Thursday, July 7, 2016


of Al-Jazeera.

**This said entry, can too be said, a said informal address, and to the said Arab World here, and via speak too and of the Al-Jazeera News Network that is, and as said too now, to refer, and to the said even following blogs, and of Counter 'Nairo' (Link), and if not that too said African Anatolia (Link) that is.

Your Eminence:

Allow me, to in all be able, and to in all too, address, the Arab World, and in said regard, and to what too, is believed said even to speak, and of said Arab Presences or Identity too, and in the said region of East Africa that is, and as said even to speak now, and of what too is believed said even to constitute, and for what some have called, a World Order, and that is often too believed said even, to encompass, talk, and of the UN [United Nations] for instance. That this said World Order, does in all even attempt, to in all even posit, situate or even simply connect, many a said part of the World, to another, and in said speak too and of what Hegemony is said even all about, and if not in said speak too now and again, and of the very said reason, Al-Jazeera, and as said even a prominent News Network that is, is said even to arise, and as said even now attempting, to in all even give a said view, and of the World, and as said too in turmoil, in change, and in the said bid too, and in manifesting Order, and that some do in all even now associate, and with speak and of the said rise too, and of Global Terrorism that is, and if not of said changing Environments, and of Ecological Damage too, and of the said term and of Historicism too that is.

It too can be said that, the World today, is believed said even ruled over, and by a said too, Racial Consciousness that is, and if not Racial Climate too, and that is too said even to arise, and with said Events, political too, and of the last said 250 Years that is, and which do in all even transverse, speak and of Revolution in Europe, Slavery in Africa, and if not of many a said Social, and Political, Movement too that is, and as said even ranging now, and from talk of Feminism, the Civil Rights Movement in the United States of America, Communism, Ghandhism, and of Mahatma Gandhi too, and in India, and if not in said speak too now, and of Maoism, and if not of the Cultural Revolution in Libya too, and of the very name of Muammar Ghadafi, and of the said too Green Book that is. That those in East Africa, can too be said even, to very much suffer, and from the said even manifestation, and of such a said Racial Consciousness, and from the said perspective too that is, and of what too is believed said even a Colour line, and if not of the said name of WEB DuBois, and in the United States of America too, and if not of what too, is said even to speak, and of African Religion in itself that is, and in said perception too. That such said notions of Inferiority, said even to refer, and to speak of Africans, can too be said even to arise, and from speak and of Media today, and as said even now discerned, and from speak and of what is said Objectivity, Subjectivity, and if not of Neutrality too, and in said regard, and to the said Documentation, and if not Recording, and of many an Event, and as said too occurring, and in our said even everyday societies that is. In many a way, the said here attempt, and in said speak of Media today, to create a said even, Racial Consciousness, and in East Africa too, and not Kenya truly, and that does not only refer, and to what a said even, African Anatolia (Link) is said even all about, but in many a way too, speak now and of it all too perceived, said African Identity that is, or as said East African truly, and from speak, and of the Arab Mathematician, and if not of the Egyptian Architect too that is.

That it too can be said, that the Arab World, is said even of vital importance to all, and to the rest of the said World that is, and in said regard, and to the very manner in all, it is believed, that History, will in all even play out that is. That we do now live in a World, said too believed, dominated, and in said regard and to what Aim is said to be, and by the said British Historian that is, and if not of the said even, presence, and of secret societies, and as to be said found in England today that is. That History, is too said even perceived, and by those in the Western Hemisphere that is, and from speak, and of the Jewish Historian, and if not of the Roman Historian too, and of the said even here, attempt and by some, and to in all even suppress, many a said event, and in History too, and as said too, to in all even speak, and of the obliterating of Historical Truth, and via a said even, misrepresentation, and of Time in itself, and if not of Event truly either. That History, is too said even adjudged, and from speak and of Calendars that is, but that in all again, it too can be pointed out that, it is the Arab Historian, and in speak too and of the very names of Ibn Battuta, or even Ibn Khaldun too, and who does in all even hold, said even favourable opinions too that is, and of Africa, and if not of Africans too. That the said region of East Africa, is said even home, and to speak and of Christianity in sub-saharan Africa too, and if not of the Church in Africa too, and as said even to refer now, and to what Catholic Mysticism, or Monaticism too, is said even all about, and if not of the very name too, and of St. Francis of Assisi for instance, and of the African Church in North Africa too that is. 

That in too saying that, the region of East Africa, and as simply said defined above, and in speak of Religion that is, does wish to identify, and with the Arab World, and from the said now perspective, and of a said Time Consciousness too that is, is to now too, attempt to track Arab History, and from said speak too, and of the said History of the City of Baghdad that is, and in Iraq obviously, and in now positing, or situating too, such a said even Time Consciousness, and with speak too of it all said even, to speak, and of the said Distance, between, the said region of East Africa, and the Arab World too that is, and as said even now centered, and in speak of Iraq that is. In now associating such said speak or talk, and with speak and of a said Time Measure too, and that does now associate speak of the Arab World in itself, and with speak too of the City of Abu Dhabi, and in the United Arab Emirates too, the UAE that is, for it all too can to be said now to speak, and of the very manner in all, the Arab World, would in all even posit, the said existence and of the region of East Africa, and as said too Political Entity, and from a said even perspective, and that does too speak and of Distance in itself that is. A Time Measure too, it is believed now, to in all even situate, the said region of East Africa, and in said Distance too, and as said away, and from the rest of the said even Christian World that is, but a said Time Measure too, and that does in all even incorporate, speak, and of Development, and with speak and of Distance in itself that is.

In asking though, and of the very manner in all, the Arab World, can in all even be said to connect, and to the said region of East Africa, and not Kenya truly, is to now refer, and to speak, and of what is said to constitute, and for Arab Titles, and Roles, and if not of the said Arab perception, and of what is said to speak, and of the Body too that is. That the Arab World, can too be now said even, to in all even judge the said region of East Africa, and from what Title, or Role too, is said even to be, and if not of those in East Africa, and as said even adjudged, and from what too is said Conscience, and if not of what too is said to speak of the Body in itself, and of said Knowledge Bodies too, said too African now, and that do too refer, and to speak of East Africans, and in Body too, and as said even now perceived, and from talk, and of the Human Body, and as said even defined in all, and by speak and of the very terms of Own, Have, Possess, or even that of Carrier too that is. That it is in speak, and of the said last term here, and of Carrier, and simply where and in all again, we do now too, have a said even, picture, and of the said African Spiritual Condition, and as said even to speak, and of what Spiritual Sickness, is said even to be that is.

In now too saying that, the said even purpose, and of this said here, informal address, and to the Arab World, can too be said even perceived, and from Media Reports, and if not of what Literary Journalism, is too said to be, and of Kenya, and as said even a Failed State, and if not as described, and as said even in a said Deplorable Condition that is, is to now attempt and to in all, separate, speak and of Kenya, and from speak and of the region of East Africa, and in now asking, why the Arab World, should in all even, acknowledge that is, the said existence, and of East Africa that is, and as said too, an Independent Political Entity in itself that is. In now too saying, it could very well be said to speak, and of what too is said Aim that is, and if not of what is too said Symbol that is, and in said regard even, and to what too, does pass even, and for speak and of Media Studies that is. That in speak and of what is said Aim, we could too be said even, to speak and of Egypt and in History, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of Freemasonry, and of the Freemason too, but of Fraternity, and of Guilds, Unions and Lodges that is, said now to speak and of Greece and in History too, of Italy, and of Secret Society too, said even now to border, and to speak and of Devil Worship in itself for instance, but in said speak and of the very name of America, it all said even Masonic that is, and in Aim too, and from a said even Coptic tradition too that is. In saying that, the Arab World, can too be simply said perceived and as said as such, and from speak, and from what too Hadith is said even to be, and if not of what too does serve for speak, and in said opinion here too, and of the said even scripting, and of a said Al-Jazeera News broadcast too for instance, is to now too say that, the region of East Africa, and in said speak too and of what Forecasting, Projection, and if not Direction too, and if not Aim in itself, are in all even said all about, can too be said associated, and with speak too and of a said term, emanating, and from speak of African Religion, and as said too IFA that is, and that does too speak, and of the very term of Ori that is. That what is Ori? Ori, can now too be simply said perceived, and as said even a Spiritual Construct that is, from what too can too be said even to refer, and to speak of Conscious States, Unconscious States, and if not of Conscience in itself too that is, said even Ancient, said too, and to speak and of the African past, and if not as said to refer, and to speak and of Lizards, Reptiles, and Dinosaurs too that is. In now claiming that, the above is not believed said sufficient, and in explaining and for the said existence of Arab-African relations that is, is to now speak, and of what too is said Symbol, and as said even maximally, to speak of Relevance, and minimally, to speak too of Esteem that is. That it can be said, that the Western World, and as said even now believed said centered, and in talk of Europe, does now define itself in Symbol, and in said regard and to speak and of the said History, and of the Age of Enlightenment that is, and as said too believed emanating, and from speak of Germany too, is to now claim that, the Arab World, and in Symbol, can too be said even to refer, and to speak and of Egypt, and of what too, is said even Revelation, Exposure, and if not Illumination too that is. That in speak of East Africa, and if not of Africa too, and from such said perspective, and of Symbol that is, is to now refer, and to said even theories, and of what is said to speak, and of Light & Sound that is, and as said even to refer, and to what too, is said Manifest that is. That in now too claiming that, it all can be said to speak and of what Intellect, is said even to be, is to now claim that, the Western Intellect, can too be said even grounded in all, and in talk and of Theory, and if not of the Theoretical too, while the Arab Intellect, can too be said even to speak, and of Spirituality in itself, but with that said even African, or East African truly, the Intellect that is, now said to refer, and to what is said Methodicism in itself that is. That hopefully, it too can now be said that, the Human, and in pride, or shame, can too be said even perceived, and from speak and of the Intellect in itself, and as said even to refer, and to the Human, and as said even distinct or said even separate, and from God in 'himself', and in speak too of the very belief that, a Free Will, is what almost any Human out there, can truly wish for, and in said regard, and to speak and of contention in itself, and if not understanding truly. 

In saying that, the Western World, does in all even define itself, and in speak and of what too Agenda is said to be, and of the Arab World, said even to in all even discuss, what is said Goal, and if not of what is said too Program, is to now claim that, the region of East Africa, and as said even possessing, said too significant Potential to it all, can now be said even associated, and with talk and of what is said to encompass, talk too, and of the Strategic/Tactical that is. A manner in all, and of constructing societies, and if not of viewing societies too, and that is believed said even difficult to explain, troublesome too, for it all too can be said to speak, and of what Aestheticism, is too actually said to be. That it all can too be said, Aestheticism that is, to speak, and of the very manner in all, Japanese society, does in all even develop, or evolve, and in now claiming that, Aestheticism, is said even the very manner too, Italy, and as said Civilization, does in all even arise, and in said probable speak, and of what too is said Gene, and not Genotype truly either. That the very said word or term of Esteem, can too be attributed, and to speak and of what is said Gene that is, and as said even to encompass, speak and of Heredity in itself too that is. That the Arab World, does too it can be said, perceive itself, and against a said backdrop, and that does too refer and to the Western World that is, and in said proximity too, and that does too speak, and of what is said to refer, and to speak too and of Secular Islam that is, said even Shia, and Shi'ite too that is, and if not of the Western World, and as probably said even now, viewed, and from speak of Italy, and as said even Christendom that is. That the Arab World, can too now be said even, to probably view itself, and from speak and of Aestheticism, and that would too associate speak of Italy, and with talk and of what the said term of Romanesque, is said even to refer to, and of the Arab World now, and as said even believed perceived, and from talk, and of what is said Arabesque that is. 

In saying that, Aestheticism, is believed said even defining of Africa, and from talk, and of the said even History of Slavery in Africa, and if not of Colonialism too, and of the said even spread of Missionary Christianity and all over sub-saharan Africa too, is to now claim that, and as surreptitiously said too, that Iraq, and in History, and from the said perspective and of Aestheticism that is, and not Political Ideology either, is said too, to have to it, many a said even Figure, and who could too be said even, to in all even possess, a said 'African' Phenotype that is. That it all too, now does speak, and of Arab History, and as said now perceived and from speak of Aestheticism, said now Assyrian, and from a said Italian Aesthetic perspective that is, and of Italy too, and as said Roman that is, but in speak now and of that Aesthetic said African, Arab History, said even now perceived, and from talk, and of said Arab Caliphates that is, and if not of that too probably said Abbasid that is. That hopefully, all this said can too be said understood, and from speak too of Swahili History, and in said Antecedent, and if not Precedent too, and that does now associate, speak and of the said History of Oman, often too term the Sultanate of Oman that is, and as said even to arise, and from speak of Swahili Antecedents, and if not of the said city-state of Mombasa too, but in speak of Precedent, Swahili Precedent now, said even to refer, and to the said History, and of the Zanj Rebellion that is. In all, what can too be said here, is that, the Arab World, and in speak too of the Al-Jazeera News Network for instance, and in said Aesthetic too, can too now be said even evolving, and in speak of Aestheticism that is, and which can too be said even, to possess or hold, Power to it all, and via speak too and of the said Victorian term of Juxtapose that is, and which too could in all even claim that, East African History, can too be said perceived, and from talk and of the said History, and of said Swahili Port Cities that is, but in said speak now, and of the the Arab Worlds understanding, and of Aestheticism, it all could in all even be said, to speak, and of Africa, and not of Italy, or of Japan truly either. 

In helping one though, view the Western World, the Arab World, and if not Africa too, and from speak truly and of what Aestheticism, is actually said even to be, is to now say it even, to refer, and to speak, and of Mathematics, and as said even perceived, and from speak of its said Branches that is, and that could to be said even to speak, and of Western Theory, and as said too perceived, and from talk and of what is said even Logic, Reason, Argument, Proof etc., but in said speak too now, and of Arab Spirituality, it said even to refer, and to speak and of the said following branches of Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, Calculus etc., and in now too associating speak of African Methodicism, and with the said too study, and of (Line) Curves, Diagrams, Charts etc., and that does too refer, and to what is said even to speak, and of Exponential, Logarithmic, and if not of said Linear and Non-Linear, Mathematics too that is. In saying that, Aestheticism, can too be said truly attributed, or said even associated, and with what some have termed Regional Development too that is, is to now associate it all too, and with said talk even, and of what does constitute, and for said Political Mappings, and if not of said Geo-Political Mappings truly, and of the World, and as it is that is. 

In concluding and all this said, all the above that is, and in its said entirety too, is to now truly ask, and of simply why, the Arab World, would in all even take an interest, and in Africa, and if not in said speak of East Africa truly that is. That it all too can be said even, to refer, and to what too is said Psychology in itself, and as said even defining one, and in Happiness, or Defeat too, and in now claiming that, the said African World, or that said East African truly, does too possess a said Psychology to it, and that could be said even of interest, and in said regard, and to speak and of the very manner in all, life on this Earth, is said even to proceed or evolve that is. That it too can be said, that the Egyptian World, does too perceive Psychology, and from speak too and of what Totality in itself, is said even all about, and with the Greek World, said too now, to perceive just about everything said or known, and from speak too and of what is said Symmetry in itself, and of the Italian World, said even to complicate History, and from the said stance of Psychology, and from talk too and of what the said Field of Genetics, is said even all about, and if not of what too, is said Fascism that is, it too now can be said that, Africa, does in all even possess to it, a said even interesting Psychology, and that does in all even refer, and to what is said Part, Parts too that is, are too said all about that is. A Psychology, and that does too speak, and of the very said manner in all, many would too, perceive God in 'himself', and if not of the very said manner in all, the Arab World, can too be said even to perceive, it said relations, and to the said even African World that is, and as said to speak too, and of said minimal contact in itself that is.

Thank You Your Eminence.
