Thursday, October 8, 2015

Africanisation (4) : Summary

Africanisation (4) : Summary.

This summary, now does have to do, and with the said attempt here, and to in all even, ground in all, said African Identity, and in speak and of Instruction in itself too that is. In all, African Identity, can too now be simply said, grounded in all, and in speak and of Africa, and of the Drum, and as said too and to refer, and to African Perceptions and of History in itself, and in now too adding that, the Drum, and in the said Egyptian tradition, does now refer, and to speak too and of what Tempo, Flow and Beat, are too said to be, but in the African tradition, speak now, and of the Message in itself, and as said too Viral that is.

However, this entry, will in all truly, speak of, what does pass for a said African Identity, and outside Africa too that is. That there are those in Africa, who care not, to know anything much of Africa, and who would in all even truly leave the place, never to return, and if and only if, they could in all even truly find, a said place, or position too, and if not role, and in a said distant place too that is, and which does in all even promise it can in the very least be said, all said Success that is. That all this, now too, does speak and of the said History of Egypt, long-standing in its ways, and in speak too and of Egypt, and as said too once upon a time, having created a strong Image of itself, and if not in speak and of the Image/Word that is, and one too, simply said highly respected too. That Egypt, was simply said Civilization in itself, and in speak and of the Image/Word that is, and such that, there are those, and who did in all even choose, to simply, Identify, and with the said Power and Might of Egypt, and in speak too now, and of one and as said re-defining themselves, and in speak of Myth, Archetype, the Hero (Hero's Journey), Ego, Character etc., and such that, it all too does speak and of the History and of said African Presences, and in Central Asia, or of Moors, and in Europe too that is.

The Times though, have truly changed, and Egypt today, is not what it once was, and in speak and of the Image/Word that is, but there are those, and who do in all even, still, very much attempt to in all, Empower themselves it too can be said, and in their now studying Egypt, and along the said lines, and of Egyptocentrism, Afrocentrism, Eurocentrism, and if not in speak and of Pan-Africanism too that is.

In saying that, Africa today, and in speak and of its said defining itself, and in Success too, does in all even attempt, to re-create itself in all, and in speak too and of the Image/Word that is, and as said too American perhaps, is to now too, speak and of Africa, and as said struggling and in defining itself as such, in speak of the Image/Word that is, and in regard, and to speak too now, and of the said History, and of Slavery, and if not of Colonialism, and in Africa too that is.  

In however saying that, Egypt, still very much does remain relevant, and to us all today, is to now too, speak of a World today, and as said too, Western, and as furtherly said defined, and in speak and of Ritual/Performance that is. That what they do often call Western civilization, now does attempt to define itself in Ritual/Performance, and by in all even, studying Ritual/Performance too, and in Asia that is. That Ritual/Performance, can too be said, to speak, and of the very manner in all, we do actually Perceive ourselves, speak too and of what we do actually Think of, speak and of the very manner in all, we do actually Feel about ourselves, of the very things we do often choose to Remember, Ignore or Forget, of the said things we think are Important, or Significant too etcetc., and in now too saying that, Egypt, does in all even truly remain relevant, and in speak and of said Identity created, and that does speak too of Ritual/Performance that is. That such Identity, and as said now African, is not said grounded in all, and in speak of Myth etc., but in speak truly now, and of what some have termed Occidental Mythology that is, and that does too speak and of the said works, and of Authors, and such as Aleister Crowley, E.A Wallis Budge, Toby Wilkinson, Erik Homung, James P. Allen, Alan Moorehead, Jean Pierre Chretien, S. Liddel McGregor etc., and who in all even, have published and in the name of Occidental Mythology too, and Mythology too, and that can help one create a said African Identity, suitable for Success and outside Africa too, and away and from speak too, and of what does pass for speak of Ngoma for instance, and in Eastern Africa too that is.