Monday, November 30, 2015



In the said light, and of many a post, two exactly, and on Street Fashion (Link), is to now too, claim that, it is Stockholm, that can be said, to be at the very tops, and of the Street Fashion world, and not London truly either, but with Montreal, said coming in, a close third that is.

Mark Ronson ~ Uptown Funk

Mark Ronson ~ Uptown Funk.


Lock Mechanisms

Lock Mechanisms:

This entry, will attempt to present Kenya, and from speak, and of what A Sweeping View, is said to be. That such a View, now too, does explain, just why, Kenyan streets or roads too, are believed said littered, and with Garbage in itself that is. 

That it all now, and alongside speak of a (Jigsaw) Puzzle that is, now does ask of one, to in all even have to one, a Complete, Whole or Total Image, and of Kenya, and in the attempt, and in understanding, its said myriad of problems that is, and in said comparison, and to speak and of the multitude too. That someone, can too be said responsible, and for derailing the said Democratic process in Kenya, and in speak too now, and of the said deteriorating conditions, and in regards and to speak too, and of the Kenyan way of life, and as to be seen all over Kenya that is [and as said having to do, and with speak of Regulation in itself, and as versus speak of Rule in itself too that is]. 

That in speak of Kenya, and from the above said, is to now too, ask of one, and of the very manner in all, they do perceive, Blockage, and if not speak too of the Blinding, and in regard, and to what too, does pass for the Complete, the Whole, or the Total too that is. That such Blockage, is said responsible, and for many a Health Condition, simply said here too termed Asthma, but that in speak of the Blinding, and of what does pass for the Complete, the Whole, and the Total too, speak too now, and of the said impact of Media, and on one, and in Kenya today too that is. 

That Kenya too, does face a problem, and in regard, and to speak now, and of what does pass for Swahili Identity in Kenya, and in said regard here, simply too, and to what does pass for the Complete, the Whole, and the Total too, and in Image, or Identity, and in Kenya that is. That Swahili people, are said Kenyan, and not Kenyan, could be Southern African (Azanian) too, but that in all again, what is too be said now, is that, Swahili Identity, and in said comparison, and to that said Kenyan, is not believed said grounded and in speak and of Nationality for instance, but in speak now though, and of what they do term, a Politic (and of Swahili Communications too), and Communications in all, Swahili, and as said defined by the Politic (Politicized Identity), and as said an Identity too that is, whose ways in all, do speak, and of the Zanzibar War for Independence (1964), Kenya’s Colonial Period Unrest (and of the building of the Jamia mosque too), the Somali Civil War [and of Mogadishu and as said a former Swahili city-state too], the American Incursion into Mogadishu/Somalia (1993), the Mozambique War of Independence, Azanian Independence etc., and such that, it is this said Identity, Swahili, and as said a Politic too, and if not one said Sea-faring too that is, and that is believed said problematic, and in regard, and to the said attempt and in creating a Kenya, and that is simply said lacking, and as said Complete, Whole, or Total too that is.

In finality though, a call and to a return to the past here, and in now asking of many a Kenyan, and of the said belief here and that does say, Kenyans in all, might be said understanding, and of what Beauty, Perfection, and if not Divinity in itself too, are said to be, and as said too redefined, and in speak now, and of what does pass for the Moment in itself, and in Kenya today too that is.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Picasso Baby

Picasso Baby.

In referring and to speak, and of the said Contents of this Blog, and of many another, and by the Blogger too, is to now too say that, it all even can be perceived, and from speak and of Concept that is. That this very Blog, and many another by the Blogger too (and if not in speak of all them), is said too grounded in all, and in speak of Concept, and not Idea truly either. That Picasso Baby, and by Jay-Z too, does in all even speak and of Expression itself, and as said grounded in all, and in speak and of Concept that is. In now too saying that, such Expression in all, Picasso Baby, does too speak and of Hip-Hop that is, and not Rap Music truly either, is to now too claim that, Hip-Hop, is in all even believed said a maligned form of Expression, and in the United States of America that is, but that in all again, this very Blog, does too owe its inspiration in all, and to many a said Piece of Art, and that can too be said maligned, and in basic speak here and of Popularity that is.


of Disbelief.

the very said belief that, Africa, can in all even be said truly Summed up, and in speak too and of, and of said Disbelief in itself too that is.

Monday, November 9, 2015

the Kite

the African Kite.

When we do in all, attempt to place Kenyan History, and in its said proper perspective, is to now too, speak in many a way, and of the very role that the Church, and in Kenya too, has in all played that is. That Nairobi, or in speak too of 'Nairo', and in History, and if not in Observation too, can too be said in all defined, and in speak of Repentance that is. That in speak too, and of Counter 'Nairo', and in regard and to all this, one does find it all too defined, and by speak and of what Penitence, is said to be. In Anti 'Nairo', speak too, and of what Penance, is said to be. For those in Durnham-Nairobi though (Link), and so to say, one does in all even find life, and as said defined, and by speak and of Atonement in itself too that is.

That the above said, does too speak and of the History of Kenya, and as said to speak, and of Nairobi in itself, and if not of the British Kipande system too. That what we are in all trying to say is that, what they do in all call/term, an Investment, and in Nairobi, or Kenya too, does appear to have to it, the said History of Nairobi, the Arch-Diocese of Nairobi, and as said made-out, and from what was said mentioned above, and in the above said paragraph too that is. In all, the Kite, and as said too a creature in all, and that is said too, and to have to it, characteristics, and of the Eagle, Falcon, and Hawk too that is, is said too now, and to in all even best, represent for, Kenya, and if not of Nairobi in particular too, and in regard and to what too, does best pass for Perspective, View, or Lens, and in a said (passing) moment too for instance, and in Nairobi too that is.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Star Times TV

Star Times TV.

Simply where Television, does too meet, the Internet in itself.