Friday, October 30, 2015



Dunhill Cigarettes, and if not in said speak too, and of the African Wilds (Link) that is [for the African Wilds, do in all too, simply speak, said to be the very manner in all, those said outside Africa that is, are in all even said a part, and of Nature in Africa].

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lobby Groups

Lobby Groups.

If it can be said that Think Tanks, are in all even believed said responsible, and for the said rise of the Middle East, and into Prosperity too, and as it is today, and if not in speak too of the said designation, and of Billionaire, and in the Middle East too, then it too can be said that, what they do term Lobby Groups, do speak of Africa, and in a said similar Role, Function or Position too that is.

The Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Anti 'Nairo'

Anti 'Nairo'.


The said Blog, Anti 'Nairo', can in all even be said to in all, deal with issues/matters that is, and that do too speak of the Pretext, the Context, and of the Subtext too that is. That in speak of the Pretext, speak too of 'Nairo' (Link), of the Context, of Anti 'Nairo' (Link), and of the Subtext, speak now and of Counter 'Nairo' (Link) that is.

In now asking and of what the Pretext is said all about, is to now too, base it all, and on said Sun Mythology, African too, and that does associate speak of 'Nairo', and with Radiance, speak too of Exuberance, and Anti 'Nairo', and if not of Ebullience, and Counter 'Nairo' too that is.

In now speaking of Context, is to now associate 'Nairo', and with speak here of the Geotype (Link), while speak of Anti 'Nairo', now too does speak and of the Datatype (Link), while in speak of Counter 'Nairo' and as such, speak now, and of the Proto-type (Link) that is.

In now speaking of Subtext, is to now too, associate 'Nairo', and with speak and of the very world of Quantum Physics, while in speak of Anti 'Nairo', speak of Astro-Physics (and of the Time Warp too), while in speak of Counter 'Nairo', speak now and of Nuclear Physics (and of what Portals, Channels and Adjuncts too, are truly said to be).



In saying that, Nairobi, and as often perceived a Commercial Center, is too said in all, a Gateway, and into Africa in itself (and as said to speak of many a said Diplomatic Presence in the Place), is to now best associate, such said Identity, and of the Gateway into Africa, and with speak truly of Mombasa, and of Identity too, and that does in all even speak and of one and as said perceiving in all, Africa, and in speak of Lugha, and as said to refer, and to speak of Africa and in Language, History and Culture too that is.

the Agenda

The African Agenda.

This entry, does have to do, and with what one too, could term an African Agenda, and as said too, and to in all even refer, and to speak of things said African, and as said to speak too of African Identity, and as simply too said Exploitable, and by most that is. That Africa, is believed simply said to speak of Exploitation, or of the Exploitable truly, and in said regard, and to speak too and of what Time Factors, are too simply said to be.

In having said the above though, is to now too, say that, Africans, do not and in all even, appear, to very much see, themselves, their very selves, and as they truly are. That what one could term, an African Psychology, is too, said or deemed grounded in all, and in speak and of the Psychic that is, and in said comparison, and to speak of the Humane too. That it is Asia, and that is in all even said believed, distinctively too, defined by the Humane, and in speak too now, and of where Asia does in all meet the rest of the World, but with Africa, simply said Psychic, and something too, those said African, don't simply truly understand, and in said meaning, or significance too that is [for the Humane in Africa, is often said to speak and of what some do term Foreign Affairs that is].

That in attempting to in all even claim that, Africa, is in all even said truly Psychic, is to now too say that, African Psychology, does in all even encompass, all other Psychology and that is to be seen out there that is. That in speak of the Western World, and of Africa, and in Psychology, speak now and of the said Psychology, and of Indulgence, Addiction, Gratification, Morbidity, Mortification etc. That in speak now though, and of Asia, and of Africa, and in Psychology, speak now too, and of Depression (Suppression, Oppression, Repression), and of Aggression (Regression) too that is. In speak of Africa, and of Egypt, Central Asia and the Middle East too, speak now and of the Psychology, and of the Complex that is, and as said to speak truly, and of the Castration Complex in itself. In speak of Africa, and of Italy too, speak now and of the Psychology of the Disorder, and as said too OCD, and if not in speak and of many a night spent, watching Fashion TV that is.

In saying that, the above said and in Psychology, does too encompass, speak and of the African Agenda, is to now though, speak of it all, the African Agenda, and as said to in all even primarily focus, and on just whom in all, or who in all too, Africans, are said to be, and as believed by many it is said here, and as believed said Exploitable that is [and in speak too and of what some do popularly term/call, the Feel Good Factor for instance].

That in now saying that, Africans, and as said Exploitable, does too speak and of Africans, and in regard and to speak of Inhibition, and Restriction too, is to not only tie it all, and to speak and of Africa, and in said regard to its said History of Slavery, but that in all even, it too does lead and to speak and of American Militarism, and Militarism too, and that can too and interestingly enough be said grounded in all, and in speak too, and of what does pass for speak of Entertainment Media that is. That the United States of America today, and in speak of it said perceived, and from every said facet of life, from Business, Politics, Religion, Law, Health etc., can in all even be said grounded in all, and in speak of Entertainment Media that is (and as said too to speak, and of President Barack Obama's Presidential Election for instance), but that in all again, Entertainment Media, and as said even a driving force, and for many a thing said American in all, and in speak too of Accreditation in itself, does now speak, and of associating Entertainment Media, and with speak too of Corruption or of Litigation in itself, and in the United States of America too that is, and in speak here too, and of a said unknown theory in all, and that does say, American Militarism, and in Ideology too, and as most do know it today, does in all even actually, have its said believed roots, or origins, and in speak now and of the said History, and of Egypt, and the Near East too that is.

In however saying that, Africans and as said Exploitable (Link), does too speak and of the said African, and in Behaviour, is to now too, speak truly and of Italy, and not Europe truly either. That it all, does now speak, and of what too does speak of Fascism, and in said regard, and to speak of Africa that is. That Africa, can now too, be said believed, Inferior in all, and in speak of the Image, or of the Word too, and in further speak too, and of what does pass for the Expendable that is [and with it all too, said correlated, and to speak of the said Colonial Experience, and in Africa too that is].

In having said the above, is to now attempt to truly speak, and of the said manner in all, to best perceive, the African Agenda in itself that is. That it can be said, there must be a said simple View, and in regard, and to what the African Agenda, is said truly all about, and in said speak too, and of the very troubling perspective in all, and that does often ask or say, what in all, is actually believed said to speak of an African Demographic, and as said to refer, and not only and to speak of Nationality for instance, but of what some do term the African Diaspora too. That the View proposed here, does in all even perceive Africa in all, and in the said following manner:

1. Political Status: That it all too, does now and Historically, speak of the Name of Egypt, and of the Nile too, and if not of Nubia, and Ethiopia too, and if not of the said rise of the Victorian World, and that does speak too of Victorian Explorers, and of the said search, for the said source of the Nile that is, and as said to speak, and of Lake Victoria and in Kenya too that is. In a said differing regard here, speak now, and of the very fact that, those said too creating Identity, and that is too assumed Swahili, and in East Africa too for instance, would in all even qualify, and for the label or epithet too, and of Abdi, Abid, and in the Middle East too that is.

2. Political Statement: That it all too, now does simply speak and of Language and Africa, and of the very fact that, Colonialism in Africa, is often believed said associated, and with speak of Language in itself that is. That it is believed by Africans in all, that the History of a people, is simply believed said encoded, and in their Languages that is, and such that, the Domination and of said African peoples, does too and in all even primarily refer in all, and to speak of a said Master - Minion relation that is, and one too, and that does now associate said African societies, and not with speak of Titles truly, but with speak truly, and of what some do term Ori in itself that is.

3. Political Station: In now saying that, Africa today, can in all even be said associated, and with speak and of Media, and that does in all even refer, and to what Afrocentrism is said to be, and in regard and to speak of Development too for instance, is to now too simply associate, speak of Political Station, and if not of not of the Political Stance too, and with speak of African Interests that is (Dodoma, Gaborone, Windhoek, Abuja, Rabat, Cairo), and in said comparison, and to what too, are believed said Alien Interests that is [and as said to refer, and to speak too and of South Africa for instance].

Sunday, October 11, 2015

an African Life

an African Life.

It can be said, that what they do term the Tune, is too said and in many a way, American, while what they do term a Melody, is too said, Italian in all. In having said the above, the further belief too that, those said African, do in all even simply know, and of simply how in all, to Carry a Tune, or Melody too that is. 

In having too said the above, is to now attempt, to speak, and of what can be termed, an African Life, and in said regard, and to speak and of those who do in all seek, and to make for a Difference, or simply too, be perceived and as said Different, and if not in speak and of one and as said too, Special that is. 

That in understanding all this better, speak now, and of what does too, make America, simply said different from many another place out there, and in speak and of those in America, living lives, and that do too speak and of Leisure in itself that is. That Leisure, is too said or deemed, a said Philosophy that is, and one too, and that does ask of one, and to simply view oneself and as said Different, and in said Expression too, and if not in speak and of what, to simply make out of life too that is [that life, does now too simply speak, and of the Incomparable in itself that is].

In saying that, most in the World, are believed said not as happy, and as those who do live out lives, defined and in Leisure, and in America too, is to now too say that, it does speak and of life, and as said in all, grounded, and in speak of Theory/Theorem, Models or of the Abstract too, and in the attempt, to simply make Sense, and of it all [all of it that is, life, and everything else and that does accompany it too, is now said too, put under scrutiny, and in the name of Sense, and which does in all even spell for doom, and for many a person out there, and who simply does not care in all, and to make Sense, and of it all that is].

In however saying that, Africa, is believed too different, and from the rest of the World, and in what does too make for an African Life, and as simply said to speak too of Self-Acceptance in itself, is to now too, speak of it all said Concept, and of everything out there, simply said viewed, and from simple speak now, and of what does speak of the Sweet, and of the Bitter too, and if not of what they do term, the Psychological Condition, and as simply said too defined, and in speak too of Sweetness in itself that is, and if not in speak of Bitterness too.

of the Sweet and the Bitter:

Thursday, October 8, 2015



It can be said here, that it is very much believed, and by the Blogger here too, that it is Singapore, and that is truly said home, or mecca too, and to Street Fashion in itself that is. That Street Fashion, is simply believed said something Worldwide in its ways in all, but does too, speak of Human relations, and as said perceived and from speak of Asian culture too, and in said speak here, and of what the Divide (and between us all), is said to be, and in said comparison, and to speak of Human relations, and as said perceived, and from speak of Equalness that is.



It can be said, that life in Nairobi, and that does too speak and of Nairobi and as said Developing, or as simply too said a Commercial Center that is, does in all even speak, and of life in Nairobi, and as said too perceived, and from speak of Mission, the Gathering, and if not of the Assembly too. That the Mission (and in speak too and of the Errand too for instance), now does too, speak, and of said British History, and in Kenya too that is, while speak of the Gathering, and in said Celebration too, has in all even come to take, Swahili Dimensions (MNET - Link), and to it all that is.

In saying that, Nairobi, and as said a Core City, is said best too defined in all, and in speak and of the Assembly (and of Resource, Task and Duty too), is to now too associate such Assembly, and with speak and of the very name of Jaico (the Jaico Publishing House - India), and as said too, publishing many a work, and on Work Performance too, and that do in all even speak, and of the Core City, and as said too perceived, and from speak and of the Assembly too that is.

Chris Foot (vs. Vic. Link) :

Afro Music Channel

Afro Music Channel.

There are those, and in Africa too, and who do in all even ponder, and if or if not, life, is simply said worth it, worthwhile, and in speak too now, and of what is said to pass for, or serve for too, the said struggle, and that does in all even define, everyday, daily, or even, weekly life too that is. That is life, truly said, worth fully living out, and in speak now too, and of the said question too, and that does ask, if or if not, it is a said worthy endeavour, to in all even, carefully, plan out ones life that is.

In saying that, the above, does in all even refer, and to speak, and of what does too pass for said Identity, and that does too speak, and of Colour, Racial and National Identities, is to now too, simply speak and of Africa, and as said too, a part, and of World History in itself that is [and if not of the said, World-at-large too that is].

That in speak of Colour, speak too of it, and as said even perceived, and from Evolutionary perspectives, and that does now associate, those said White, and with speak and of (Evolutionary) Instinct, those said Brown, and with speak and of Natural Selection theory, and with those said Black, said now associated, and with speak, and of what one could term Gene Theory that is. That in many a way too, it all now does refer, and to those said White, simply associated, and with speak and of what they do term Academia, and in said speak too, and of what does pass for White African Identity that is, and as said too Ecumenical, while those said Brown, are said associated, and with speak and of Scholarship (and of Christianity in Africa too), while those said Black, speak now and of (African) Studies, but as said too Episcopal that is.

That in speak of Racial lines, and Africa, speak now too, and of Africa, and as often perceived, and from speak of Name(s) that is. That the very name of Africa in itself, now too is said to arise, and with speak and of the said Roman War-torn Province, and of Africa, but that in all again, Africa, has in all come, to very much be defined, and by speak and of Name, and moreso, than Europe, can be said to be. That this all, now does in all even refer, and not in speak and of Egypt, but to speak and of the very name of Nubia, and as said now, truly associated, and with speak and of Gold in itself that is. That the very name of Nubia in itself, is in all even said to speak and of Gold, and if not of many another said Valuable commodity or mineral too, and which does in all even lead, and to speak too, and of Nubian Slaves, and of Egypt too that is. That in many a way, many of the said cultures, African, and of the Sahel, below and above, do in all even come, and to be said associated, and with speak and of Gold in itself too that is [and if not in said speak here, and of the very name of Ashanti too for instance]. The very Name too, and of 'Great Zimbabwe', can too now, be said associated, and with speak and of Africa, and not only in Heritage, but in speak now and of the Christening, and if not of Baptism too that is. In all, the above does speak, and of the said tradition, African, and of Sankofa, and that does in all even speak, and of the said Meaning of Names, and if not in speak too, and of one, and in the said search of Purpose too that is.

It is in speak of the National though, and whereby, one does in all even find Africa, and as simply said defined, and in speak and of Place, and if not in speak of Task too that is. That the said African, Nigerian, Music Channel, and of Afro Music (English) Channel that is, does in all even present Africa, and in the said Music Video format too, and from the very said perspective, and of Place, and if not of Task too, and does too now and again, simply present its said Content, and from the very said perspective, and of what does pass for African Time in itself that is, and not that said Western or Modern either. In many a way, a Television Channel too, and that does in all even associate African Identity, and with speak too and of what some do term Street Fashion, and as said too, Identity that is, very much Worldwide in its ways in all [that Street Fashion, now too does simply speak, and of the everyday African, and as said too at home, and in Tokyo too for instance].

Africanisation (4) : Summary

Africanisation (4) : Summary.

This summary, now does have to do, and with the said attempt here, and to in all even, ground in all, said African Identity, and in speak and of Instruction in itself too that is. In all, African Identity, can too now be simply said, grounded in all, and in speak and of Africa, and of the Drum, and as said too and to refer, and to African Perceptions and of History in itself, and in now too adding that, the Drum, and in the said Egyptian tradition, does now refer, and to speak too and of what Tempo, Flow and Beat, are too said to be, but in the African tradition, speak now, and of the Message in itself, and as said too Viral that is.

However, this entry, will in all truly, speak of, what does pass for a said African Identity, and outside Africa too that is. That there are those in Africa, who care not, to know anything much of Africa, and who would in all even truly leave the place, never to return, and if and only if, they could in all even truly find, a said place, or position too, and if not role, and in a said distant place too that is, and which does in all even promise it can in the very least be said, all said Success that is. That all this, now too, does speak and of the said History of Egypt, long-standing in its ways, and in speak too and of Egypt, and as said too once upon a time, having created a strong Image of itself, and if not in speak and of the Image/Word that is, and one too, simply said highly respected too. That Egypt, was simply said Civilization in itself, and in speak and of the Image/Word that is, and such that, there are those, and who did in all even choose, to simply, Identify, and with the said Power and Might of Egypt, and in speak too now, and of one and as said re-defining themselves, and in speak of Myth, Archetype, the Hero (Hero's Journey), Ego, Character etc., and such that, it all too does speak and of the History and of said African Presences, and in Central Asia, or of Moors, and in Europe too that is.

The Times though, have truly changed, and Egypt today, is not what it once was, and in speak and of the Image/Word that is, but there are those, and who do in all even, still, very much attempt to in all, Empower themselves it too can be said, and in their now studying Egypt, and along the said lines, and of Egyptocentrism, Afrocentrism, Eurocentrism, and if not in speak and of Pan-Africanism too that is.

In saying that, Africa today, and in speak and of its said defining itself, and in Success too, does in all even attempt, to re-create itself in all, and in speak too and of the Image/Word that is, and as said too American perhaps, is to now too, speak and of Africa, and as said struggling and in defining itself as such, in speak of the Image/Word that is, and in regard, and to speak too now, and of the said History, and of Slavery, and if not of Colonialism, and in Africa too that is.  

In however saying that, Egypt, still very much does remain relevant, and to us all today, is to now too, speak of a World today, and as said too, Western, and as furtherly said defined, and in speak and of Ritual/Performance that is. That what they do often call Western civilization, now does attempt to define itself in Ritual/Performance, and by in all even, studying Ritual/Performance too, and in Asia that is. That Ritual/Performance, can too be said, to speak, and of the very manner in all, we do actually Perceive ourselves, speak too and of what we do actually Think of, speak and of the very manner in all, we do actually Feel about ourselves, of the very things we do often choose to Remember, Ignore or Forget, of the said things we think are Important, or Significant too etcetc., and in now too saying that, Egypt, does in all even truly remain relevant, and in speak and of said Identity created, and that does speak too of Ritual/Performance that is. That such Identity, and as said now African, is not said grounded in all, and in speak of Myth etc., but in speak truly now, and of what some have termed Occidental Mythology that is, and that does too speak and of the said works, and of Authors, and such as Aleister Crowley, E.A Wallis Budge, Toby Wilkinson, Erik Homung, James P. Allen, Alan Moorehead, Jean Pierre Chretien, S. Liddel McGregor etc., and who in all even, have published and in the name of Occidental Mythology too, and Mythology too, and that can help one create a said African Identity, suitable for Success and outside Africa too, and away and from speak too, and of what does pass for speak of Ngoma for instance, and in Eastern Africa too that is.

Africanisation (3) : Arte

Africanisation (3) : Arte.

This entry, now does in all purport to deal, and with what too does pass for the Meaningless, and in said comparison, and to speak too of Meaning/Purpose that is. That the World today, and in speak of the Meaningless, can too be said defined, and by speak too of Disposition, Facial, and as said too now, defining the Human, and at a said Psychic level too that is. That while many do associate, Meaning/Purpose, or Significance/Importance too, and with speak and of a said Psychology in all, and of Faces made, or of Facial Expressions truly, there is a said problem in the World today, and that does in all even divide us all, and along the said lines of World Media too that is, and into said speak now and of those simply said not aware of their Psychic selves, and as said too, to speak and of Intuition in itself, and with it all said to speak and of what it does mean to be Human that is. In all, in now attempting to associate speak of Disposition, Facial, and with speak and of the Meaningless, is to now speak too speak of our said definitions of Satisfaction, and as said too differing, and from what Psychology, is said to be, and with it all even now, said to speak of the Solitary, and in speak too and of Faces made, and if not in speak and of our said definitions, and of Relevance too that is. In all and again, life now, and as said truly deciphered today, and from speak of Disposition, does in all even hint at, what Arte, is said to be, for it in all too, can too be said associated, and with speak too and of Escapism, and in regard and to speak of Relevance, and if not of Satisfaction in itself too that is.

In all, what this entry will attempt to say is that, what does in all even pass for Disposition, should not too be confused, and with speak of Visage, and of Shakespeare too for instance, and as said too an end goal in all, for Visage, could in all even be said correlated, and to speak too of Heritage, but in speak of Disposition, speak now too, and of what some have termed the Pleasure Principle that is, and in speak and of a said even silent agreement in all, and that does say, Pleasure in all, is simply what is said sought out of life that is. In now saying that, Africa, does not and in all, define, Arte, and in the said manner above that is, is to now and again, speak and of the very said Title that is, said Zulu too, and of the Sanusi. That this Title, now too, does get to the very bottom, and of what does pass for life, or existence, and in the said World today too, for it is in all even believed that, Technology, is said the end and to all means that is, and in speak too and of said Technology driven societies that is, but what in all, the Title of the Sanusi, does in all even attempt to say, is that, we are all even simply said driven, and to in all even Embody, or Mirror something out there, and in speak too now, and of learning, to very much Appreciate our very selves, or in speak too, and of Self-Acceptance in itself that is. That this Embodiment, and that does too speak of the Sanusi, and in the said Egyptian tradition, has always spoken and of the said Higher Self, or of the Ascendant too, but in the said African tradition, speak now too and of ones Somatic self, and of one too and as said even Viral that is, and in said speak too and of Survival in itself that is, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of Mirroring in itself too that is.

In all and again, all this now too perceived, and from speak of Italian History, and of the said World of the Italian Masters that is, and of names and such as Michelangelo, or Donatello too, and who can too be said, to in all even speak and of just whom the Sanusi is said to be, and in speak too now and of the of the Sanusi in himself, and as said defined, and by speak of High Art in itself too that is [that what in all is been said here is that, despite any talk, and of what does stand for Success, and in Image/Word, and in the World today too, and as said too believed, and to speak, and of the said Elevation/Elevating of Consciousness, and in regards and to speak too, and of what is believed said the Common Good for all, is to now too say it all, and to speak too of Popularism that is, and as said even Brainwashing too in all].

In now starting off truly, and on a said entry here, and that does too speak, and of many a belief held, and that does say, Africans, do not in all, actually possess Culture, or a said true History to them, is to now too, speak, and of what too can be termed Arte, and as said too, to speak, and of Conventionality in itself that is. That in now saying that, the said Political organization, or structure too, and that does associate speak of life, and with speak and of what is said Religious, Social, Political/Civic and Economic too, can too be said Egyptian, is to now too though, say that, most of the World, and outside Africa too, and in speak of Conventionality, has often been said organized in all, and in speak and of what the Secular is said to be. In saying that, said Political organization or structure too, and that does speak of the Religious, the Cultural, and the Political, is more or less said truly African, is to now too, approach it all, and from a said even Egyptian perspective, and that does ask of one, and of what Ethic, Archetype, and the (Primordial) Self, is said to be (and if not in speak too of Psyche, Soul and Self that is), but from speak of it all said African truly, speak now, and of what is said to speak, and of the Reptilian, the Hominid, and of said Monkey selves too, and in said speak here too, and of what does serve or pass for speak of Embodiment, and if not in speak too, and and of what does pass for Practises, and in society too that is [that what they do call the Fad, and as said to refer, and to the said Limits/Limitations, and of said too, Technology driven societies that is, it all even does too speak, and of the said defining in all, and of Practises and in society too that is].

In speak now, and of Africa and in Contest, and in speak too of Arte, speak now and of what does pass for Embodiment in itself, and as said to speak too of Africa, and in speak too of the said 'Passage of Time', but in all again, speak  too now, and of what said Practises in all, are too deemed African, and in said speak here too, and of what does serve for Precision/Exactness, and if not in speak of what does pass for speak of said Multiple Realities too that is.

In speak now too, and of what does pass for the said Face Value of things, and in said speak too of Arte, is to now too associate, speak of Embodiment, and with speak and of what too can be said Condition / Symptom, and in speak of African societies today too, and as said defined in all, and in speak too of Pathologies / Worry that is, but in speak now too of Practises, speak too now and of what does pass for Paralysis in itself that is.

In speak of African Ceremony, and of Self-Improvement too, and if not of African Political Imagery, and as said to speak of Arte too, then it all does too, speak of one and in Constitution, and in regard and to speak of Embodiment, and if not in speak of one and in Sobriety too, and in regard and to speak of Practise that is.

The Great Sphinx in Egypt, and in said regard here and to speak of Arte too, now does speak of Embodiment, and as said too, to in all even match, speak of a said African Archaeology (and of said African Tools too for instance), but in speak of Practises, speak now and of a said African Eschatology, and of a said too African Genealogy that is.

In said speak here, and of African Organization, and as said too to refer, and to speak of African Leadership, and of the very manner in all, Africans do Identify with each other, and in speak too of African Humour / Media too that is, and as said to in all even refer, and to Arte in itself, is to speak now and of what they do term Destiny, and as said to refer, and to speak of Embodiment, and if not in speak of the Individual Experience / Memory, and as said to refer, and to speak of (African) Practises too that is.

In said speak here, and of what does pass for Discussion, and in speak too of the Mutual / Common understanding, and of the said African Experience, and as said now to refer, and to speak of Arte in itself, is to speak now and of what Guidance in itself, is said to be, and as said to refer and to speak of Embodiment in itself too, and if not in speak of the Figural (and of the Ancestral, and Proverbial too), and as said to refer, and to speak of Practises that is.

In speak of African Design/Style, and of African Material culture too, and as said to refer and to speak of Arte that is, is to speak and of Embodiment, and as said to refer and to speak and of the said African Mind in itself, but in speak of Practises, speak now too, and of what Conduct, Status and Privilege, are in all even said to be that is. In said speak here though, and of a said even African Acute Intelligence, and the ability to in all even Re-Align oneself, and in regard to just about everything, anything, Arte, and in Embodiment too, now is said to speak, and of Component in itself, but in speak of Practise, speak of Ingredient / Substance that is.

In said speak here, and of what Opinion/Belief is said to be, and in said regard, and to speak and of the said Power of African Cultures that is, and if not of Liability and in Exposure too, and of Empowerment and Exposure too, and as said to speak and of a said even African Political Authority, and if not of it all too said to speak of Appreciation, and in Value too, is to now speak and of it all, and as said Arte, and in speak of Embodiment, and as said to speak of (Critical) Analysis that is, and if not in speak and of Practises, and of Arte, and as said to speak and of the African Family too that is.

In speak of Routine, and in Africa, and of the Monotonous too, and as said now to in all even go along, and with speak and of Arte, is to now say it all, to speak of Unity, and in Embodiment too, and if not in speak of Habitude, and in Practise too that is.

In all, what too can be said here, is that, Arte, and in regard and to speak of Africanisation, does in all even now speak, and of what a Podium, is actually said to be.