, can best be said, and in speak of Language Development, best compared, and to speak of Civilization, and as probably too said Italian, French, and if not Romance too that is.

That Initiative, and as said to speak now, and of Discipline, and if not in speak too, and of the Bantu, now does associate it all, and with speak and of the very term of Nascent, and as said referring or having to it, a Time perspective that is, and if not in speak too now and of History, and as said perceived, and from speak too, and of Egyptian, Italian and if not Chinese Civilizations that is, and which can in all even be said to arise, and in Discipline, and that does in all even match that is, and in Initiative too, that said to speak, and of what Oriki (Link) for instance, is said to be [that this all now, does call into question, the very view that, African Languages, do in all even possess, their very own Codes (translation), and if not Scripts too that is].

Finally, Initiative too, and as said Consciousness, and as now too said readily recognizable, and as said too American for instance (and if not in speak of a name, and such as that of Napolean Hill too and in saying the very least), but that in all again, Initiative, and as said Consciousness, does too speak, and of the said History of the Middle East in itself, and as said too now, Muslim, Rabbinism / Kabbalah, and if not Freemason too (Jerusalem) that is, but that in speak and of Initiative and of Consciousness, and of the Bantu too, it all does very much speak of the very belief that, the Bantu World, does in all even possess truly, interesting definitions, and of Individualism in itself that is [that what can best be said here is that, Individualism in the Bantu world, does not approximate that too now said Western, but can in all again be said to speak, and of the said return, and to the original speech of the ancients, and that was possessed by the Bantu, and as said even tracing their very origins and in speak of their Languages, and to a said Egyptian past, Anu that is].

** in all, it must be pointed out that, it is Bantu Identity, and not that said Nilote or Nubian too, and if not Cushite that is, and that does often bring to the fore, many an issue or matter, and as having to do, and with speak and of race and in Africa. That the Bantu, do in all even cherish, Initiative in itself, but with those said groups, said too Nilote for instance, and as often too termed African that is, and as said not Bantu either that is, and who do in all even value speak, and of Agendas, but with alot of the World out there, defined truly and by speak of Strategy, for Initiative, and in European and Italian History for instance, has often too been said associated, and with speak and of those too said believed Moors that is.

In having said that though, and alongside many another said race theory, and of Africa today (Link), is to now too, simply claim that, Africa, and as perceived and from a said Historical stance, and that does too speak and of Africans, and Moors too, does refer to it, and from speak and of Simplicity in itself, but that it is Nubian History, and that does too now, often associate speak and of Africa, and in race, and by associating those said White, and with Virtue, those said Brown, and with Excellence, and those said Black, and with Standards/Ideals that is.