Saturday, October 22, 2016





This entry, can too be said even, to only speak of one said thing: the Task. That it all too, does in all even refer, and to the very fact that, History in itself, has too, been said perceived, and from talk and of what is said Ritual, but that in speak now and of said even, more recent Times, we can too and in all be said, to in all even perceive, History, and from talk, of what is said the Task in itself that is.

That in asking, what is in all even said Task, we can too now be said even, to associate it all, and with speak too, and of what is said Assembly, and if not of what is said Congregation too that is.

In saying that, there is more to what is said Task, now is to and in all even, refer, and to what was said to speak of what was termed 'Iwa Pele' [Link], or of what is said Good Character too, and in a said too former posting that is, and on this very Blog, and that does too and in all even refer, and to what too, Task in itself, is said to be that is.

That in speak and of what is said Task, now is to throw in the very said term of Order that is, and as said even now to refer, and to what some have termed '-Isms' [Link] that is, and if not as said too, and to speak, and of the very said too, term, Kenyan, and of Uhuru that is.

That in speak of what is said Task, and in said regard now, and to what is said too Conduct that is, now is to probably and in all, refer, or correlate it all, and to speak, and of what is said Commercialism that is.

That in speak and of what is said Task, and in said regard too, and to what is said even Ceremony, now is to and in all probably refer, or correlate it all, and to speak, and of what is said Behaviourism that is.

That in speak and of what is said Task, and in said regard now, and to what is said too Function, now is to in all even probably, refer, or correlate it all, and to what too is said Nationalism that is.

That in speak and of what is said Task, and in said regard now, and to what too is said Procedure, now is to in all even probably refer, and to what too is said 'the Task at hand', and if not of what is said too Historicism that is.

That in speak and of what is said Task, and in said regard too, and to what is said Activity, now is to in all even probably, refer, or correlate it all, and to what too, is said even Monetarism that is.

In all and again, and in now finalizing on all this, the Task, and in itself, and in said regard and to speak of this very Blog, or of Kenya today too, now said even to speak, or refer to, and to what is said even the Summit [Link] in itself that is.

Uhuru Highway:

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Koran

The Koran.

This very entry, does very much have to do, and with what is said Tabulation that is. That when most do in all even believe, life, and in itself, to be in all even said Frustrating, or said even to be filled and with Frustration, we are in all even referring, and to the very said manner in all, we do in all even keep an account of life, and as said even leading, and to talk and of what is said Tabulation in itself too that is. That in speak of Tabulation, we are too said even referring, and to the very said term too, and of Result that is, and of the very best of said manners in all, and of forecasting, or even predicting, such said Result that is. That in speak and of the World and as it is said today, speak too, and of Tabulation, and as said even perceived, and from talk, and of what is said a Physical Mechanism, and of what too, is said even to speak, and of Use, Usability, and of Usage too that is.

That in speak now, and of what Tabulation in itself, is actually said to be, speak now, and of what is simply said Count, and of what is simply said Measure, and if not of what is now simply said a Tab that is. In many a way, and in now referring and to the very best of manners in all, and of perceiving what is said Result, and away and from what is said Frustration in itself too, now is to speak, and of a said World too that is, African, and that does too and in all even perceive, Tabulation, and from talk and of the following said:

1. African Music
2. African Poetry
3. African Cooking
4. of Meteorology and Climatology
5. of Paleontology
6. of Zoology  

Saturday, October 1, 2016



When one does in all even think, and of the said even best of manners in all, and of improving the said lives of Kenyans, and from what does too speak and of Normality in itself, then one can't help but think of what Endorsements are said to be, and as said even now, and to speak too, and of Government in Kenya that is.