Sunday, May 29, 2016



The said Initials above, and to the said header, and to this very entry, could now too be said, to very well spell out the following: The Embassy of Egypt in Kenya. Most Honourable Mr. Ambassador, in the said light, and of what is too, said to pass and for speak of Eminence, or Prestige too, and in Africa too that is, many a said Welcome here, and to Kenya, and in the very name too, and of the Egyptian State in itself that is. That Mr. Ambassador, it is too believed here that, no other State in the World, does have a said magnanimity to it all, and other than that said Egyptian, for it is too said a State, and whose very origins, do in all even refer, and to speak and of the Great Sphinx in itself, and in Egypt, Gaza too that is. That it all too can probably be said even, the said oldest State in the World, and one too, whose impact on History, can too be said now to speak, and of what Officialism in itself, and if not Officiating too, is said even all about, and if not and of what does too pass for Role, Position or Function too, and as said too Societal, and if not and as said Regional that is. That it is the very name of Egypt, and that is too associated, and with speak and of who is in all, simply said 'the Judge' that is, and if not in said speak too now, and of what too does pass for, and for the very definitions, and of Actor, Player, Character etc., and in life too.

That Mr.  Ambassador, it too can be said here, that my said even, interest, and in Egypt in itself, can too be said to speak, and of what Existence, or Name, is in all even said to be. That Africa, is too believed said even, to have no said proper History to it all, and that it all too does now speak, and of what Existence, and Name, are in all even said to be all about. That in speak of Egypt, and in Existence, speak too now, and of the very Field of Egyptology, but in speak of Egypt, and in Name, speak too now, and of what is believed said to speak today, and of African Media in itself too that is. That Egypt's place in History, is now believed said cemented in its ways, and such that, there are those who do in all even truly believe, that speak and of what too is said Measure, Amount, Quantity etc. is believed said even truly known or recorded, and in Egyptian History in itself, but that what too can be said here is that, ones said understanding and of Egypt today, and along the lines of the views of a Philosopher, 'he' too said African that is, now does ask of one to in all even define, what is said Object, and of what is said Conscience too. That the History of the World, is too believed said defined, and by that Conscience, said Egyptian truly, and one too, said even believed to have its say, and in the said even discoveries that is, and of the Americas, and if not of America in itself, but with it all today, and in said regard to Kenya too, and if not East Africa truly, said even having come to define Africa in itself, and in speak and of what the Perennial, the Seasonal, the Generational etc., are in all even said all about, and if not in speak truly now, and of what is said to speak and of the Annual, and as said even to speak, and of the Kenyan Governments Yearly or Annual Budget that is. That in speak and of what is said Object, we now do and in all even, venture, and into the very said realms that is, and of Egyptian Materiality, and if not of what is said Materialism in itself too, and that does too have the said even inquisitive mind here, ask truly, and of what is believed said to speak, and of the Obscene, the Indecent, Profanity, Vulgarity etcetc. That Egypt, does truly remain relevant, and to the rest of the World, and in said regard here too, and to Egyptian Religion that is, now said even discerned, and from speak too and of what is said Conscience, and versus what is said Object that is, and in probably now equating talk of Egypt today, and in said Political turmoil too, said even defined in all, and by such said talk that is: of what is said Conscience, and of what is said Object too.

That Mr. Ambassador, in the attempt here, and to fully welcome one, and to Kenya and as it is today, is to now too claim that, or even state that is, that your said presence here, now can too be said to cut deep, and to what too is believed said to speak, and of the very defining, and of Family in itself. That this is the very said issue or matter, or said even Subject Matter that is, that most in Africa, have historically too, been said to struggle with, with it all too simply said even to speak, and of the very best of manners in all, and in simply perceiving Egypt that is, and if not Egyptians in themselves, and as said too Family that is. Family, and that does too speak of Gene in itself, but in speak of Kenya, or of East Africa today too, speak now and of the said Swahili terms and of Nchi, Jamhuri and Taifa too, and if not in speak too of Kenya, and as said even deciphered, and from a said Regional perspective that is, and that does too speak of East Africa, the Horn of Africa, Eastern Africa etc., and if not in said farther speak too now, and of the very belief here that, Kenyan Identity today, can too be said simply grounded in all, and in speak and of Consensus in itself, and if not of the Law-maker truly, and which too would probably associate your said presence in Kenya Mr. Ambassador, and with speak too, and of the Law Society of Kenya that is.

That what too, is said Family, and why and in all again, is it all believed said even, of significant Importance? That in speak of it said Egyptian, and of Egyptian History too, it all said even defined now, and by speak too and of the said Egyptian Mystery Schools that is, and of the very belief here that, it is the Family, and that is believed said even, and to in all even instill into one, what can too be simply termed here, 'a Sense of the Profound' that is. That it is in the said speak of the Profound, and simply where and in all again, life is believed said to Open up to one, and in said speak too and of what does too pass for Meaning or Purpose in itself, and if not of Egypt too, and as said even defined, and in speak of the Image, and of the Word too. That in speak of Egypt and as such, in speak of the Profound that is, speak now and of one and as said even venturing, and into the said realms too, and of what is too said to speak, and of Egyptian Spirituality, the Egyptian Memory, the Egyptian Language in itself, and if not of Egypt and in History too that is. That in speak of Egyptian Spirituality Mr. Ambassador, it too now can be said tied, and to speak and of the very reasons why, Pyramids, do in all even exist in Egypt, but that in many a way, it too can be said, it all does refer, and to Egyptians, and as said even Native to Egypt, and if not of what too, is said to pass for in all, and for speak, and of what is said to refer, and to speak too of Egyptian Blood, Egyptian Heredity, Egyptian Roots, Egyptian Parentage etc., and with the latter said too, Parentage that is, said even now to refer, and to the said even origins, and of Christianity, and on Egyptian Soil in itself that is. That it is in speak of the Egyptian Memory, and whereby, one does in all even see it and as said even, defining in all, the very name too, and of Greece that is, but it all too said a Memory that is, said even to find its ways in all, and to said far-off places, and such as China too for instance. That in speak and of Egypt, and in Language too, or of the Egyptian Languages that is, speak now and of Egypt, and as said even African that is, for Egypt and as said too African, does now speak of it all, and in said regard that is, and to speak too and of what is said Ideology, Custom, Ritual, Law etc. that is. That in speak now though, and of Egypt and in History, or of Egyptian History in itself too, the said here search for the Truth, is said even of paramount importance, and in said regard, and to the said attempt and in the said explaining, and of, or for, just about anything to do and with life, and in said comparison, and to those who do associate speak and of History, and with speak too and of the very attempt to in all even define one, or describe one too, and in said speak, and of what Event, Political Social etc., is in all even truly said to be, or said even all about.

In finalizing on all this Mr. Ambassador, the very reason your said presence in Kenya, is believed of importance truly, and if not as simply said even truly significant, is to speak now too, and of the Swahili terms of Afya, and if not of Binadamu too that is, and as now simply said to speak too, and of what Subjection in itself is said to be, and if not of what Dejection, Rejection and Abjection, are in all even said all about. The very belief here that, Egypt's Influence in Africa, does too lie and in speak and of what Health in itself, is said even all about that is, and as said to speak too of Egyptian Medicine for instance, but in many a way, the very belief here that, Africa's problems today, and as said even to speak and of Africa, and in said regard to Policy, Affairs, Intelligence, Agenda, Security etc., now are too said to speak and of the very said terms of Afya that is, and if not of Binadamu too, and if not of life too, and as said even perceived, and from what is too said Lost or Gained, and if not of Power and Pride, or of what is said Relevant or Irrelevant too, and which does too and in all even refer and to speak too of Egypt, and in Name and Remembrance that is, and as said even here, best termed or classified too, and in speak and of what is said Egypt, Kemet, Khemet, Misr etc., and if not in speak truly now and of what is too said that is, KMT.

Thank You Mr. Ambassador



Saturday, May 28, 2016



The above said Initials, and in the said header, and to this very said entry, could too be very well said to spell out the following: The South American Consulate in Kenya. That it could too very well be said, that this said very entry, or address too, is in all even said intended, and for the Venezuelan Embassy and in Nairobi, Kenya too. Mr. Ambassador, I would very well like to Welcome you, and to this often termed, lovely Country of Kenya, and in saying that, hopefully, your stay in Kenya, might very well too be said, enriching in its ways. That Mr. Ambassador, many in Africa, and if not in Eastern Africa truly, might very well be said, ignorant, and of those termed South American, and if not of South America in itself too. That Mr. Ambassador, I too could very well be said categorized and as such, Ignorant that is, and of South America in itself, and in now too saying that, South America, and as often believed said defined, and by speak and of what Seclusion in itself is said to be, can too be said even perceived, and in speak of Humour, or said Identity too, and that would too refer, and to speak and of what Contention in itself is said to be, and if not in speak now, and of those simply said termed, the Contender that is.

That in the attempt here to fully introduce one Mr. Ambassador, and to Kenya in itself, is to now attach your said presence in Kenya, and to talk too, and of Kenya, and as said perceived, and from talk of its said Successive Presidencies, and if not in said speak too now, and of what is often believed said to speak, and of Investment Opportunity in Africa, or Kenya too, and in furtherly saying that, it all too can be said to refer, and to speak too and of what Bi-Lateral Ties, Joint Research, and if not Information or Intelligence Gathering, are in all even said all about. That Mr. Ambassador, South America, is in many a way believed to Develop, and as said even Secluded, or Isolated too, and from the rest of the World, and in now too claiming that, it all too could be said defining and of South America, and in Attitude too, and Attitude, believed said even, to in all even refer, and to one said term too: Contempt. That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief here that, Contempt, is said more than a Word, or even Emotion, and if not Judgment in itself too, and such that, it too can be said a term, Contempt that is, said now defining of the South American Way of life, and in said regard and to its said Political life or Existence, and as said even defined, and by speak and of what Containment, Isolation and if not Exclusion, are too said to be, and such that, what is actually been said here is that, those said South American, are too often believed said Recluses, and if not of it all said even to refer, and to speak too and again, and of what Seclusion in itself, is said to entail, and as said even to speak now, and of what a said Vantage Point, is said even all about. That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief here that, South Americans, do in all even have a said, uncommon or irregular approach, and to talk of things said African, and if not of Africa in itself too, and in now claiming that, while most of the World do in all even speak of Africa, and along the lines and of the said Opening up, Partitioning or even Carving up, and of Africa that is, and in speak too and of the said even, 'Scramble for Africa' that is, South Americans, are still very much said to perceive Africa, and from speak too, and of what Exploitation, Manipulation, Conditioning, Upheaval etc., are in all even said all about. 

That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief here that, Kenya, does too have alot, to learn, and from South America that is, and in now simply stating that, it all too does refer and to speak and of what Machination in itself, and as said even a Political Tool of a kind, and if not said Agency in itself too, is said even all about, and in now claiming that, while Africa, and if not Kenya too, have in all even struggled, and with the very question and of what Africanisation for instance, is said even all about, and in the said defining of itself, Africa that is, and in speak too of the Esteemable for instance, we do in all even find that, South America, and as said even struggling to define itself, and as said too unique for instance, does now struggle too, and with talk, and of what Monopoly for instance, and if not Monopolization in itself, are in all even said all about. That Mr. Ambassador, while Machination can favourably be perceived, and from speak too, and of what Study and Examination are said to be, and if not in speak too of Propositioning and of Proposals, speak too of Evaluation, Assessment and if not Measurement in itself too, speak too and of Accreditation, Certification and if not Licensure in itself too, it can be said though, a said understanding and of the very manner in all, many a thing does happen in life, or of the very manner in all, Nature in itself, is said even to function that is, it all too, all this said, can too be said to refer, and to speak, and of what Re-doing, is said even all about, and in said comparison, and to speak of Repetition that is. That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief that, Re-Incarnation in itself, and as said too believed said even a fact of life, would in all even speak and of what Re-doing is said even all about, and in said speak too and of the said beliefs here that is, Modern too, and which do too say that, that it is never too late to attain an Education, to late to start over with a whole new Career, to late to be Married and having a Family etc., and if and only if, it is understood that, it all does refer, and to speak and of what Re-doing, is said all about, and not Repetition truly either, and with it all even said to refer, and to connections made, between past and future Generations, and if not between Parents, Elders, Ancestors etc., and Children too that is. That Mr. Ambassador, these are the very said things, teachings too, that those in Africa, could too very well be said to learn, and from those said South American, and in said farther speak too now, and of those who don't perceive South America truly, and from speak too and of what Ancient Civilization is said to be for instance.

In attempting now though, to put an end to this said formal address to you Mr. Ambassador, is to now too claim that, talk, and of the very reason why Kenya, and if not East Africa too, can readily benefit and from speak of South America, and as said too Country or society that is, it all then can be said to speak and of the very belief here that, those said South American, do too have a said understanding, and of what the very term of Deficit, and if not Deficits too, is said to in all even truly mean or imply, and as said even defining one, and in Outlook, and in regard ,and to speak and of life in itself too that is.

Thank You Mr. Ambassador



Thursday, May 26, 2016



The said Initials above, and to the said header, and of this very entry, can be said to spell out the following: The Australian High Commission to Kenya. Mr. Ambassador, in the attempt here, to make light, and of what does too pass for engagement, said social too, and in Kenya, is to now offer one, the said salutation, and of Jambo, and of the said reply too, and of Sijambo that is. That Mr. Ambassador, it can be said here that, and in my said too having garnered such said knowledge, that Kenya and Australia, do not actually have to them, engagement, and that does too speak and of what Formalities are said to be, but instead, speak truly now, and of Informalities in themselves. That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief here that, Kenya, does not actually maintain, said Diplomatic relations, and with Australia, but instead, Kenya and Australia, can too be said to engage each other, and along the lines, and of just who in all, a Dignitary, is actually said to be. All this simply said, and in the probable attempt here to claim, that what does too pass for talk, and of Jambo, and Sijambo, does now too refer, and to the very manner in all, one could be said, to in all even register, just about anything that is.

That Mr. Ambassador, it too can be said that, there is a said manner in all, and of viewing or perceiving Kenya, and that would too, place Kenya, and in a said too Context, and that does too speak and of the Public Holiday in Australia, and that would too speak and of Kenya, and as said even perceived, and from the said History and of Parliament, and in Kenya too that is. That it all too, can be said to refer, and to speak too and of what is said registered, and of what is not, and in now saying that, it all too, does refer, and to the said History and of Australian Media, and if not of the Australian Press in itself, and in now claiming that, it all too and again, does tie in, and to the said History too, and in Kenya, and of the said struggle that is, and of the Freeing of the Press that is.

That in speak now and of Kenya and as said Developing Mr. Ambassador, is to now view it all, and from speak too, and of what Attitude is said to be. For Australia and in Attitude, can too be said even to speak and the very said name of 'Crocodile Dundee' that is, but in saying that, many do in all even hold many a said reservation, and of Australia in itself, and that could to be said to speak of South Africa, and said even defined in Policy, and by speak of Apartheid too, is to now too claim that, speak of Kenya and as often readily said even an English-speaking Country, now would too place it, and in Attitude too, and along speak and of the Country of Zimbabwe for instance, and in Southern Africa too that is. That what we are trying to say here, or get at here too Mr. Ambassador, is that, there is a said manner in all, and of perceiving Australia, or Australian History too, and that could too be said even beneficial that is, and when it does too come and to speak and of Kenya, or East Africa too, and that would too ask of Australia it can best be said, and of its said perceptions, and of War, and if not of Work too. That Mr. Ambassador, the very chaos that Kenya, or even Africa too, does in all even face, and as said even everyday too, can too be said even to resemble, just what War is said to be, but in saying that, Australia is often ignored, and in said regard, and to its said Developmental Status, is to now too claim that, many, are often not said acknowledging, and of the Australian Work Ethic in itself that is. That speak of Australia, and in War or Ethic, now too can be said to refer, and to speak too and of Australia, and New Zealand too, and if not of New Zealand & Australia and as specifically said that is, but that in all again, the said origins of Australia, are too said tied and to speak of New Zealand, and if not of the New Zealand Wars too, and of the Maori peoples or tribes of New Zealand too, but that in many a way too, Australia, and as said even home, and in History, and to many a said even Felon or Prisoner, designated as such, and by the said Western World here too, now is said to arise, and in speak too, and of it said even developing, its very own said Work Ethic that is, and that does too speak and of the said descriptor too, and of 'Aussie' that is.

That in claiming that, the Blogger here, does in all even believe, that Australia today, is said even to have Developed, and along the lines and of what Monetarism, is said to be, and in said comparison, and to talk of Industry in itself too for instance, is to now too say that, it is the very reason why many in Kenya, and if not in East Africa too, would in all even seek out, a said here, Australian Education that is, and in now too claiming that, such said Education, Australian, can too be said equated and to speak and of what an Erudite, is said to be, and in said comparison, and to that Education, said too American, and if not European, and would in all even speak of one, and as said too a Professional, and if not of one and as said Highly-, Well-, Gainfully Employed that is. That in simply understanding, just whom or who in all, the Erudite is said to be, is to now speak and of Australia, or of Australian society too, and as said even perceived now, and from speak and of Public Sentiment, Advisory, and if not of Restriction placed too, and which too has in all even led, many to perceive Australia, and as said even a favoured Destination, and not as said only an International Destination truly, and in now claiming that, it all too, does translate, and to views of Kenya, and as said even to speak, and of what Perennialism is said to be, and in a World too, often said to struggle, and with many a said issue that is, and that does too speak, and of what Racism, Prejudice, and if not Maltreatment, or Preferential Treatment too, are in all even said all about.

In concluding on all this though Mr. Ambassador, the above said, is to now talk and of Australia, and in said Ambition too. That it all does very much lead, and to talk and of what Politics, International Politics too, are in all even said all about, and in now saying that, Kenya today, does in all even struggle, and with similar Politics, and to those too said Australian, and that do too ask of one, and of the very manner in all, they would or do, define themselves, and in speak and of Status, and if not of Recognition too. That in speak of Australian and in Recognition, it now simply said to speak and of the English-speaking World, but in speak and of Australia and in Status, speak now too, and of Australia's Military, Research and Developmental or Infrastructural Status that is. All this said too, and in a said Asia too, and where Recognition or Status, is too believed said accorded, and along speak and of Roots and Origins that is. In saying that, Australian Politics, can too be said to meet those said American, and in said speak, and of what Energy, and in Reserves too, and of Resources, and of Human Resources too, are in all even said all about that is, is to now claim that, speak of Australia, and of Kenya, and if not of Africa too, and in said regard and to speak of Politics, it all then, could best be said to speak, and of what some would term, Internet Politics, or speak too of the Politics of the Internet that is, and as said even to speak of Identity formed or created, and alongside speak and of what Sports, National Emblems, Acclaim, Higher Learning Institutions etc., are in all even said all about that is. 

In all, Mr. Ambassador, the very said belief here that, and in the very least of senses too, it is probably that Media, said Australian, and if not as said Global, International, Political, Educational, Historical etc., and if not and as said to speak and of the Internet too, and that is probably best said suited and for those in Kenya, or East Africa too, and in said regard, and to simply where talk of Development, does in all even truly meet, talk, and of Media in itself that is.

Thank you Mr. Ambassador



Monday, May 23, 2016



The above said Initials, and in the said header, and to this very posting, can be said to in all even spell out the following : The British High Commission in Nairobi. Honourable Mr. Ambassador, it can be said that, despite any said misgivings, and that could too be said existent, and in the said ongoing relations and between a said free and Independent Kenya, and the United Kingdom too, I would and in all and on the said behalf, and of any said esteemable or proud Kenyan citizen too, to truly and in all attempt, to Welcome you and to Kenya, and in the said ongoing attempt, and in the said fostering of any said whole new relations, and between Kenya, and the United Kingdom and as it is too today.

That Mr. Ambassador, your said presence and in Kenya today, can too be said best perceived, and from talk and of acrimony in itself, and whether it be said, to in all even speak and of the Kenyan Flag in itself, the said Kenyan Public Holidays and of Jamhuri Day and Madaraka Day too, and if not of the very name and of the first President of Kenya, it too said being Mzee Jomo Kenyatta that is. That Mr. Ambassador, in the very attempt, to in all even explain, my said wanting to communicate to you, is the said attempt here now, and to in all even keep, this said address, short and brief in its ways, and in simply claiming it all, to in all even refer, and to speak, and of what Limits and Extensions, are in all even said all about. That said British Identity, often too believed said even rather formidable in its ways, can too be said accused, and of taking said Pop. Psychology dimensions and to it all that is, and in now simply asking of one, and of the said British definitions, and of the following too: Reservation, Restraint, Reticence, Recoil, Repulsion etcetc.

That Mr. Ambassador, what is said asked of here, and in this said address, is a said too knowing, and of what does too pass, and for said British Intent, and in Kenya today. and in said regard and to speak, and of said too differing opinions, and of Kenya and as it is today, and which too can in all be said perceived, and from said notions or perspectives, and that do too peak of the British, and as said Prestigious, but of those said Kenyan, they simply now perceived, and as said Admirable too that is. That Mr. Ambassador, I am here referring, and to a said here too, History, and of said British-Kenyan relations, and that can too be said even best termed, Pretentious, and if not said Hypocritical too, and if not of it all said even perceived, and from speak and of what is said to stand for, or represent for, British Sentiment that is. That the British, are too believed said to house their very own notions, or ideas too, and away from speak of Europe, and the United States of America too, and of what too is believed said to in all, speak of Fair Play for instance, Dignity, Resolve, Sport etc., and if not of it all now, said too leading, and to talk too, and of what Industry in itself, is said truly all about. That Mr. Ambassador, it is British History in Kenya, and that is often too, said associated, and with the said opening of Kenya, and to said Colonial Expansion too, and which too can be said best perceived, and from speak too and of what Venture, is too actually said to be, and if not of British History, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of Exploit, Escapade, and if not of Endangerment in itself too. That British History in Kenya, often said too perceived and from speak and of Communications that is, can too and today, be said even best looked at or upon, and in speak and of the very term of Currency, and of the said Kenyan Currency too, the Kenyan Shilling, and as said even now, often said poorly trading, and against, the US Dollar, the Japanese Yen, and if not the British Pound in itself. That the very problems that Kenya is believed said to face Mr. Ambassador, are believed truly said Generational, and not Ancestral truly either, and in said regard, and to those who do too hold many a said perception of Time, and that do too equate Time and with Money for instance, and if not of the often said, old age saying, 'Time is of the Essence' that is, and in said regard now, and to what too it is believed, the British, would in all even term, a said Running Sentiment that is, and that would too equate, and to speak and of what Viral Communications, and if not Spamming, Email, are in all even said all about. That Kenya's problems, are too often perceived, and from speak and of what the very term of Capitulation in itself, is in all even said to be, and in said regard now, and to the very belief that, the British, have often been accused, and of meddling in Kenyan Affairs, and that do too refer, and to what is believed said a British Response, and to just about anything, and in said comparison, and to that Response, said too Kenyan that is. That Kenya today, is too often believed said even defined, and by speak and of what Hazard or Risk, are said to be, and if not of the very said belief that, British Intelligence, said too M16, or M15, is too believed said too operate in Kenya, and in said speak too now, and of the British Response to many a thing, and as said even to refer, and to speak of the Emergency in itself, and if not of the Emergent too, but in speak of that Response said Kenyan, speak too now, and of what is believed said to speak and of Key-Players that is, and of the often held belief that, the very Faces and that do often show up, or pop-up, and on the Kenyan News Media, are not the very ones, believed said to rule over Kenya and as it is today too that is. That Kenya, is believed said to have to it, its said Wealth or Power that is, said held and by said hidden forces that is, and who have been often accused, and of attempting to limit, the said penetration, or opening up too, and of Kenya, and to the said even here, Communications and Media Industries that is. That in speak and of the said unfolding Drama, and that has too come to in all even define said British and Kenyan relations, said too Diplomatic, and if not of many a said too, Scotland Yard Investigation and into Kenya, the very belief here that, said British and Kenyan relations, can too be said best perceived, and from the very belief that, Kenya today, and the United Kingdom too, do in all even share, a somewhat said recognizable, and if not similar, Humour to them that is. 

In however now, attempting to put a said end, and to all this said, and in said jest or humour too, East African, is to now ponder, 'Where did it all go wrong', and in the said even reference here, and to the very belief that, 'the Sun never does set, and on the British Empire' that is. That it could all go wrong, and in said reference too, and to the very name, and of Allan Quatermain for instance, but what I am trying to get at here Mr. Ambassador, is that, British Interests, and around the World, have often been said, put under scrutiny that is, and despite their often been said to speak, and of the British Commonwealth for instance, but in saying that, the British have often presented themselves, and in speak of Daring, the very belief here that, it all could very well be said to very well go wrong, and in said regard here too, and to what too, is believed said to speak of British History in itself, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of British Antecedents that is. British Antecedents too, often said too Jacobite, and if not in said speak too now, and in said regard and to the Blogger here too, and of the very said name, and of 'Lord John', 'and of the Brotherhood of the Blade' too, and by Diana Gabaldon too that is.

Thank You Mr. Ambassador



Saturday, May 21, 2016



The above said Initials, and in the said header of this entry, can too be said to in all even spell out the following: The High Commission of Canada to Kenya. Mr. Ambassador, the very goal here, and of my writing to you, does primarily have to do, and with speak of Convenience, and if not of Inconvenience truly, and of the very belief here that you Mr. Ambassador, might truly be said understanding and of Kenya in itself, and from such said perspectives too. That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief here that, your said presence in Kenya, might in all even tie one, and to the said History and of Political Assassinations, and in Kenya too, and in said speak too now, and of what is believed said to speak, and of Futility in itself, and in Kenya, and as said even to speak and of Kenya and as said even perceived, and from speak of National Security, Food Security, and if not of Security Measures in themselves that is.

That this very entry Mr. Ambassador, will in all though, be said here, to take a said detour, and from a said direct, reference, and to what has just been said above, and to speak now, and of life in both Kenya, and if not Canada too, and as said even perceived, and from speak too, and of the Conventional, the Unconventional, and if not of the Non-Conventional too. That in speak of the Conventional Mr. Ambassador, allow me here to say 'Hello and Good day Mr. Ambassador, and Welcome to Kenya'. In speak of the Unconventional Mr. Ambassador, allow me to please say 'Bonjour Mr. Ambassador, and please, do feel Welcome and at home in Kenya'. In speak though, and of the Non-Conventional, Mr. Ambassador, allow for me to say 'Jambo, and Habari Mr.Ambassador, and may your stay in Kenya, be of said immeasurable pleasure'.

Mr. Ambassador, the rest of this said letter, or entry too, will in all even attempt, to present, any said ties, and between Kenya, or East Africa truly, and Canada, and from speak and of what is said to refer, and to speak and of the Conventional, the Unconventional, and the Non-Conventional too. That in speak now and of Kenya, or East Africa, and as said too Developing, it all too can be said even, best perceived, and from the three said aforementioned above that is. That in speak of the Conventional Mr. Ambassador, now is to ask of one, and of what Response, is said to be, and as said even to refer, and to speak and of Security Measures in themselves, and if not of Africa, or of Kenya and East Africa too, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of what a said Natural, Individual and Mature, Response, are in all even said all about. That Mr. Ambassador, the very belief here that, and in a said Historical Stance too, that speak of a said Natural, Individual and Mature Response, can too and respectively be said even, matched, and to the said Histories here, and of Egypt, Italy, and if not of the United States of America too. That in speak and of the Unconventional Mr. Ambassador, now is to refer, and to what too, is believed said to speak, and of Authority, and as said too Legitimate, and if not and as said Questionable that is. That Mr. Ambassador, Kenya, and from the said Time of Independence too, has in all even failed to truly define itself, and in speak and of a said Legitimate Authority, and which would truly define Kenya, and as said too a Democratic Republic that is, but that in all again Mr. Ambassador, Kenya now, simply said having to it, lots of said credibility issues, and in said speak too now, and of what is said to refer, and to speak and of Questionable Authority in itself that is [and if not of said talk here, and of Graft, Corruption, and of Bribery too]. That it all too, such said talk of Questionable Authority, can now be said to tie speak and of Kenya, or East Africa too, and as said Developing, and to talk and of the said Histories of Japan, Australia, and of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) too, and in now equating all these three said Histories, and to talk of Workmanship, the Communications/Telecommunications Revolution, and if not in speak now and of Leadership, and with it all too and as said respectively that is. That it is in speak here though, and of the Non-Conventional, and which too would refer, and to the very manner in all, the Blogger here, might in all even be perceived, and on visiting Canada, and in now too saying that, it all does too refer, and to both Canadian and Kenyan society, and as said even perceived, and from talk and of Formation in itself, and if not of my said been perceived in Canada, and as said even now, said Dysfunctional, and if not Maladaptive too that is. That it all too, could be said to speak, and my said even desire, to be fully accepted in Canadian society, and from a said stance too, and that would too speak and of the Unconditional, and if not of my said belief that, Canadian Identity, can too be said perceived, and from speak and of what the very term and of Portmanteau, and as said even to speak, and of Oxbridge for instance, is in all even said to stand for.

In concluding on all this though Mr. Ambassador, it can be said here that, or the very belief here that, any said comparisons, said too often, and between, Canada, and the United States of America too, do in all even remain unfounded, and in speak too now, and of what does too pass, and for speak and of the said Not Conventional, and of Routine too. All this said Mr. Ambassador, and as said even here, filler material, and in said regard too, and to what too, is believed said to pass and for the Everyday, and as often perceived Meaningless and by some, and in said Existence too, or speak too and of the Daily, and of the said Daily Grind too, and in now claiming that, America, and as said even defined, and in speak of defying Convention, does speak and of American life, and as said too perceived, and from speak of Routine and Convention, but that in all again Mr. Ambassador, speak of that which is said to refer, and to the Not Conventional, probably does speak now, and of what is said too Social Media, but that in all again, speak now and of the very belief here that, Canadian History, can too be said perceived and from speak and of the Canadian Poet, and with he or she too said, to very much be said similar, and to the said too here, Victorian Poet that is [and a Poet too, Victorian (Link), and whose very feet, were believed said even, to very much roam, the Kenyan Savannah that is].

In finalizing on all this, now is the attempt, to in all even make for a said too direct pass, or connect too, and to your said Sensibilities Mr. Ambassador that is, and in now claiming that, talk of Kenya, or of East Africa truly, and as said Developing, is not believed to in all even refer, and to what speak of Education in itself, does entail, but instead, speak too now, and of what an Awakening, is believed said even all about. Something, the Awakening that is, and that can too probably be said difficult and in its said defining, but in saying that, those in Kenya, or East Africa too, and as said even Talent, does too speak and of their said too Parlaying, such said Talent, but that in speak of it all even said to refer, and to speak of Effort or of Time too, the very belief here that, the Canadian Government, would in all probably best even present itself and to those in Kenya, or East Africa too, and in a said formation, and that would refer to the following:

1. Canadian Government
2. Canadian Award-Merit-Film
3. Canadian Civil Codes

Thank you Mr. Ambassador
