Monday, February 29, 2016



When we so speak of the said term of 'Igbodu', we are in all even referring, and to the said Mapping, Charting, and even Tracing, and of the Earth, and from a said even Geographical perspective, and not that said Terrestrial truly either. That speak of 'Igbodu', does in all even lead, and to speak, and of what some do in all even label or call, a Sacred Site that is. That 'Igbodu', does speak and of the Earth, and as now too said, not Mapped, or Charted, or even Traced in all, and in speak of region, or locale too, but in all again, it said even, narrowing down in all, and to speak and of the Site in itself.

That in the attempt to in all, understand in all again, or clear up too, what 'Igbodu', is actually said to be, is to now associate it all, and with speak and of the said rise of European Civilization, and away from speak of Italy, and of the Celts too, and onwards truly, and to speak of Ancient Britain that is. That 'Igbodu', now too is said to speak, and of Ritual in itself, and of a said Sacred Site too, but in said speak too of Ancient Britain, it all too does lead, and to the said rise even, and of European Communications, and Communications too, that could too be said to speak of Shakespeare, and in said comparison and to those Communications, European, and that could too be said to speak of the very term of Development, and of Architecture in Europe too, and of Italy and the Celts, and if not of the very name of Middleton too that is.

In saying that, some do in all even claim, or state that, 'Igbodu', can truly be said a Sacred Grove, is to now too, say it all even, a Site, or Place, and that is often perceived, and in speak of Energies, or of Energy in Flux, and in said speak too now, and of what Awareness in itself, is actually said to be.

In furtherly saying that, there are those who do associate speak of 'Igbodu', and with speak too of finding Balance, is to not only speak fartherly, and of Initiation in itself too, but that in all again, such said Balance, is too said to speak, and of the said Male and Female principle that is. Something, probably best understood, and with associating, what one can term, the said Female Energies in all, and with the Earth in itself, and in speak too of Deity, but in speak of 'Igbodu', it all now said even, to speak and of the Male and Female Energies, and within ones said Bodies too. In understanding all this much better, and from a said even Political stance too, and if not in speak too of the Conceptual, is to now too say that, the Feminine, or said even Female Energies, do in all even speak, and of what Commonalism/Mutualism, are said to be, or of what Systems/Networks too, are too said to be, and if not of Hierarchies/Bodies too, and with the Male, or Male Energies, simply said Concept, or said too Idea that is, and in speak now and of associating, 'Igbodu', and with a said even Place truly, and if not in said speak too of Space, Context, or Setting that is.

That in questioning now, and if, or if not, 'Igbodu', is actually said to be real, or not, is to now, not only ponder, what is actually said real, and what is not, and in now associating the real in itself, and with speak too of Normalcy that is, and of 'Igbodu', speak now truly, and of Imagination in itself that is. That in all, 'Igbodu', is not said to speak, and of Practise, and as most would truly believe, but in all again, speak truly now, and of Practice that is.

In claiming that, 'Igbodu', might very well be perceived, and from speak of the Metaphysical, is to now associate speak of the Human, and with speak and of the often termed Human Condition, and as best said, a Spiritual Condition too, and of the Human now, simply said perceived, and in speak of Denial in itself, and as said even Constant, and if not said too referring, and to speak of Narcissism in itself too. That most out there, do in all even readily, associate the Human, and with speak and of the Will in itself, Human, and if not of Willpower too, but it can best be said that, the Human, is actually believed best said Pangs that is, and of life in itself now, said even best perceived, and from speak of Force, and as said too Physics, and if not of the Will now, said too best perceived, and from speak too of 'Igbodu', and if not as simply said, the Will that is, Drive, Appetite or Urge too [and in further speak now, and of what too, an Undercurrent, is simply said to be].

Thursday, February 25, 2016

"Kingdoms of Hope"

"Kingdoms of Hope".

(African Kingdoms - Basil Davidson)

If it can be said, that for many today, life, and as said having any value, or meaning to it too, does in all even speak, and of one too, and as said even defined, or described too perhaps, and in speak and of what the Singular, the Distinct, and if not of the Unique too, are in all even said to symbolize, or embody too that is, and if not of the Distinguished too, and as said here even, referring, and to the said Modern History of the United States of America, and as often termed too, this Modern History that is, a Peoples History of the United States of America that is, Africa on the otherhand, does in all even struggle, and of its said peoples too that is, and in defining itself in all, and in speak too and of what the Sole, or the Solitary too, are in all even said to be, or said too, all about that is.

When we do talk here, and of 'Kingdoms of Hope', we are too referring and to speak of Africa, and of its said Past, and of its said History too, and as probably said perceived and from speak, and of what it does in all, mean to be Human, and if not of what the Humane, does in all even stand for, or represent for that is. That it all too, and in speak and of the Image/Word that is, speak and of 'the African', and as said even perceived, and from speak too and of what Desexualization, Dehumanization, and if not Deconstruction too, are in all even said to be all about, and from speak too, and of Perceptions, and of what Power in itself is said to be that is [or of Power too, and as said even Wielded that is].

That it all too, 'Kingdoms of Hope' that is, could be said to speak, and of the African Past, believed said too Ancient [and of an Ancient Africa, and that could too very well speak and of the very name of Ta-Seti that is], but it all too, does speak and of the African Memory in itself, and of African History too, and as probably said grounded in all, and in speak of the said African Ancestors that is [that in speak of Masks & Artefacts, African Masks, are believed said to speak of the Ancient, and African Artefact, of the African Memory truly].

That in speak too, and of why the 'Kingdoms of Hope', and of Africa too, are in all even said to be of interest, is to now too say that, it does speak and of those, and who do in all even believe, societies, organized in all, and in speak too, and of what Complexity Theory, and if not Chaos Theory too, are in all even said to be all about, and if not of what Oracles too, are in all even said to be, is to now too speak and of those, and who do believe life in itself said limited in all, and in regard and to speak truly of Institution, and if not of Systems too that is.

In all, while it can be said that, the very said aim of many a said society outside Africa, does in all even speak and of what a Social Fabric / Social Cohesion, are in all even said to be, and in regard and to speak too and of the very said term, Yoruba, of Elenini that is, it does on the otherhand speak too and of an African life, and as said too perceived, and from speak and of what a said 'Mission in life', is said all about, and in speak too of a World today, often said having a large population to it, and of African Spirituality too, said even housing the very keys, or answers too, and to just how in all, to best account, and for the life of every single Human, said living on this Earth today that is.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Mr. Dave G

Mr. Dave G.

Dave, how goes it? A greeting Dave, you might recognize, and if you do know anything, and of Zimbabwe, and if not of White African culture too. Its been a long time, hasn't it? That, you might not be recognizing, and of whom is said writing here, but the very name of the University of Calgary it can be said, and of many a said Kenyan student there too, will in all help you realize, what the initials of A.W.G, are said to be all about. That it has been a long time, and that, there was a time, when they did in all greet you Dave, and by saying 'Sasa'?, and if not and of your probably too replying, 'Fit' that is. Since then, many a thing has changed, and they probably now do say, 'Mr. Gachuche, How do you do?', or something along such lines Dave.

The reason I am writing Dave, and Honestly said too, has to do, and with what can be said termed here, the African Condition. That the African Condition, could too be said, a rather interesting, and if not said novel too, manner, and of viewing Africa, and its said problems. That you would travel all the way to Canada, to the University of Calgary, and in Calgary, Alberta too, and in the name of some said Soul-searching too perhaps, and in the probable attempt, to better yourself, and not Africa truly either.  I say this, because, you would in all even go ahead, and study Geomatics Engineering, and, at that time probably, 1995, no one in Africa, did actually know what Geomatics was, but, it probably did make for all the Sense it can be said, for that too, Sense, is what the African Condition, is simply said to be all about. That for many, when attempting to solve Africa's said problems, the very said term of Paradigm, said something too Symbolic that is, does often pop up, or come up too perhaps, and in speak too of Africa, and as said having better Leaders to it, and in speak of the said future too, but that in all again, most don't truly know, what to think of Africa, and when does in all even come to speak, and of Sense in itself.

What though, does speak and of the African Condition, truly entail? It can be said, to in all even speak, and of what some do term the Human Condition, and if not of the Human, and as said too, in a said even, state of Paralysis in itself, and if not that said too crippled, or lame, and in regard, and to speak, and of what Vision in all, is said to be. That the Africa Condition, is now too said a Medical Condition, a Physical Condition, and if not a Spiritual Condition too, and that could too parallel, what, Autism, Aspergers Disease, Epilepsy, or even ADHD, are in all even said to be all about. That the African Condition, and as probably simply said Medical in its ways too, is believed something said treatable, and from the said perspective and in the very least, and from what ADHD, or ADD too, is simply said to be. A said even, lethargic condition, and whereby one does in all even lose interest, and in life in itself, and if not oneself too, and from a said even basic speak, and of what does speak of the African Soul, and as said described by some, a Dark or Black Soul too, and if not in speak, and of what the African Imagination is said to be all about, and in speak too and of the defining of the Self/self too that is.

How best to view Africa though? You would Dave, after your studies in Calgary, do what most believe was unexpected, or unbelievable too, and by returning to your said native Kenya, and in a said even, bid, to in all save Kenya's said dying or dwindling Elephant population, and in probable speak too, and of what does pass for Priority, and in Africa today too that is. That it probably does in all even tackle, the said view, and of Africa, and that does too speak and of the said even Wretched of the Earth, and if not in speak and Africa, and as said the Dark Continent too. That the latter, does too speak and of Africa in Ignorance, and of the former, the Wretched of the Earth, of Africa, and as said too now Impoverished that is.

Your said attempts, and in saving Kenya's said dwindling Elephant population, did probably pay off, but, surprisingly, and to some, or many too, for your are more popular, than you probably do believe you are Dave, and who did in all seek to follow in your footsteps, doubt and betrayal, creeping in their minds, and when you did in all do the unexpected, and in your apparent return, and to Canada, and in your said even finding, a said too perhaps, plum job too that is. How could this be? Something many who did probably too think, 'Yeah!, Kenya is cool you know', and in their said truly pondering now, their return to Kenya too, and in speak too now perhaps, and of what too, an African Worldview, is said to be all about. That the African Worldview for many, is too simply said British, and in speak too, and of what, African Militarism is said to be all about, and if not of the very manner in all, Africans, do perceive, what can too be termed, Metric, Grading, and if not Matriculation too that is. That in understanding all this better, the very belief that, the African Condition, does too speak and of the said search, and for the said Primordial African too, and if not of the very name of Cheops, or said Khufu too, and in speak and of the said search too, and for the African Soul in itself, and of Christianity in Africa today, and if not of the African Self/self too, and of the said origins, and of what some do term, an African Identity, and as often said equated, and to speak too of the very term of Vassal, and if not of Slave too that is. That for many another person, said African, the African Condition, now too said equated, and to speak and of the attempt to in all even, define Africa, and in speak of Appraisal, Praise, and if not of Adjudgment too, and if in speak too and of African Identity, and as simply said to speak too of the Martyr that is. For others, the African Condition, now said too equated in all, and to speak of the African Hero, and if not of African definitions, and of Confidence, Esteem, and if not Laudability too that is.

That the African Condition, does in all even differ, and from speak and of what too, African Identity, is said to be, and in speak too and of most of the Contents of this Blog, for the latter, African Identity, is too simply said to speak of Africa, and in Name in itself too, and if not of many a slur too it all too that is. That the African Condition, can too be said to speak, and of what African Taste in itself, is said to be [and if not of Africa, and as often said presumed, and as said having to it, no said real, Material culture that is]. That in speak and of Africa and in Name Dave, and if not of African Identity too, speak now and of what African Blood is said to be, of African Genius or Gene too, and if not of African Relations, African Organization, or even of what African Health in itself, is too said to be. That in speak of the African Condition on the otherhand, and of a said African Taste too, speak too even, and of what does constitute and for Language in Africa, ancient and modern, and as said even defining Africa in all, and in speak too of Style, Cool and even Heat probably (and of Egypt too, and as said now perceived and from speak of Texture, Aestheticism, and if not Cosmetology too), and if not in further speak too, and of what, It, is said to be, and as probably said even defining African speech, and in speak of the Extricate, and if not of the Intricate too that is.

That what too can be said Dave, is that, the African Condition, and as said too equated, and to the attempt in all, to define, a said even authentic/genuine African Taste, now does too speak of Religion in itself, Worldwide too, and as said even perceived and from speak and of what Taste is said to be, and if not in speak too of God, Man, and of Angels too, but in speak of Africa now, the said problematic stance, and of defining African Taste, and as probably said too, and to speak of, and of what even Ori, Obi and if not Oriki too, are in all even said to be. That the African Condition, does too have a said even Time Component to it all, and that is too said, to speak, and of what the African Past, is said to be all about, and if not of Africa, and in Opinion/Belief too, and in said comparison, and to speak of African Identity, and of Africa in Name too, and of what African History in itself, is said to be, and if not of the very said term, Yoruba too, and of Imoye (Link) too that is. In said finality too Dave, the African Condition, said too to speak, and of the very term of Heritage that is, and if not of Celebration in itself, for speak of African Identity, and of Africa in Name too, speak now and of the African Memory in itself, and if not as said too bordering along speak of Sense too that is, and of what they do term African Ancestor Worship, African Ancestor Veneration, and if not of what an African Consciousness, and of the Egungun, is too said to be all about.

In all Dave, the African Condition, probably said even having a Metaphysical side to it all, and that does too speak and of many a said even Exegesis, and as said to speak to Alchemy in itself too, and of what spirit and matter, are in all even said to be, or of what, light and matter, are in all even said to be all about, and in said comparison and to speak and of African Identity, and of this very Blog too, and of Africa in Name too that is, and of what many a said Theorem/Theory, Model or Abstract too, are in all even said all about, and in speak too of Africa, and as often said too perceived, and in speak of Bondage, Slavery or Imprisonment too, and if not of, the Immaterial (Link) in itself that is.

In all, the African Condition, probably said best perceived, and as said even a better manner in all, and of tackling, or defining too, Africa's said problems that is, and in said comparison, and to the said defining of African Identity in itself, and as said too Construct, and if not in dealing, and with the often said even, Negative Image, and that does too speak, and of Africa in Name that is.


A.W. Gicheru.

the African Condition.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Science & Nature Documentaries

Science & Nature Documentaries.

[Evolution of Skin]

[Evolution of Man]

[Evolution of Sex]


African Hair.

This entry, can be said a third, and if not said too final in its ways, and in regard, and to the said subject matter in all, and that does too encompass, speak, and of the Skins (Link), and Masks (Link) entries that is. That it all too, does now attempt, to speak, and on the very question of Hair it can best be said, and as said too, truly defining, and of the African Persona that is. And Persona too, not believed said to speak truly of African Gods, or of an African Cognition for instance, but could be said to speak, and of what they do term the Human Condition, and if not as said a Spiritual Condition too, or in speak too, and of Africans, and in Adaptation too that is. That in understanding all this much better, is to now associate said African Identity, and with speak too and of what some do term Spiritual Sickness/Illness, and as said too perhaps, to speak too, and of what some do term Ukimwi (Link) for instance, and if not of Aids, and as said Condition too that is. That Africa, is said two things, Ukimwi, and Aids, and that Ukimwi, does actually differ from Aids, in that, Ukimwi, does actually speak and of Adaptation to Africa in itself, and the failure to do as such, and in a Virus ridden Africa for instance, while Aids, is too said Condition, and that does too speak and of the Human Condition, and if not of the Spiritual Condition too. That Ukimwi, does too speak and of those simply said harbouring a said Hatred, and for things said African, and if not of one and as said too African, but that Aids and as said Condition, now does too ask of us, to simply Posit, what life has to offer, and in speak too and of what does speak of Paralysis for instance, and if not not of Impotence truly, and in speak too of Ukimwi that is.

In saying that, there is more to all this, is to first off, speak, and of both Bik (Link), Vic (Link), and if not of Pat. (Link) too, and as probably said unaware, and of the very fact that, the Human Condition, does not afflict, all said Africans, for Africa in all, is actually defined, and by speak and of Ukimwi, and that disastrously enough, and despite the said views of Carl Jung for instance, when most do in all say that, the World, is said too African, and in an encompassing manner that is, they are in all even actually speaking and of Ukimwi that is, and not of the Human Condition truly either. That in understanding all this better, is to now too attempt, and to throw in, speak, and of what an African Consciousness, is said to be, and one too, said encompassing, speak too of Egypt that is, and that does in all even actually speak of Ukimwi in itself, and not of the Human Condition truly either, and which too, is often associated, and with that Church, said Coptic that is. That it all too, does lead, and to speak and of what African Hair, is said to be all about, for it does in all even encompass, speak of African Hair that is, what an African Consciousness, is said to be, and in furtherly saying that, it all too, does lead, and to speak and of Religious Imagery, and as to be seen in all, and in the Egyptian Coptic Church that is.

In having said the above, and of a said African Consciousness, and that does too encompass speak and of African Hair too, is to now too posit in all, the very said manner that is, that Africa, does differ, and from the rest of the World that is. That in speak of an African Consciousness, and of Europe and Africa, speak and of the European World, and as said too having its origins, and in speak of Superstition, but of Africa, it said actually grounded, and in speak of Atheism in itself that is. That in speak and of Africa and the Middle East, Africa, and in Philosophy too, now said to speak and of what they do term Centrism (Egyptocentrism, Afrocentrism, Egocentrism etc.), but with the Middle East, having Philosophy to it, and that does too speak and of Islam in itself that is. In speak and of Africa and Asia too, speak now and of Asians, and in speak too and of a said Physical Identity, and that does too speak and of what Asian Blood is in all said to be, and if not in speak too of Virility in itself it can best be said here, and in said comparison, and to speak and of Africa, and of what they do term Mimicry, and as said to speak and of Adaptation and in Africa for instance. In speak and of Africa, and South America too, and of what an African Consciousness is said to be all about, speak now, and of the very said term of Fantasy that is, and which is too said even, a Psychological condition, and one too, and that does speak and of those said Mentally Ill, and in their inability, to separate Fantasy, and from Reality that is. That this separation, does actually exist and does speak, and of what African Myth, and South American Myth too, are in all even said to be, for it is Myth too, and that does allow for one, to simply know, what is believed said Real, and what is believed said Fantasy that is. That in speak of Northern America, and of Africa too, and of a said African Consciousness, surprisingly enough, speak now, and of what Ritual in itself, is said to be, and in said comparison, and to speak and of History in itself that is, African versus American, for what one could too term an American Consciousness, and vis-a-vis that said African too, now does speak and of Ritual in itself, and if not of Religion in the United States of America, said differing in its ways in all, and in a similar manner to that said too African, and in regard, and to speak and of Ritualistic practises that is. In speak though, and of Egypt and Africa, and in regard and to speak and of an African Consciousness, speak now too, and of just what in all, does encompass speak and of 'the African self', and as said too, to speak, and of the African Warrior for instance, and of Osiris too, and if not of the very name of 'Jesus Christ' too that is.

In having said the above, is to now wind it all up, and by associating speak of Hair, and as now too simply termed Human Hair that is, and with speak too, and of what does too pass for, and for the Human, and in Image too that is. That it all too, does speak, and of what Skin Tones, and Facial Looks too, are in all even said to be all about, and in now too telling Vic., Bik, and if not Pat. too, that, their said definitions and of what it means to be Human, and in Image too, does probably speak and of the said Swahili term of Binadamu (Link) that is, and in now referring, and to speak and of what has been believed said to speak of the Human, and in Image too, and in many a said Historical Context too that is, and that does in all even associate those said White, and with speak and of what it does truly mean to be Human (and in Pain, and Suffering too), while those said Brown, do struggle with issues, or matters in all, and that do deal and with speak of the Humane, while those said Black, finding many a difficulty, and in expressing themselves in all, and in speak too perhaps, and of what too, Humankind, is probably said to be all about. In all, all this too, does differ, and from the World and as it is today, and as said too Western, or Modern too, and its said failure in all, and in defining for most, what the Human Experience, is said to be all about, but with it all too said today, to approximate in all, speak, and of what too a Humanoid, is actually said to be.

Thursday, February 4, 2016



This entry, can too be said, a follow-through, and to that on Skins [Link]. It in all even will attempt, to in all even tackle, what too, does speak and of African Relations, and if not of the African State too. It in many a way too, does too attempt, to speak, and on what does in all even pass for, or serve for, and for Africanized Identity, and as said too Socialized, or Politicized, and if not Biological too that is.

Than in saying that, African Identity and as said too Socialized, and if not as said to speak of African Relations that is, can too be said perceived in all, and from speak of Name, Health, and if not History in itself too. That in speak of African Identity, and as said to speak of Name, and if not Human, and African, Relations that is, we are now too, speaking of that Identity, and that is said to equal, speak of Italy, Egypt and Africa too. That in speak of African Identity, and as said to speak of Health, and if not of African Relations too, speak now too, and of that said Identity, and that is said to match, speak and of Egypt, and Africa too. That in speak of African Identity, and that is too said to parallel, speak of Egypt, Greece, Italy and Africa, speak now and of African Relations, and as said too Socialized, and as said too now and to speak, and of Africa in History that is.

That in saying that, African Identity, and as said now Politicized, and in speak too of the African State, now does too speak and of the World, and as perceived, and from speak and of what does speak of the White World, the Western World, the European World, and if not of Egypt, and in World History too that is. That in speak of the White World, speak now and of African Identity, Politicized, and as simply said to speak and of Perception in itself, and if not of Interpretation too. That in speak of the Western World, African Identity, and as now too said perceived, scrutinized that is, and from the very said Lens, and of Language, Cultural Artefact, and if not Lifestyles too that is. That in speak of the European World and of African Identity, and as said too Politicized, speak now of it all and as said perceived, and from speak of Classification, Category, or of Place too in itself that is. In speak and of Egypt, and in World History too, speak now and of African Identity, Politicized too, and as said even recognized, or identified too, and from speak and of what Egyptocentrism, Eurocentrism, Afrocentrism, and if not of Mediacentrism too, are in all even said to be all about. 

In finality, the above, does truly speak and of Africa, and as said Continent (and of African Identity and as said too Biological), and in said comparison and to that African Identity, said Continental (Socialized), or Diasporic (Politicized) too that is.