Thursday, July 28, 2016

the Vantage

the African Vantage.

When we do talk here, or refer to here, and to what the Vantage is in all, said to actually be, we are too probably said, referring, and to the very said fact that, survival, and in Kenya, or East Africa too, does in all even have to it, what too is said even, a Penalty to it all that is, and in said regard, and to what too, is said Failure that is. That the Vantage, does in all even ask of us, to truly consider, every said possibility, and as said too now occurring, and in said speak too, and of what disaster in itself, is too actually said to be.

That the Vantage, can too be said even, a point-of-view, a view-point, and if not in said speak too, and of the said Vantage point in itself for instance, and as said even a spot, and from just where, everything said of interest, is said too discernible that is, but that in all again, the Vantage in itself, does too ask of one, and of their simply said perceiving everything, and from what too, is said even, the point in itself that is.