Sunday, March 29, 2015



Those in 'Nairo', and Counter 'Nairo' too in all, might in all wonder, what it all does truly take, and to Survive, and in Africa that is. That Africa, is not believed said an easy place to survive in, and in all, and in speak too of it all said grounded in all again, and in speak too of Practises, and Practises too, and that do often ask of one, whom/who in all they are, and in Identity too, and that said fundamental in all, and as created, and in speak too of Type/Fit in itself that is [Link].

For those in 'Nairo' though, and when asked to define themselves in all as such, and in speak now too, and of whom/who in all, they are, one is, and at every moment of ones life, or speak too, and of every single thought held in all, and in ones mind that is, then in all ways truly, it does in all even speak too in all, and of the very word Built that is [and as said defining one too, and in Practise(s) that is]. For those in Counter 'Nairo' though, speak now, and of Size in itself, and as said defining one in all, tand in speak of the very manner in all again, one does in all even react to anything that is. For those in Anatolia in itself, and on the otherhand too, speak now perhaps, and of the Overall, and in Shape, Condition and State too, but for many another group, speak too and of symbolic representation here, and that does speak too of the Crucifix for instance [Link].

In all, Practises here, African too, and as said in all even, all that there is, and in speak too of trajectories, evolutionary too, and in speak now and of life in itself, and as simply said defined or said to speak too in all, and of Lifetimes in themselves that is.