Sunday, May 29, 2016



The said Initials above, and to the said header, and to this very entry, could now too be said, to very well spell out the following: The Embassy of Egypt in Kenya. Most Honourable Mr. Ambassador, in the said light, and of what is too, said to pass and for speak of Eminence, or Prestige too, and in Africa too that is, many a said Welcome here, and to Kenya, and in the very name too, and of the Egyptian State in itself that is. That Mr. Ambassador, it is too believed here that, no other State in the World, does have a said magnanimity to it all, and other than that said Egyptian, for it is too said a State, and whose very origins, do in all even refer, and to speak and of the Great Sphinx in itself, and in Egypt, Gaza too that is. That it all too can probably be said even, the said oldest State in the World, and one too, whose impact on History, can too be said now to speak, and of what Officialism in itself, and if not Officiating too, is said even all about, and if not and of what does too pass for Role, Position or Function too, and as said too Societal, and if not and as said Regional that is. That it is the very name of Egypt, and that is too associated, and with speak and of who is in all, simply said 'the Judge' that is, and if not in said speak too now, and of what too does pass for, and for the very definitions, and of Actor, Player, Character etc., and in life too.

That Mr.  Ambassador, it too can be said here, that my said even, interest, and in Egypt in itself, can too be said to speak, and of what Existence, or Name, is in all even said to be. That Africa, is too believed said even, to have no said proper History to it all, and that it all too does now speak, and of what Existence, and Name, are in all even said to be all about. That in speak of Egypt, and in Existence, speak too now, and of the very Field of Egyptology, but in speak of Egypt, and in Name, speak too now, and of what is believed said to speak today, and of African Media in itself too that is. That Egypt's place in History, is now believed said cemented in its ways, and such that, there are those who do in all even truly believe, that speak and of what too is said Measure, Amount, Quantity etc. is believed said even truly known or recorded, and in Egyptian History in itself, but that what too can be said here is that, ones said understanding and of Egypt today, and along the lines of the views of a Philosopher, 'he' too said African that is, now does ask of one to in all even define, what is said Object, and of what is said Conscience too. That the History of the World, is too believed said defined, and by that Conscience, said Egyptian truly, and one too, said even believed to have its say, and in the said even discoveries that is, and of the Americas, and if not of America in itself, but with it all today, and in said regard to Kenya too, and if not East Africa truly, said even having come to define Africa in itself, and in speak and of what the Perennial, the Seasonal, the Generational etc., are in all even said all about, and if not in speak truly now, and of what is said to speak and of the Annual, and as said even to speak, and of the Kenyan Governments Yearly or Annual Budget that is. That in speak and of what is said Object, we now do and in all even, venture, and into the very said realms that is, and of Egyptian Materiality, and if not of what is said Materialism in itself too, and that does too have the said even inquisitive mind here, ask truly, and of what is believed said to speak, and of the Obscene, the Indecent, Profanity, Vulgarity etcetc. That Egypt, does truly remain relevant, and to the rest of the World, and in said regard here too, and to Egyptian Religion that is, now said even discerned, and from speak too and of what is said Conscience, and versus what is said Object that is, and in probably now equating talk of Egypt today, and in said Political turmoil too, said even defined in all, and by such said talk that is: of what is said Conscience, and of what is said Object too.

That Mr. Ambassador, in the attempt here, and to fully welcome one, and to Kenya and as it is today, is to now too claim that, or even state that is, that your said presence here, now can too be said to cut deep, and to what too is believed said to speak, and of the very defining, and of Family in itself. That this is the very said issue or matter, or said even Subject Matter that is, that most in Africa, have historically too, been said to struggle with, with it all too simply said even to speak, and of the very best of manners in all, and in simply perceiving Egypt that is, and if not Egyptians in themselves, and as said too Family that is. Family, and that does too speak of Gene in itself, but in speak of Kenya, or of East Africa today too, speak now and of the said Swahili terms and of Nchi, Jamhuri and Taifa too, and if not in speak too of Kenya, and as said even deciphered, and from a said Regional perspective that is, and that does too speak of East Africa, the Horn of Africa, Eastern Africa etc., and if not in said farther speak too now, and of the very belief here that, Kenyan Identity today, can too be said simply grounded in all, and in speak and of Consensus in itself, and if not of the Law-maker truly, and which too would probably associate your said presence in Kenya Mr. Ambassador, and with speak too, and of the Law Society of Kenya that is.

That what too, is said Family, and why and in all again, is it all believed said even, of significant Importance? That in speak of it said Egyptian, and of Egyptian History too, it all said even defined now, and by speak too and of the said Egyptian Mystery Schools that is, and of the very belief here that, it is the Family, and that is believed said even, and to in all even instill into one, what can too be simply termed here, 'a Sense of the Profound' that is. That it is in the said speak of the Profound, and simply where and in all again, life is believed said to Open up to one, and in said speak too and of what does too pass for Meaning or Purpose in itself, and if not of Egypt too, and as said even defined, and in speak of the Image, and of the Word too. That in speak of Egypt and as such, in speak of the Profound that is, speak now and of one and as said even venturing, and into the said realms too, and of what is too said to speak, and of Egyptian Spirituality, the Egyptian Memory, the Egyptian Language in itself, and if not of Egypt and in History too that is. That in speak of Egyptian Spirituality Mr. Ambassador, it too now can be said tied, and to speak and of the very reasons why, Pyramids, do in all even exist in Egypt, but that in many a way, it too can be said, it all does refer, and to Egyptians, and as said even Native to Egypt, and if not of what too, is said to pass for in all, and for speak, and of what is said to refer, and to speak too of Egyptian Blood, Egyptian Heredity, Egyptian Roots, Egyptian Parentage etc., and with the latter said too, Parentage that is, said even now to refer, and to the said even origins, and of Christianity, and on Egyptian Soil in itself that is. That it is in speak of the Egyptian Memory, and whereby, one does in all even see it and as said even, defining in all, the very name too, and of Greece that is, but it all too said a Memory that is, said even to find its ways in all, and to said far-off places, and such as China too for instance. That in speak and of Egypt, and in Language too, or of the Egyptian Languages that is, speak now and of Egypt, and as said even African that is, for Egypt and as said too African, does now speak of it all, and in said regard that is, and to speak too and of what is said Ideology, Custom, Ritual, Law etc. that is. That in speak now though, and of Egypt and in History, or of Egyptian History in itself too, the said here search for the Truth, is said even of paramount importance, and in said regard, and to the said attempt and in the said explaining, and of, or for, just about anything to do and with life, and in said comparison, and to those who do associate speak and of History, and with speak too and of the very attempt to in all even define one, or describe one too, and in said speak, and of what Event, Political Social etc., is in all even truly said to be, or said even all about.

In finalizing on all this Mr. Ambassador, the very reason your said presence in Kenya, is believed of importance truly, and if not as simply said even truly significant, is to speak now too, and of the Swahili terms of Afya, and if not of Binadamu too that is, and as now simply said to speak too, and of what Subjection in itself is said to be, and if not of what Dejection, Rejection and Abjection, are in all even said all about. The very belief here that, Egypt's Influence in Africa, does too lie and in speak and of what Health in itself, is said even all about that is, and as said to speak too of Egyptian Medicine for instance, but in many a way, the very belief here that, Africa's problems today, and as said even to speak and of Africa, and in said regard to Policy, Affairs, Intelligence, Agenda, Security etc., now are too said to speak and of the very said terms of Afya that is, and if not of Binadamu too, and if not of life too, and as said even perceived, and from what is too said Lost or Gained, and if not of Power and Pride, or of what is said Relevant or Irrelevant too, and which does too and in all even refer and to speak too of Egypt, and in Name and Remembrance that is, and as said even here, best termed or classified too, and in speak and of what is said Egypt, Kemet, Khemet, Misr etc., and if not in speak truly now and of what is too said that is, KMT.

Thank You Mr. Ambassador
