Saturday, May 28, 2016



The above said Initials, and in the said header, and to this very said entry, could too be very well said to spell out the following: The South American Consulate in Kenya. That it could too very well be said, that this said very entry, or address too, is in all even said intended, and for the Venezuelan Embassy and in Nairobi, Kenya too. Mr. Ambassador, I would very well like to Welcome you, and to this often termed, lovely Country of Kenya, and in saying that, hopefully, your stay in Kenya, might very well too be said, enriching in its ways. That Mr. Ambassador, many in Africa, and if not in Eastern Africa truly, might very well be said, ignorant, and of those termed South American, and if not of South America in itself too. That Mr. Ambassador, I too could very well be said categorized and as such, Ignorant that is, and of South America in itself, and in now too saying that, South America, and as often believed said defined, and by speak and of what Seclusion in itself is said to be, can too be said even perceived, and in speak of Humour, or said Identity too, and that would too refer, and to speak and of what Contention in itself is said to be, and if not in speak now, and of those simply said termed, the Contender that is.

That in the attempt here to fully introduce one Mr. Ambassador, and to Kenya in itself, is to now attach your said presence in Kenya, and to talk too, and of Kenya, and as said perceived, and from talk of its said Successive Presidencies, and if not in said speak too now, and of what is often believed said to speak, and of Investment Opportunity in Africa, or Kenya too, and in furtherly saying that, it all too can be said to refer, and to speak too and of what Bi-Lateral Ties, Joint Research, and if not Information or Intelligence Gathering, are in all even said all about. That Mr. Ambassador, South America, is in many a way believed to Develop, and as said even Secluded, or Isolated too, and from the rest of the World, and in now too claiming that, it all too could be said defining and of South America, and in Attitude too, and Attitude, believed said even, to in all even refer, and to one said term too: Contempt. That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief here that, Contempt, is said more than a Word, or even Emotion, and if not Judgment in itself too, and such that, it too can be said a term, Contempt that is, said now defining of the South American Way of life, and in said regard and to its said Political life or Existence, and as said even defined, and by speak and of what Containment, Isolation and if not Exclusion, are too said to be, and such that, what is actually been said here is that, those said South American, are too often believed said Recluses, and if not of it all said even to refer, and to speak too and again, and of what Seclusion in itself, is said to entail, and as said even to speak now, and of what a said Vantage Point, is said even all about. That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief here that, South Americans, do in all even have a said, uncommon or irregular approach, and to talk of things said African, and if not of Africa in itself too, and in now claiming that, while most of the World do in all even speak of Africa, and along the lines and of the said Opening up, Partitioning or even Carving up, and of Africa that is, and in speak too and of the said even, 'Scramble for Africa' that is, South Americans, are still very much said to perceive Africa, and from speak too, and of what Exploitation, Manipulation, Conditioning, Upheaval etc., are in all even said all about. 

That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief here that, Kenya, does too have alot, to learn, and from South America that is, and in now simply stating that, it all too does refer and to speak and of what Machination in itself, and as said even a Political Tool of a kind, and if not said Agency in itself too, is said even all about, and in now claiming that, while Africa, and if not Kenya too, have in all even struggled, and with the very question and of what Africanisation for instance, is said even all about, and in the said defining of itself, Africa that is, and in speak too of the Esteemable for instance, we do in all even find that, South America, and as said even struggling to define itself, and as said too unique for instance, does now struggle too, and with talk, and of what Monopoly for instance, and if not Monopolization in itself, are in all even said all about. That Mr. Ambassador, while Machination can favourably be perceived, and from speak too, and of what Study and Examination are said to be, and if not in speak too of Propositioning and of Proposals, speak too of Evaluation, Assessment and if not Measurement in itself too, speak too and of Accreditation, Certification and if not Licensure in itself too, it can be said though, a said understanding and of the very manner in all, many a thing does happen in life, or of the very manner in all, Nature in itself, is said even to function that is, it all too, all this said, can too be said to refer, and to speak, and of what Re-doing, is said even all about, and in said comparison, and to speak of Repetition that is. That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief that, Re-Incarnation in itself, and as said too believed said even a fact of life, would in all even speak and of what Re-doing is said even all about, and in said speak too and of the said beliefs here that is, Modern too, and which do too say that, that it is never too late to attain an Education, to late to start over with a whole new Career, to late to be Married and having a Family etc., and if and only if, it is understood that, it all does refer, and to speak and of what Re-doing, is said all about, and not Repetition truly either, and with it all even said to refer, and to connections made, between past and future Generations, and if not between Parents, Elders, Ancestors etc., and Children too that is. That Mr. Ambassador, these are the very said things, teachings too, that those in Africa, could too very well be said to learn, and from those said South American, and in said farther speak too now, and of those who don't perceive South America truly, and from speak too and of what Ancient Civilization is said to be for instance.

In attempting now though, to put an end to this said formal address to you Mr. Ambassador, is to now too claim that, talk, and of the very reason why Kenya, and if not East Africa too, can readily benefit and from speak of South America, and as said too Country or society that is, it all then can be said to speak and of the very belief here that, those said South American, do too have a said understanding, and of what the very term of Deficit, and if not Deficits too, is said to in all even truly mean or imply, and as said even defining one, and in Outlook, and in regard ,and to speak and of life in itself too that is.

Thank You Mr. Ambassador
