Thursday, October 8, 2015

Afro Music Channel

Afro Music Channel.

There are those, and in Africa too, and who do in all even ponder, and if or if not, life, is simply said worth it, worthwhile, and in speak too now, and of what is said to pass for, or serve for too, the said struggle, and that does in all even define, everyday, daily, or even, weekly life too that is. That is life, truly said, worth fully living out, and in speak now too, and of the said question too, and that does ask, if or if not, it is a said worthy endeavour, to in all even, carefully, plan out ones life that is.

In saying that, the above, does in all even refer, and to speak, and of what does too pass for said Identity, and that does too speak, and of Colour, Racial and National Identities, is to now too, simply speak and of Africa, and as said too, a part, and of World History in itself that is [and if not of the said, World-at-large too that is].

That in speak of Colour, speak too of it, and as said even perceived, and from Evolutionary perspectives, and that does now associate, those said White, and with speak and of (Evolutionary) Instinct, those said Brown, and with speak and of Natural Selection theory, and with those said Black, said now associated, and with speak, and of what one could term Gene Theory that is. That in many a way too, it all now does refer, and to those said White, simply associated, and with speak and of what they do term Academia, and in said speak too, and of what does pass for White African Identity that is, and as said too Ecumenical, while those said Brown, are said associated, and with speak and of Scholarship (and of Christianity in Africa too), while those said Black, speak now and of (African) Studies, but as said too Episcopal that is.

That in speak of Racial lines, and Africa, speak now too, and of Africa, and as often perceived, and from speak of Name(s) that is. That the very name of Africa in itself, now too is said to arise, and with speak and of the said Roman War-torn Province, and of Africa, but that in all again, Africa, has in all come, to very much be defined, and by speak and of Name, and moreso, than Europe, can be said to be. That this all, now does in all even refer, and not in speak and of Egypt, but to speak and of the very name of Nubia, and as said now, truly associated, and with speak and of Gold in itself that is. That the very name of Nubia in itself, is in all even said to speak and of Gold, and if not of many another said Valuable commodity or mineral too, and which does in all even lead, and to speak too, and of Nubian Slaves, and of Egypt too that is. That in many a way, many of the said cultures, African, and of the Sahel, below and above, do in all even come, and to be said associated, and with speak and of Gold in itself too that is [and if not in said speak here, and of the very name of Ashanti too for instance]. The very Name too, and of 'Great Zimbabwe', can too now, be said associated, and with speak and of Africa, and not only in Heritage, but in speak now and of the Christening, and if not of Baptism too that is. In all, the above does speak, and of the said tradition, African, and of Sankofa, and that does in all even speak, and of the said Meaning of Names, and if not in speak too, and of one, and in the said search of Purpose too that is.

It is in speak of the National though, and whereby, one does in all even find Africa, and as simply said defined, and in speak and of Place, and if not in speak of Task too that is. That the said African, Nigerian, Music Channel, and of Afro Music (English) Channel that is, does in all even present Africa, and in the said Music Video format too, and from the very said perspective, and of Place, and if not of Task too, and does too now and again, simply present its said Content, and from the very said perspective, and of what does pass for African Time in itself that is, and not that said Western or Modern either. In many a way, a Television Channel too, and that does in all even associate African Identity, and with speak too and of what some do term Street Fashion, and as said too, Identity that is, very much Worldwide in its ways in all [that Street Fashion, now too does simply speak, and of the everyday African, and as said too at home, and in Tokyo too for instance].