Sunday, October 11, 2015

an African Life

an African Life.

It can be said, that what they do term the Tune, is too said and in many a way, American, while what they do term a Melody, is too said, Italian in all. In having said the above, the further belief too that, those said African, do in all even simply know, and of simply how in all, to Carry a Tune, or Melody too that is. 

In having too said the above, is to now attempt, to speak, and of what can be termed, an African Life, and in said regard, and to speak and of those who do in all seek, and to make for a Difference, or simply too, be perceived and as said Different, and if not in speak and of one and as said too, Special that is. 

That in understanding all this better, speak now, and of what does too, make America, simply said different from many another place out there, and in speak and of those in America, living lives, and that do too speak and of Leisure in itself that is. That Leisure, is too said or deemed, a said Philosophy that is, and one too, and that does ask of one, and to simply view oneself and as said Different, and in said Expression too, and if not in speak and of what, to simply make out of life too that is [that life, does now too simply speak, and of the Incomparable in itself that is].

In saying that, most in the World, are believed said not as happy, and as those who do live out lives, defined and in Leisure, and in America too, is to now too say that, it does speak and of life, and as said in all, grounded, and in speak of Theory/Theorem, Models or of the Abstract too, and in the attempt, to simply make Sense, and of it all [all of it that is, life, and everything else and that does accompany it too, is now said too, put under scrutiny, and in the name of Sense, and which does in all even spell for doom, and for many a person out there, and who simply does not care in all, and to make Sense, and of it all that is].

In however saying that, Africa, is believed too different, and from the rest of the World, and in what does too make for an African Life, and as simply said to speak too of Self-Acceptance in itself, is to now too, speak of it all said Concept, and of everything out there, simply said viewed, and from simple speak now, and of what does speak of the Sweet, and of the Bitter too, and if not of what they do term, the Psychological Condition, and as simply said too defined, and in speak too of Sweetness in itself that is, and if not in speak of Bitterness too.

of the Sweet and the Bitter: