Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Ancilliary

The Ancilliary.

This entry, does have to speak, and of Africa, Africans, and if not African History, and as often perceived in all, and from speak of Domination in itself, but with Africa, and as it is today, now too said even perceived in all, and from speak and of Submission in itself that is. That in better understanding all this, is to present, a said even, basic view, and of societies all over, and as said too evolved that is. That many of the said even, Developed societies, and of the past too, did in all even possess, what one could term highly functional Courtship / Courtly systems in all, and that were in all even perceived, and as said even Markers, and of said even highly developed Civilizations that is [and if not of Civilization in itself]. Some Civilizations though, can too be said, more remarkable, and than others are said to be, for speak now and of the United States of America, or North America too, does too speak, and of societies evolving, and in speak and of Companionship in itself, and if not in speak of Friendship in itself too that is.

In saying that, all societies are too deemed similar, and not truly different, is to now speak and of the very term, and of Relations, and as said too defining and of every society on Earth, but that in all again, Relations, do in all even speak, and of the very manner in all, the United States of America, and if not North America too, have in all even come to define themselves, and in regard, and to speak and of Africa in itself too that is. That in speak of Europe, and most of the rest of the World, and if not of Slavery and in the Caribbean too, or in Brazil, speak now, and of what one could term Affiliations, and if not of Affiliates too, and in the defining of said Human relations that is. In all, Affiliates, and Affiliations, said too describing and of the very manner in all, Media, World Media too, does often seek to portray, Africans, and as often said too submissive that is.

In saying that, a newer World, does exist, and one with lots of potential, and for Africa too, is to now speak and of the said terms of the Ancilliary, and if not of the Auxillary, and as said too referring and to speak and of relations in all, Human, and that do too speak and of Colour, and if not Race, and in regard and to speak of Africans, and that does too associate speak and of Development in Africa, and with speak too and of Saudi Arabia, India, China, and if not Japan too that is.
