Monday, May 23, 2016



The above said Initials, and in the said header, and to this very posting, can be said to in all even spell out the following : The British High Commission in Nairobi. Honourable Mr. Ambassador, it can be said that, despite any said misgivings, and that could too be said existent, and in the said ongoing relations and between a said free and Independent Kenya, and the United Kingdom too, I would and in all and on the said behalf, and of any said esteemable or proud Kenyan citizen too, to truly and in all attempt, to Welcome you and to Kenya, and in the said ongoing attempt, and in the said fostering of any said whole new relations, and between Kenya, and the United Kingdom and as it is too today.

That Mr. Ambassador, your said presence and in Kenya today, can too be said best perceived, and from talk and of acrimony in itself, and whether it be said, to in all even speak and of the Kenyan Flag in itself, the said Kenyan Public Holidays and of Jamhuri Day and Madaraka Day too, and if not of the very name and of the first President of Kenya, it too said being Mzee Jomo Kenyatta that is. That Mr. Ambassador, in the very attempt, to in all even explain, my said wanting to communicate to you, is the said attempt here now, and to in all even keep, this said address, short and brief in its ways, and in simply claiming it all, to in all even refer, and to speak, and of what Limits and Extensions, are in all even said all about. That said British Identity, often too believed said even rather formidable in its ways, can too be said accused, and of taking said Pop. Psychology dimensions and to it all that is, and in now simply asking of one, and of the said British definitions, and of the following too: Reservation, Restraint, Reticence, Recoil, Repulsion etcetc.

That Mr. Ambassador, what is said asked of here, and in this said address, is a said too knowing, and of what does too pass, and for said British Intent, and in Kenya today. and in said regard and to speak, and of said too differing opinions, and of Kenya and as it is today, and which too can in all be said perceived, and from said notions or perspectives, and that do too peak of the British, and as said Prestigious, but of those said Kenyan, they simply now perceived, and as said Admirable too that is. That Mr. Ambassador, I am here referring, and to a said here too, History, and of said British-Kenyan relations, and that can too be said even best termed, Pretentious, and if not said Hypocritical too, and if not of it all said even perceived, and from speak and of what is said to stand for, or represent for, British Sentiment that is. That the British, are too believed said to house their very own notions, or ideas too, and away from speak of Europe, and the United States of America too, and of what too is believed said to in all, speak of Fair Play for instance, Dignity, Resolve, Sport etc., and if not of it all now, said too leading, and to talk too, and of what Industry in itself, is said truly all about. That Mr. Ambassador, it is British History in Kenya, and that is often too, said associated, and with the said opening of Kenya, and to said Colonial Expansion too, and which too can be said best perceived, and from speak too and of what Venture, is too actually said to be, and if not of British History, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of Exploit, Escapade, and if not of Endangerment in itself too. That British History in Kenya, often said too perceived and from speak and of Communications that is, can too and today, be said even best looked at or upon, and in speak and of the very term of Currency, and of the said Kenyan Currency too, the Kenyan Shilling, and as said even now, often said poorly trading, and against, the US Dollar, the Japanese Yen, and if not the British Pound in itself. That the very problems that Kenya is believed said to face Mr. Ambassador, are believed truly said Generational, and not Ancestral truly either, and in said regard, and to those who do too hold many a said perception of Time, and that do too equate Time and with Money for instance, and if not of the often said, old age saying, 'Time is of the Essence' that is, and in said regard now, and to what too it is believed, the British, would in all even term, a said Running Sentiment that is, and that would too equate, and to speak and of what Viral Communications, and if not Spamming, Email, are in all even said all about. That Kenya's problems, are too often perceived, and from speak and of what the very term of Capitulation in itself, is in all even said to be, and in said regard now, and to the very belief that, the British, have often been accused, and of meddling in Kenyan Affairs, and that do too refer, and to what is believed said a British Response, and to just about anything, and in said comparison, and to that Response, said too Kenyan that is. That Kenya today, is too often believed said even defined, and by speak and of what Hazard or Risk, are said to be, and if not of the very said belief that, British Intelligence, said too M16, or M15, is too believed said too operate in Kenya, and in said speak too now, and of the British Response to many a thing, and as said even to refer, and to speak of the Emergency in itself, and if not of the Emergent too, but in speak of that Response said Kenyan, speak too now, and of what is believed said to speak and of Key-Players that is, and of the often held belief that, the very Faces and that do often show up, or pop-up, and on the Kenyan News Media, are not the very ones, believed said to rule over Kenya and as it is today too that is. That Kenya, is believed said to have to it, its said Wealth or Power that is, said held and by said hidden forces that is, and who have been often accused, and of attempting to limit, the said penetration, or opening up too, and of Kenya, and to the said even here, Communications and Media Industries that is. That in speak and of the said unfolding Drama, and that has too come to in all even define said British and Kenyan relations, said too Diplomatic, and if not of many a said too, Scotland Yard Investigation and into Kenya, the very belief here that, said British and Kenyan relations, can too be said best perceived, and from the very belief that, Kenya today, and the United Kingdom too, do in all even share, a somewhat said recognizable, and if not similar, Humour to them that is. 

In however now, attempting to put a said end, and to all this said, and in said jest or humour too, East African, is to now ponder, 'Where did it all go wrong', and in the said even reference here, and to the very belief that, 'the Sun never does set, and on the British Empire' that is. That it could all go wrong, and in said reference too, and to the very name, and of Allan Quatermain for instance, but what I am trying to get at here Mr. Ambassador, is that, British Interests, and around the World, have often been said, put under scrutiny that is, and despite their often been said to speak, and of the British Commonwealth for instance, but in saying that, the British have often presented themselves, and in speak of Daring, the very belief here that, it all could very well be said to very well go wrong, and in said regard here too, and to what too, is believed said to speak of British History in itself, and as said even perceived, and from speak and of British Antecedents that is. British Antecedents too, often said too Jacobite, and if not in said speak too now, and in said regard and to the Blogger here too, and of the very said name, and of 'Lord John', 'and of the Brotherhood of the Blade' too, and by Diana Gabaldon too that is.

Thank You Mr. Ambassador
