Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Alliance

The Alliance.

In speak and of what is said Alliance, now is to say it too, to in all even translate, and to speak too, and of what is said Coalition, and if not of what is said Consortium too that is. That in said speak and of this very entry though, and in said regard and to speak and of this very Blog of Counter 'Nairo' too, now is to speak and of it all, and in said even Proposal that is, and if not of what is said Proposition too, and of what is too said Alliance that is, said even now perceived from talk and of what is said Direction in itself too, and if not as said Expectation, and as said too probably, best said defined in all, Expectation that is, and by talk too, and of the said even Swahili term, and of Bahati too that is.

That this said entry, and on what are said Alliances that is, now does too ask of one, and of the very said Time perspectives, they do in all even hold, and in said regard, and to speak and of just about anything that is. Time perspectives too, and that can too be said to in all even refer, and if not speak, and of the very said even existences that is, and of Egypt, the Middle East, and if not of what is said Swahili too that is. That Time is now not said Continuous, or as said Discrete too, but is in all even said best perceived, and from speak and of what is said Linearity that is. That it is speak of Linearity, and of what is said Expectation, that we do too now and in all, understand, the said even meaning, and of the said even Swahili term and of Bahati that is, and if not in said speak too now, and of what is said Conscience, and if not of what is said Awareness too that is. That in speak of the Alliance, and as said too African, now is to refer, and to what is said to speak and of a said African Conscience too that is, and if not of it all perceived from speak and of the said even African Historian that is, and in said Awareness too that is. That in speak and of such said Time Perspectives, and that would too speak and of the Middle East, Egypt, and if not of what is said Swahili too, probable speak too now, and in said regard to what an Alliance might be said to be, and of what too is said Identity, Formation, and if not of said Character too that is.

That in talk and of such said Time Perspectives, and that would too speak and of what is said Linearity, and if not of Expectation too, and as said too Bahati that is, now is to in all even speak and of said even Historical Timelines that is, or of History too, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of the said Ancient, the said Classical, what is said Antiquity etc. In however claiming that, African History, and if not in said speak and of Africa in itself, is not said well accounted for that is, and in speak and of Historical Timelines, and as simply said perceived and as mentioned just above, now is to in all even attempt to in all even present History, and in a said even alternative manner that is, and that would too speak and of Africa and in Conscience, and if not in Awareness too, and if not of Africa, or of East Africa or of Kenya too that is, and in said Alliance that is, and that would too speak and of it all and as said even perceived, and in said Proposal too that is, the said attempt now to in all present History, and from speak and of said even Egyptian, Middle Eastern, and if not said too Swahili Eyes that is. That History and as said even viewed as such, from speak and of said even Eyes that is, and as said too Egyptian, Middle Eastern, and if not as said Swahili too, now does say it all even perceived, that said Egyptian, and from speak and of what is said Authority, and of it too as said even Political, Religious, Secular, and if not as said Symbolic too. 

That in speak of History and as said perceived as such, from what are said even Egyptian Eyes that is, now is to say that the said even believed origins and of Human life and on this Earth, do to speak presumably, and of what is said Political Authority, and with it too said even defined by talk and of what is said Society, and if not of it as said too dominated, and by speak and of said even Male Figures too that is. That in said later stages, often said simply termed the ancient here, the said even rise and of said Religious Authority, and that would too speak of the Pope for instance, is in all even said observed that is, and if not in speak and of what is said society that is, and that does too see it all said even dominated, and by many a said Religious Figure too that is. That we can too now and in these said present Times, be said even to be a said part, and of said even changing Times on Earth that is, and that do too speak and of what a said even Secular Authority, might be said to be, and if not of said societies today, and as said too Secular, believed said now to speak and of the said equality, and between Men and Women, and if not as said between the said Sexes too that is. It is too believed here that, in said future Times that is, Authority, could too be said even rather Symbolic and in its said ways too that is.

In speak now though, and of those Eyes said Middle Eastern, History, and as said too now perceived, and from what is said Secular History, and History too, and that is too now said even Western, said even Islamic, said too African Probably, and if not as said Asian, and as said too Indian that is. In speak though and of said Swahili Eyes, speak now and of what are said the Times, and of said even differing views and perspectives, and as said to refer to what is said Art, Media, Culture, Philosophy etc., and Times too, best said even perceived and as said too American, Victorian, and if not of the said even International, and as said too Contemporary that is.

In concluding and on all this said, and of what the Alliance, African, is in all even said to be, the said even question of what is said perception, and in said regard to what is said the self that is, does too speak and of the said even African Conscience, and as probably said predetermined and in its said ways too that is, and in speak too and of what is said Thankfulness for instance, but in speak of Awareness and of what is too probably, said Gladness that is, and of one and as said too Alive for instance, the said even Alliance, can too now not be said best perceived that is, and from talk and of what is said Teamwork or Groupwork for instance, but instead, from speak truly now, and of what is said Consolidation in itself that is, and as said even perceived and as said a Stance too for instance. In many a way, the Alliance, now said to in all even truly define itself, and in speak of what is said Expectation in itself, if not as said Great, and if not of what is said Wonder truly, and of what are said even metaphysics for instance, but that in all again, it all said even Expectation, best too now simply said perceived and as said Assumption, Conjecture, and if not as said Expectancy in itself too that is.