of Discernment.

This entry and on what is too said Discernment, can too be said paramount, and in speak and of the said even reason that this said Blog, would too be said even impactful, and in said regard and to speak, and of 'things and as they are', and if not of what is said to matter, and of why and in all 'it' would too be said to in all too matter, and in best said regard, and to what too is in all said Innate that is. That what can in all be said and about the Innate, is speak too, and of all there is said to be, and in said even regard, and to a said even earlier posting and on this Blog, and to one too said Victor Okello too that is, or as said Vic. too, and that did too associate talk of this very Blog, and with a said even Dream Psychology [
Link] that is, and that would too simply refer, and to what is said the Capture that is. That it is what is said the Capture, that is too believed said to speak and of all there is, and as said too the Innate that is, and in said too regard now, and to the very reason why this Bog, would too be said to be in all even as said Impactful that is.
That in truly understanding what Discernment can too be in all even be simply said to be, now is to in all even speak and of what is said even Prime, Pivotal, and if not as said Pertinent too, and in probable said regard too, and to what the Innate in itself is in all even said to be, and with it as said in all even, presenting to any of us that is, the said even troubling picture, and of what too is said even Playful that is. That in the said understanding and of what is been said here, now is to speak and of what is said Play, and as probably said too here as said perceived and as said Idea too, and if not as said Concept too, and that would too be said to speak and of what is said Capture, and as said even to speak, and of what is said Drift, Shift, and if not of the said too Sift that is. Words too, and in said Capture too that is, and that would in all even speak, and of the said even Playful that is, but that in all again, what we are trying to in all even say here is that, many a said thing, can too be said to in all even have in all too changed, and with the said even Times that is, said too Ancient, and as said even now simply perceived, and from talk and of what is said Place in itself that is. That in speak and of the World and as it is, and as said even perceived from talk too, and of History in itself, and as said too perceived from talk and of a said Place or Time and in History too, or of History and in said Capture too, we can too now say it all even to refer, and to what is said Innate, and if not as probably said too Prime, Pivotal and if not as said Pertinent too, for it all too can too be said to in all even now speak, and of the very said names too, Egyptian, and of Ramesses, Thebes, and of Amarna too, and as said even now to in all even Capture, what is said 'Islamic', what is said 'Western', and if not of what is said too 'African' that is, and about the World and as it is today, and as said in all even respectively that is.
In saying that, the above in all even said, and from speak too and of the said even Social Historian too that is, and if not of what is said too Capture, and as said even to speak and of a said too Dream Psychology that is, and in said regard to what is said too Innate, and as probably best too said even Reality in itself that is, we can too now and in all even claim Discernment, to be in all even said of pivotal significance or importance too, and in speak now and of what is said even American History that is, and of it and as said even to speak, and of America's said even connection in all, and to the said rest of the World that is, but as probably best said now to speak, and of the said even Founding Fathers that is, and in said even American History, and as probably said to in all even now refer, and to the said even phrasing and of 'the Rights of Man', and as said too a work, and by one said Thomas Paine too that is. Discernment too, and that would too and in all even associate, speak and of what was said Freemasonry, and with talk too and of the very said life of Jesus that is, and as said in all even now to best refer, and to what is in all even said Innate, and in said Capture too that is.
In now too claiming that, speak and of what is said Discernment, has in all too come to be in all even said associated that is, and with talk and of what is said too Domination that is, and in speak and of life and on this very Earth too, now is to in all even attempt to in all too, associate this very Blog, and with a said Discernment that is, and that would too speak and of the following said three: Direction, Display, Distance.
That it all too, does probably speak, and of what Capture is in all even said to be, and as said too Innate that is, and in said speak too now, and of the very said even reason, and of why things are in all even said to matter, and in said regard now, and to the very said even reason, and why we do in all even seek to in all do it can best be said, and in the said here doing of anything that is. That what can be pointed out here is that, Discernment, is well known out there and in the said rest of the World, and that it too can be said that, in said regard to speak, and of the said even Western Powers that is, speak and of Discernment and of Italy, does too speak and of what is said Argument, speak and of Discernment and of what is said Germany, can too be said even Enlightenment, but in speak and of Discernment, and of Russia, does too speak and of what is said Judgment that is.
In saying that, Discernment does too speak and of Kenya or of East Africa too, and as said even developing, and from a said too Bottoms-Up approach that is, now is to in all even speak and of why and in all Kenya or East Africa too, should too have to it, its very own said manner in all, and of what is said Discernment that is, and in said even regard to what is said Domination, and of the said too adopting and of the said Views that is and of others for instance, and if not in said regard to speak, and of Kenya or East Africa too, and as said Place, and in said regard and to speak too and of a World today and as said even 'Mapped out', 'Charted out', and if not as said 'Traced out' too that is. That in many a way, it all does too refer and to the said even Politics of Domination that is.
That in speak and of those in Counter 'Nairo', and if not as said in Kenya or East Africa too, and as said even attempting to in all even find their said Place, and in this very World we do live in today that is, we can too for instance be said even to in all even associate such talk and of what is said Discernment, and with talk too and of the said even Alternate for instance. That it all too Discernment, can too be said even to speak and of what is said Weight, what is said Weighted and if not of the said Weighing too, and of the said even now Deadweight too for instance. In said regard to speak and of Discernment, and as said to in all even speak and of Africa, now is to and in all even speak and of the said even Place or Position and that Nigeria does too hold, and in said regard to what is said African, or in said regard to speak and of things and as said too African, and in said regard now, and to speak and of what is said 'Iwa Pele' for instance, and in the said even Yoruba Ifa tradition too that is, and of the said even Nigerian Title and of the Alaafin too for instance, and that would too ask and of one to in all even perceive life, and from what is said Task, and as said all there is to life too, and in speak of the said even moment that is, said too passing, and when it all is said too perceived, and from talk and of what is said 'Iwa Pele' that is.
In said regard to speak, and of what is too said to speak, and of a said even African Intellect, and in said regard to what is said Discernment, speak too now and of what is said Philanthropy for instance, and of what is too said to speak and Kenya's and if not of East Africa's said Colonial past too that is. That Discernment does too speak and of one of the said even better manners in all, and of perceiving Time in itself, and from said speak too, and of the said even 'Passage of Time' that is, and if not of what is said to speak, and of what too is said Divination for instance, and if not as said Prediction and Forecasting too, and as said even referred to, and on this very said Blog too, and if not of what too is said Identification/Recognition that is, and on this said Blog too, and that would too now and in all even refer, and to what too does speak and of the said even 'Passage of Time' that is, and as said too best tracked now, and from speak too and of the said even Persian Gulf too for instance, and in the said even Middle East too that is. In many a way too, what is said Vocal, and in said even regard, and to what is said too an Idea, does too speak and of what is said Discernment that is, and as said too now to speak, and of the said even 'Passage of Time' that is.
In too saying that, that in speak and of the Church in East Africa, and as often best said too Kanisa that is, and of the said even role it does too in all play, and in speak and of what is too said Discernment, and in said society too, now is to and in all even speak and of what is too said the African Imagination in itself, and of the said even place and of the Church in East Africa too, and in a said too Colonial Kenya or East Africa that is, and from said even speak and of what are said Church terms too that is, and if not of the said even Language of the Church too, and of what too now is said even to speak and of a said even African Character that is, and as probably said too Innate, and if not of what too is said Method in itself that is, and in said probable regard, and to speak too, and of the said even Hero's Journey for instance.
In said regard now, and to speak and of Discernment, and of the said even problems in all, and that Kenya or East Africa do in all even face today, we too can be said to in all even speak and of the said even Psychology and of Attachment too that is, and that would too be said even defining in all, and of Africa, and during its said even Colonial Period that is, and in said regard to speak and of a said here Pre-Colonial Africa too, and whereby and in all, Discernment, was too said to speak and of what is in all said a Bond that is, but that in all again, Discernment, and in Kenya or East Africa today, is too now said to in all even best speak, and of what is said a Link, and if not of what is said Coded too that is.
In the said even closing, and on all this said, now is to in all even speak, and of Discernment, and as simply in all even said Might in itself, and in said regard, and to what is in all even said a View in itself too that is.