Friday, December 11, 2015



This entry, does have to do, and with the very manner in all, those in Kenya, and if not in Africa truly, do perceive themselves that is. That it is often believed that, Succeeding, and in a said African Context, does truly speak and of what Education is said to be, for while Education, and as it is known today, can too truly be said American, Africa, does in all even continue to function, and if not evolve too, and in a manner in all, and that does too speak, and of what Awareness in itself, is said to be [that Awareness now, is now too simply said Egyptian that is].

In having said the above though, is to now too, claim that, Africa, and as often believed said today, Independent in its ways, does in all even find itself, truly said suffering, and from the said Condition, and of Co-Dependence/Dependency, and in speak too now, and of what does pass for the Experience, and in life today too. That Africa, or Africans too, are to this very day, simply said dependent, and on the World outside Africa that is, and in the attempt, to gain many a said Idea for instance, and on how best to live out life, and if not of what too does pass for Success in itself, and if not of truly, and of what the Future in all, is believed said to hold.

In saying that, many an African, does still very much turn to Europe, and in the name of what some do term Colo-Mentality ('Colonial Mentality'), and in regard and to what too was said in the above paragraph, is to now too speak, and of the very manner in all, most outside Africa, do in all even continue, to seek, or want, and to in all separate themselves, and from Africa, and with it all even said to speak too of the Middle East, or of Oman too, and if not Brazil, and in the attempt to in all, to very much present a said Civil Image of themselves, and to the rest of the World, and if not in speak and of what they do term the World Stage that is.

As a result, one does in all even find alot of the World, outside Africa too, simply said engaged, and in talk and of what does pass for Supremacy, Hegemony, Solidarity etc., and with it all too, often believed said to speak, and of the segregating, and isolating, and of Africans, and Africa, and in regard and to speak too, and of Issues/Matters in all, and that do speak too of the World in itself, and of its said Future too that is.

In helping give those in Africa, a said here, proper Perspective on all this, is to now equate Intelligence, and in the said Western World that is, and with speak too, and of what Psycho-Cybernetics is said to be, and if not in speak truly perhaps, and of what a Torpedo, or a Guided-Missile too, is said to be, and in regards and to speak of Intelligence that is. In saying that, Africa does still very much hold promise to it, is to now equate Intelligence and in Africa, and despite what one might hear from many a UN Statistic, and with speak too now and of what Marginalization, the Marginal, or the Marginal Error too, is said to be. That unknown to most Africans, Asia (outside Japan), the Middle East too, and if not in speak of Australia in itself, have in all built said Modern societies that is, today, and as said too based around speak, and of what Trial-and-Error, (and if not of the Hit-and-Miss), are in all even said to be [that Australian Research, and of Australia and as said even a Research oriented Country that is, is too believed said to have a basis to all this, and on speak too and of what Trial-and-Error are said to be].

In having said the above though, is to now present Reality, and as it truly is, and for those in Africa. That Europe, does continue to maintain, or hold, or have to it too, a said even strangle-hold, and on Africa, and in regards and to speak, and of what the Future, African, and if not Reality too, African, are both said to be. That Reality (Link), is said many a thing, but from the said European perspective, can now too, be said perceived in all, and from speak, and of what Space-Time Reality, is simply said to be. That African Identity, vis-a-vis and to that said European, and in speak of Success too, does today, very much still find itself, defined, and from speak too, and of what Space-Time Reality, is said to be, for Africans today in all, do in all even imagine Space, and if not Time, and in a said similar manner in all, and if not fashion too, and to that which does speak of Europe, and of the European Imagination too that is.

That what in all, is Space, said to be? From a said European perspective, speak now, and in said regard too and to speak and of Africans that is, now simply said having to do, Space that is, and with our said definitions, and if not perceptions too, and of Sensitivity in itself that is [that Europeans, can today, very much still be said, insensitive, and to the African that is]. In speak of Time though, speak now, and of what Perception is said to be, for European Concepts of Time, do in all even simply describe Africa, and to this very day, and as always having been, what they do term, 'the Dark Continent'.

In finishing up on all this though, is to now claim that, there are those in Africa, whom or who might in all be very well said, interested, and in now forfeiting any said promise for instance, Africa, is believed said to possess, have or carry to it, and in favour, and of truly settling, and in the said Western World that is. For those who do harbour such ambition, is to now too say that, those simply said African, and in the Western World too, will find it a difficulty, and in defining themselves, and in speak of Space, and Time too (and if not Space-Time Reality in itself), and such that, what they do in all even call Surrealism, and as said an Artform too, now does attempt to present to one, Western History, and in the more recent times too, and in a Space-Time Reality format, and such that, it all does provide for early warnings, and in regard, and to those too, who would want to simply make it and in the Western World that is [i.e. what Western perceptions or definitions and of Space-Time Reality, are in all said to be]. In explaining Surrealism to one, is to now too only speak, and of names and such as those of Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Edouard Manet etc., but in many a way too, speak now, and of famed or celebrated American Actor, Al Pacino, and whose acting is believed said truly based on speak and of Surrealism in itself, and such that, it too can be said, to have in all come to have him defined, or said too, 'a Man of the Times' that is. In all, what we are trying to say here is that, most in Africa, don't simply understand the ways of the Western World, and do in all even approach speak of the Western World, and from speak too of Co-operation, and if not Mutualism in itself too, and in their now said failing to realize, Westerners in all, most of them, do not in all even perceive Africans, and from speak of Custom and Dress for instance, but from speak now, and of said Space-Time Realities that is, and such that, many an African, are yet to realize, that most Westerners, do not in all simply care, and in knowing, anything about Africa that is.