Sunday, March 29, 2015

the Chaste

of Chastity.

If those in 'Nairo' (Link), and Counter 'Nairo' too in all, were simply asked to define themselves and in one word, what would it be? In speak of 'Nairo', speak now too, and of Chastity in itself, and if not of Limitations too that is. It is in Counter 'Nairo' on the otherhand, and simply where Identity in all again, and in one word too, does speak now and of the Chaste, and of Pacings too, and all this too, and as compared in all again, and to a said here concrete African Identity, and in Family too, and as simply said defined and in speak of Lineage, and of the very word of Sanctity in itself too that is [that African Families, only do truly exist, and as said Lineage too that is].