Saturday, January 21, 2017



The said Equilateral Triangle, might too be said even, the second of the more famous of Triangles that is, and with the first of these, probably said the Right-angled Triangle too, and with the third of these, probably simply said the Acute Triangle too that is, and with the Equilateral Triangle, now simply said placed or said too coming in and as said second that is. That in many a way, many are said to simply in all, disregard the said Equilateral Triangle, and from the said even perspective, and of what a View is in all said to be, but with the Equilateral Triangle, believed said here to in all even matter, it too now said referred to, and from speak or talk, and of what is said Perception that is.

That in saying that, the Equilateral Triangle, can too simply be said perceived, and from its said even possessing, said sides and of said equal lengths too, but with it too said now perceived, and as said even abstract that is, it too can be said that, any said three objects that is, placed, and at any of its said end points too, could too now be best said perceived, and not viewed, and as said equal, similar, proportional, equivalent etc. that is.

In having said the above, now is to in all even, attempt to claim that, the Equilateral Triangle, could too be said to play, a said role of importance, and in said regard, to the said even study, and of what is said Fiscality too, or of said too Monetary Policy that is, and in now equating such said talk and on Equilateral Triangles too, and with what is said Fiscality that is, and with talk too now and of what is said Economy, what is said to speak of Markets, and of what is too probably said to speak of Trade that is, and as said now too, said placed or perceived, and at any of the said end points too that is, and of a said Equilateral Triangle too that is. In perceiving Fiscality as such, now is to claim that, any said Perceptions made, and of the forementioned said  Equilateral Triangle, now does too place what is said Fiscality, and at the very said center of the Triangle, and in now equating such said placement, and with talk too, and of what is said Quantification that is, and in said regard to what Measurability, is in all even said to be that is. In many a way, one of the more said here, better manners in all, and of judging Kenya's said Currency, the Kenyan Shilling that is, and in said Valuation too, but in speak of it and as said too Commodity, the Kenyan Shilling that is, now is to in all even associate talk of the above forementioned Equilateral Triangle, and on Fiscality too, and with it said to now to refer and to talk and of said Monetary Policy, but with its said ends, now said too equated and to talk and of Family, and not Economy, of the Individual, and not of Markets, and if not of said Groups, and instead of said Trade too that is. In many a way, speak too now, and of what is said Fiscality, and with said talk too now and of what is said Economic Output, and of the said even Gross National Product, GNP Meausre/Metric too, but in speak and of what is said Monetary Policy, speak too now and of the said even Gross Domestic Product, GDP Measure/Metric too that is.

In too saying that, the Equilateral Triangle, can too be said even to in all even help place, said even proper perspectives, and on what is said East African Identity too, now is to in all even, and as said playfully too, equate its said end points, and with talk too and of East Africa in itself, and of its said even respective Countries too that is, and of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania too, and as said too now perceived equidistant, and if not in said talk and of what is said historical too that is, and with all this said and as said too centered now, and in said talk too now and of Lake Victoria in itself that is.

However, in now associating the said above mentioned Equilateral Triangle, and on Fiscality too, and with speak too now, and of what one would too term Modifications that is, now is to claim Fiscality, or Monetary Policy too, its very said own thing, and if not as said its very own said thing, and from which Markets, Economy and Trade too, do in all even now, or are said to in all even now, emerge, or spring up from that is. That Modifications, now does too refer, and to what too, is said Transformation, Change or Growth too that is. That in speak and of one and as said too possessing, said Kenyan Money or Currency to them, we now do see what is said Fiscality, and as said too equated and to talk and of Social Development, or of the said even Social Sciences too, but in speak and of Monetary Policy, probable best speak and of what is said Psychology, and if not of said even Sociology too, and in now too claiming that, many in East Africa, are too said to in all even now well understand that is, what Money is said to be, for Money, does in all even now refer to one, and as said not truly Individual, but as probably simply said Civil that is, and from the said perspectives of what Fiscality, or Monetary Policy, are in all too said to be that is.

In many a way, and in speak and of the above said paragraph too, now is to in all even equate, talk and of said Social Development, or of the said even Social Sciences too, talk of Psychology and if not of Sociology too, and if not of said talk too and of what is said Civil, and with said talk too now, and of ones said understanding, and of what is said Demography that is, and as said too now, to refer and to what a Civil Education is in all said to be that is