Friday, January 29, 2016

Italian Short Stories

Italian Short Stories.

This very Blog, has in all even attempted, to present African life, and from a said Egyptian perspective too, and that does equate it all, and to speak and of Africa, and in said shades too, and as said White, Brown and Black too that is. That it all, does now refer, and to a Geo-Political Sphere in all, and that did exist in Egypt, and that did too speak of 'Egypt and its Neighbours', and of Libya that is, and Nubia too. 

There are those, simply said out in search, and for Africa in itself. A search, and that some, have in all even equated, and to speak of 'King Solomons Mines' for instance, and that does too simply say that, that once Africa is in all, believed said uncovered, it all does too go along, and with speak and of the best said 'Ways of life', and to be seen anywhere that is. That Africa, is believed said to possess or house to it, the ability in all, to in all even create that is, Civilization, and that does too parallel, that said Egyptian too that is [and in Mystique, or Prestige too].

In having said the above, and in now too equating, the search for the quintessential African, and with speak too, and of the Soloist in himself, and if not of Meatloaf and as said playing Victorian/Colonial, or African styled Piano (Link) too that is, it all is believed said to lie, and in speak of Italy, and as said now too, helping truly uncover, where Africa, is simply said to in all even lie/lay, and away from speak of Colour, Tribal, Ethnic, or even Religious differences that is.

That in now too, helping one understand Italy, is to now first say it off, Egyptian too, and in speak now and of Italy, and as said too, White, Brown and Black, and if not of the said term of Italia too, but that in all again, speak now too, and in a Contemporary sense, and of famed Italian Actresses that is [and such as Monica Bellucci for instance]. In saying that, Italy, is too said Egyptocentric in all, is to now associate speak of Egyptian History, and with that said to speak and of Upper, Middle, and Lower Egypt too that is, and in now too associating it all, and to speak of Northeast Africa that is, and if not of the Middle East too, and that does now too associate speak of Italy (Link), and with Italian Cuisine truly, and if not in speak and of the very said world today, and of Italian Fashion Models that is. In speak though, and of Italy, and the Mediterranean region too, and of the Middle East too that is, speak now truly, and of Italian Homes in all. In speak though, and of Italy, and as it truly is, Italy in itself, speak now and of the very said term of Roma, and if not in speak of the Italian Language in itself too that is [and of Italian Cities too]. In saying that, Italian History, is too said a part, of that said American, is to now connect it all perhaps, and to speak of Sicily too, and onwards to New York, and if not in speak truly again, and of the History of Italian Film that is. 

In having presented Italy as such, is to now offer the view, that Italy, does today very much offer, a manner in all, and of uncovering, simply where and in all again, Africa, is simply said to lie/lay, and in speak too of what an African Civilization, could truly refer to, and in now saying that, it all does appear, to speak and of the very world of the Italian Short Story, and if not in speak too, and of Italian Music, and as said Contemporary, or Popular too that is.