Wednesday, March 30, 2016

International Language

International Language.

The very question, and of what to make of Language, and Africa, does in all even continue to trouble most, or those, and who do in all wish to in all even truly define, what a said African Nationalism, (Link), is said too all about. That Language, is not only said to define one in all, and in speak too of Culture, Symbol and if not History in itself too, but in saying that, it is said truly describing of one in all, and in speak of Community too, is to now too perhaps, refer, and to what, the International Community for instance, is said to be all about.

In speak and of the said Language of Esperanto, and as said too an International Language, is to now too associate speak and of Counter 'Nairo', and with speak too, and of International Language(s) that is, and of English, Oxbridge too, and as said as such, but in speak now and of 'Nairo', Language, is now said too, and to speak and of what 'Mosaicos' (Link), is said all about [and in said speak too now, and of the very manner in all, societies, do evolve, and in said speak and of what Language in itself that is, is actually said to be]. That in speak and of Anti 'Nairo', speak now and of what 'Mixed Languages', are said to be, and as said to speak too, and of what Dialogue, and if not Conversation in itself, are in all even said all about that is. In speak of the said here, new Blog and of Pro 'Nairo' (Link), the very question and of what Local, or National Languages, are said to be, does arise, for it now too though, does speak and of the very manner in all, Humans everywhere, and as said even to speak and of Humanity, and if not Mankind too, are in all even said connected to each other, and in said groupings too, and that does too speak and of what some do term Global Languages that is.

In saying that, there is more to all this, is to now refer, and to the said added feature that is, and of Mathematics, and as often said too, Language that is. That in speak and of Anti 'Nairo' as such, speak now too, and of what Pure Mathematics is said to be, but in speak of 'Nairo', speak now and of Discrete Mathematics, in speak of Counter 'Nairo', speak too and of Computational Mathematics that is, in speak of Pro 'Nairo' too, speak now and again, and of Applied Mathematics that is. That Mathematics, and as said too, a Language, does speak and of it all, and as said even Consciousness that is, and that does in all even define, the said 'Way of life', and of many a people around the World, and as said even to refer, and to what the Sacred in itself, is said all about, but that in all again, Africa, and as said even possessing such a said Consciousness, and that does too speak and of Mathematics and as said a Language, does too speak now and of India too, and as said even possessing a said similar Consciousness, and that some would too term or call African that is, and that could too speak, and of Mathematics, and as said Language too, and as said even to refer, and to speak too, and of what Particle Physics for instance, is said all about [that Particle Physics, and in its understanding, does in all even ask of us, to in all even ponder out, what the Sacred in itself, is said to be, all is said all about].